Is clean break a worse anti-hemorrhagic syringe?
So if I understand correctly isn’t clean break a 100% worse version of a syringe.
Syringe lets you heal yourself over the course of 16 seconds with no broken for “free” I say free because it’s a addon and not a perk like clean break
Clean break you have to heal someone which takes 16 seconds to activate (as much time it takes for a syringe to heal) then it takes 60 seconds to actually apply the heal while having broken.
Why would any survivor mains ever bring this. If survivors dump all there bloodpoints in their favorite character ( which often is the case ) they always have access to use a syringe every game. So why waste a perk slot if it can be an addon? Maybe if they want to bring a flashlight or a toolbox instead of a medkit but at that point is clean break even worth it if you can bring a toolbox Gen rush perk or flash light perk like champion of light.
Conspiracy theory: anti hemorrhage syringe will be nerfed to something else and this perk would fulfill its role
I don't think it's strictly worse. For one, if I remember the PTB correctly, you get an unlimited number of heals from it, you can charge the perk back up again after you've used it once.
Also, don't syringes take 24 seconds? It's affected by the penalty from the medkit that activates it. Still quicker, of course, but still.
It's a bit closer to Solidarity, which lets you reset with two injured survivors quicker than normal. The differences being, you don't need to also be injured when you charge Clean Break which makes it easier to use at different points of the match, and Clean Break allows you to skip any downtime for getting yourself healed since you can just be tapped and go on your way to do generators while you're being healed.
It's a niche perk, to be sure, but it does have some legitimate applications. It being repeatable makes it comparable to syringes alone, even not considering everything else.
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60 seconds seems a little too much. Maybe 30 or 40. I don’t think a addon should be a better alternative than a perk. Ik it could be used multiple times but realistically maybe you will use it 1-2 times a game. Niche perk it is
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It has its used. When you REALLY need the gen progress and cant afford 2 heals.
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short answer? Yes, it is a worst syringe.
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Why would any survivor mains ever bring this.
So they can bring a toolbox or flashlight instead.
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I hope syringes will be nerfed, it's insanely stupid this addon in this state for so long.
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I'd like to buff medkits before we do that. At least enough that they stop being all practically identical.
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Hell nah, last thing medkits need is a buff. Some addons? Sure, bot not medkits.
And they are unic in a way devs want them – for altruism healing, but people still refuse to use them so. Megheads still don't understand what I want when I give them my medkits to heal me.
And even more: toolboxes should see the same treatment.
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Now, why is everyone acting like the perk is good?
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For the most part yes, but it can be used more than once and doesn't destroy your item.
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because it gives you 32% of the generator for free, instead of wasting 16 seconds of two survivors, you can just repair the generator
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This perk is usable, has a benefit, and its condition is reasonably likely to present itself in an average match.
By modern survivor perk standards, that's really OP.
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If I understood it correctly, you have to heal someone first, and then, it gives you an automatic heal when you want to get healed.
So it saves you aproximately 15 seconds you would spend healing, and that is without any medkits and other healing perks in play, which makes it's value lower.
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otz had a good idea where syringe is mainly anti mangled/hemorrhage with a side effect of instantly healing you for 25%.
though i think it would be nice if the syringe was something more exciting. like it could remove blood pools for the rest of the trial, while the styptic agent worked only until healed like otz suggested
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Only 1 condition and a mere 60 seconds of broken? BHVR is really starting to spoil us.
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»If survivors dump all there bloodpoints in their favorite character ( which often is the case ) they always have access to use a syringe every game.
That should not be a thing just based on how rarity and power are scaled, yet here we are. Similarly, killers should not have access to iri addons every single game, yet that can be possible too.
Having an overabundance of what are supposed to be the rarest and most powerful consumables in the game completely throws off balance potential, and hurts the casual userbase, as well as the competitive userbase since they will see them pretty much every game (so rare, wow)
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Y'all don't seem to understand what the devs are trying to avoid here. They don't want another Syringe, as a perk. Nobody wants to deal with 2-3 Syringes in a match as it is, and y'all are suggesting these perks be as strong, so that we'd essentially see 2-3 instaheals per person. Sure, casual survivors won't be able to make use of that, because there's no way they could loop a half-decent killer for even a minute. But the high level survivors would just be untouchable with it. They still might be, if this perk ends up being stronger than you're saying it is. I've had successful use of Belmont's instaheal perk, and have been hit by it as killer, and it's absolutely game-losing for killer. A survivor healing over time for free, without wasting a teammate's time, and they can be on a gen or in chase while the heal is applying, is super strong. That's why they make the time for it to apply take so long. It being used in conjunction with the Syringe is the fear here.
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And they are unic in a way devs want them – for altruism healing
There is only a 5% difference between each tier of rarity. That is nothing. A purple medkit is only 15% faster than a brown medkit. Do not even try to tell me that's significant.
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Yeah, I saw his suggestion about medkit addons, I agree with them on the most part and I did pretty similiar suggestion before.
Fair enough, this difference can be bigger.
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The perk is good if you are good, not to be rude. You heal a person and then can work on a Gen while you are being healed for free essentially. It saves you 16 seconds on a generator. Maybe even 32 seconds if the killer is using Leverage.
I bring it every single game honestly. It’s not meta by any means but it is a good perk if you know how to use it. Styptics are overpowered for a reason and this is an infinite one that takes longer to make up for it