Let me introduce you to a new dead perk joining the Fog!

It's Invocation: Treacherous Crows!!
There is no doubt that this perk was designed by killers main ! I can smell it!
I'm surprised this perk hasn't received any changes at all, it's so weak , 60 seconds of doing nothing, injured and broken for the rest of the trial and all just to reveals the killer's aura to all the survivors for 2 pathetic seconds.
Oh I forgot, one of the survivors must be within the terror radius and the killer must scare a crow in order to reveal the killer's aura.
If you want to reveals the killer's aura, there are much better alternatives, some of which don't require doing anything, Sometimes, if survivors see your aura and the killer is chasing you, this is free information for everyone.
SWF can relay information about the whereabouts of the killers if they communicate without even needing aura Perks.
Personally, I find value in any perks and avoid using meta perks because it are pretty much a crutc, however this particular perk didn't really grab my attention. On the contrary, this perk was designed not to be used. This perk has a huge amount of flaws for one pathetic benefit.
The only thing that might stand out about this perk is that it reveals the killer aura to all survivors, but even with that just use Kindred.
The concept of perk was nice but it was ruined by flaws and we will have to wait 2 years to receive these perk buffs.
This is really sad, no one wants a completely dead perk.
They really need to give up on the broken for the rest of the match part of Invocations. Just make it 60 seconds broken and 10 seconds aura reveal to the Killer. Even then, it won’t hurt them to make Invocations stronger, not Made for This or old Dead Hard strong, but stronger than what they’re trying now.
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I wish they'd make the penalty Oblivious then buff the effects... there's so much more potential for Invocations if we don't limit it to broken...
Also Weaving Spiders should be changed to permanent exposed. That would be a cool buff, and benefits M1 killers over the generally stronger M2 killers. Sogo came up with a gem of a suggestion for that one.
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I like the idea of the perk. Winning the favour of the Crows at a cost.
But it’s got way too many downsides for the return, to the point of it being a net-negative.A shame.
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It doesn't even work on stealth killers because it requires the terror radius. Imagine equipping this perk and getting matched against Wraith or Ghostface.
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They had 3 entire weeks to fix this, but nothing apparently
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Sorry, but....
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Considering this perk was dead before it made it to the live version, yes there is evidence.🕵️
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- we are forgetting "Clean Break"... why use this perk when "solidarity" already exists and does its job 100 times better (and faster)??? I'm shocked that Devs completely forgot about "solidarity" when they invented "clean break"🤣
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I've been thinking about this since I saw that Treacherous Crows isn't getting changes, and I kinda came to a conclusion I didn't expect. Let me play devil's advocate for a moment here-
The problems with Treacherous Crows aren't really Treacherous Crows itself. There's a conversation to be had about the consistency of the killer being the one to startle crows, to be sure, but the base effect is very strong- passive aura reading on the killer for the whole team is a damn good effect for a perk.
Where the problems come in is the Invocation framework. There's been a lot of feedback - some valid, some less so - about how punishing and restrictive the requirements and downsides of Invocation perks are… and none of that was adjusted on this PTB. If BHVR were to act on the problems with Treacherous Crows in response to this PTB, they'd be throwing fundamental changes to a perk type onto live without testing, which will also affect Weaving Spiders, which wasn't something included in this PTB's patch notes.
I'm not saying BHVR do plan on testing Invocation changes soon. In fact, I'm pretty confident they aren't. But I would say that actually making positive changes to Treacherous Crows after it hit this PTB would require another PTB to be done properly.
Not to defend BHVR from putting it into a testing environment with the current Invocation framework, mind. This was a great opportunity to re-evaluate the Invocation perk type and that opportunity wasn't taken. I'm strictly talking about responding to feedback from this PTB in particular, here.
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Clean Break perk has some uses and is very useful in saving time and you can activate this perk after you heal the survivor, meaning you don't have to be injured to activate Clean Break and most importantly don't be affected by any effect that slows down healing.
This is my opinion on Clean Break perk.
At worst, Clean Break will still be useful in some way, but with Invocation: Treacherous Crows even at best, the downsides still outweigh the one benefit.
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Honestly, a lot that should have changed from the PTB, didn't.
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One thing I like about you is that you're realistic, and one thing about me is that I like to joke to get my point .
Overall, this doesn't give developers an excuse to kill and leave perks in the pit of oblivion to rot just because the effect is strong, I mean set reasonable limits and not limits that make the player reluctant to read the perk description.
Another problem is that there are no exceptions to the types of perks for survivors, if you haven't noticed they are very strict as the same rules and numbers will be used even at the cost of making the perk forgettable.
Result = wasted time and resources / and then later wasted time to fix or improve the same perk they were able to do from the beginning.
This my post is a shining example.
I'm not saying BHVR do plan on testing Invocation changes soon. In fact, I'm pretty confident they aren't.
The pain 😭
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The invocation - concept is flawed in general. I did not have high hopes for new perks in that category anyway. Sorry.
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It's a pre running perk so it can stay bad
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What amazes me more is that BHVR thought it would be a good idea to give Taurie a healing perk with this invocation.
I thought we learned our lesson w Sable
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Of course not. Unless what I think like others do is true that BHVR devs are all killer mains, for the ones that actually play their own game. It's just like how the Corrective action change last PTB was a huge surprise on its busted interaction to gen speed to them.
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I've said for awhile that alot of newer survivor perks are just killer perks in disguise lol there's a reason the top survivor perks consist mostly of older perks. Once upon a time we actually got perks to help, not hinder
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Also seems to be a new trend of "Slap Broken for 60 second to rest of match" on any survivor perc that could have some use.
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My prediction for 2025 survivor perk:
"Heal a survivor, unlock a chest, and invade a small island nation to hide your aura for 60 seconds. You will be Broken for the rest of the match."
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Wire tap does what this perk does but better and at not cost to the survivor but time, time still doing the main objective.
This invocation comes at to great a cost for too little value. Plus it's almost useless in chase because the survivor will disturb most crows before the killer can since the killer is following the survivor most of the time. It's poorly thought out and not worth running ever since so many other perks do it WAY better
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They were too worried about the anti-tunneling perk being too strong to think about this one being useless.
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This perk is even worse than Sable's Invocation.
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Maybe worse
Stand still for 100 seconds without taking any action and then gain 3% generator repair speed for 20 seconds.
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1% for each of the idle Crows you obtain
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I honestly think that this Perk is the new worst Perk in the game. Even worse than No Mither. With No Mither, I have the benefits without having to do anything, except for being broken (which is the same with the new Invocation-Perk, except that I need to spend 60 seconds in the Basement for this plus any time I travel to it).
And the benefits of No Mither are better than what this Perk provides. No Pools of Blood is nice, reduced grunts of Pain is also very nice. And from my experience, even getting yourself up works from time to time, even with the Killer knowing that you can pick yourself up.
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Solidarity is not the same, and doesn't do the same job better.
Clean Break does not require you to be injured in order to prepare it, making it much more consistently usable, and it effectively gives you 100%, instead of 70%. It does add, as a drawback, that Clean Break is interruptible.
That's not to say it didn't need a buff, since it definitely could easily have gotten away with a timer reduction, but Clean Break is, for a change, an actually decent survivor perk. And I would much prefer it over Solidarity.
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I'm running it with Calm Spirit and Eyes of Belmont. You can't stop me (and honestly it was really effective).
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That's frankly embarassing, survivors are not allowed to have good perks anymore and then they wonder why everyone always runs with the same 4-6 perks.
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I’m not running any invocation perks that make the trade off to be broken for the rest of the trial. It’s just not worth it to me. The weaving invocation was buffed yes but the payoff is still not worth it to me and this one even less so. And now with them nerfing the shoulder the burden perk I have zero reason to pay for the new survivor. I’m not running any of her perks.
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- do you realize that to get any value from one perk you have to use 2 more? this perk is frankly embarrassing... for me it's the worst "new perk" along with Deadline.
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That's your opinion, I won't even argue with you, my post here explains why this perk is so weak and completely fails to achieve its purpose.
You find it fun and useful, congratulations, but you should keep in mind that most players will not want to use 2 perks to support one perk.
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This perk is the real hard mod 😂.
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I assumed invocations would would like boons in the sense that all get applied at the same time, but after running weaving spiders and treacherous crows, I can confirm that is not the case.. They still take way too long especially with the whole being broken for the rest of the match sucks big time
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Maybe one day BHVR will introduce survivor instinct...NOT
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Yep, this perk is dead on arrival. Just trash in general. At best it is a meme perk to add an extra challenge for survivors who think the game is too easy or just want to add increased difficulty for themselves.
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so dead im equipping both invocations for the memes <3
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This perk is so weak and ain't worth the time to set it up and the perma broken for the rest of the match. Killer perk for sure. You can tell yhe devs are so scared to make a useful perk for survivors.
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IDK why you are surprised, both sides have about 8 good perks each to work with and every other perk is trash.