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Thoughts on Houndmaster?

Now that the killer is available to play for everyone... What's your thoughts so far?

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  • Member Posts: 1,960

    8.4.0 - What should be improved — BHVR

    Summary: She could be better.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    I like her visually. I enjoy the power. I think she’s decent for now.

  • Member Posts: 309
    edited November 2024

    Love her, but she's still not good, somewhere like a C tier at best

  • Member Posts: 207

    A less interactive but probably weaker Deathslinger. Meh.

    My main concern is All-Shaking Thunder. I don't feel it's a well designed perk whatsoever. I don't think lunge distance is something we should be giving away for little effort.

  • Member Posts: 207
    edited November 2024

    Yeah there are definitely fun things about her kit and I think regardless of how strong she ends up being she'll see plenty of dedicated mains.

    I just can't help but compare her to Deathslinger in terms of how fun it is to face on the survivor side. It just doesn't feel as fun to me since there really isn't a lot going on mechanically. It's mostly just positioning based. And you can't really bodyblock consistently for someone being held which is lame.

    Also her legendary skin is just…why. That is a legendary skin? Just because the dog changes? Compared to the other legendary/E: visceral skins in the game that completely change far more, it's pretty disappointing.

    Post edited by ControllerFeedback on
  • Member Posts: 66

    I think personally shes not all that amazing or anything very special but she does seem quite fast movement speed wise. Played against her 5 times so far and i can loop for roughly a minute but as soon as i try to move to another tile shes on my ass practically immediately even tho i leave with decent distance so not sure how shes catching up so quickly especially with no bloodlust just seems a little off to me personally otherwise fun to played against something new at least

  • Member Posts: 1,780

    Not bad one problem is you don't get a button to call your dog back you have to swing your weapon to do so which can be a little annoying if your in the middle of a chase and miss a dog attack.

  • Member Posts: 222

    I like the music, kinda, yeah. The rest, idk. The queue times for killer are so long I been playing survivor only :P

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    I think it's way too early to tell how good she actually is, considering her high skill ceiling. I hope BHVR waits a bit before adding more balance changes to her because of that.

    With that said, she does seem to still suffer from some bugs, which hopefully will get fixed soon.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I think it is a bit early to tell how strong she actually is, but she doesn't seem fun to go against.

    Kinda feels like a slightly less obnoxious Cenobite.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    her tracking is good.

    Her chase power is middle at best

    Her lethality is non-existent.

    I think they should give her snug instant down capacity where survivor grab by the dog are injured+broken allowing her to instant down people that are grabbed. Either that or revert her Knot change to 40%. She would be like old leatherface pre-rework where his chase was garbage but he defended and camp hooks.

  • Member Posts: 419
    edited November 2024

    They fixed pretty much none of her billion of "unintended behaviors" that she had on PTB so she still feels dreadful to play. You never know in advance what kind of shenanigans the dog has been preparing to you. Is he going to get immediately stuck into a wall ? Is he going to get stuck on his way back, preventing the cooldown from recharging for several seconds? Is he going to go in an unexpected direction when you ask him to curve a corner? And so on. I'm giving up on this killer until they finally do something about it. Twins never were this unreliable and buggy.

  • Member Posts: 1,280

    Fun but a little messy. The dog behaves very weirdly at times, especially where multiple stories are concerned. Just had a match on Midwich and the search command basically just didn't function lol

  • Member Posts: 1,780

    Which is weird since Nurse and Pinhead work fine of two play buildings with their power not perfect but fine. Plus with the new basement perk the survivor got I try to command a search to basement and it won't work. Also she needs a re-call button since let's say you command a search and get nothing you have to wait for the dog to stop and run back when a re-call button would work well.

  • Member Posts: 614

    Fun to play but still weak u can dodge the Doggo way to easy also her Poodle Skin is way to Expensive 20 $ for a Skin really BHVR ?

  • Member Posts: 1,780

    Yeah I saw that and was shocked. Most legacy skins are 1450 cells but they also change the character entirely or just give them new animations but 20$ for what would be a ultra Rare outfit just for a different dog is a no go for me even if it was a Saint bernard.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    I like how she looks and her skins, but that's about it.

  • Member Posts: 238

    Awful in all aspects. Given how little she was promoted, they must have been aware that the result was not very good. And please, stop adding color indicators that overlap the existing ones, the orange gens are more annoying than helpful...

  • Member Posts: 52
    edited November 2024

    she needs a lot of work. She is still buggy. The dog will sometimes not follow the path and even not move at all sometimes. Also he is very inconsistent when dragging a survivor. Sometimes it feels like he is pushing them to the pallets rather than pushing them to me. And his hit-box is extremely small

    Post edited by NotVerySuss on
  • Member Posts: 637
    edited November 2024

    I hate her visually. I hate her theme. I enjoy the power (dog).

    I hate her, because she killed two popular concepts (huntmaster and pirate). She is just hybrid of those and it doesn't make sense to me. Also because of her, we will not get proper version for either of those…

    I won't be playing her until she gets some full mask skin.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    I'm noting the bugs too... I had so many times where a guaranteed catch didnt happen because the dog just wasn't there...

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    She's fun when she works, but that only happens about a quarter of the time.

    Selecting targets for Seek is way too finicky and the Dog's hitbox in Chase is too narrow to really be effective. And this is without the bugs that always seem to plague the last chapter of the calendar year and could have done with another week or two of fixing before release.

    Right now, it's still a bit early to call, but she's leaning a bit on the weaker end without some QoL fixes. Though I do (unlike most people it seems) believe she has potential, but then again, I don't really care about strength as opposed to fun.

  • Member Posts: 317
    edited November 2024

    I tried to play her a few times and it feels really meh lol. I send my dog out and it takes forever to come back so i've got no power. Or i send the dog to catch a survivor and it misses by a few pixels. Feels bad. So think I'll just to back to my fun killers

  • Member Posts: 317

    This really confused me even after reading the update notes. Like I was running discordance jsut to give me a bit more oomph with the dog search thing and the orange gens confused me with the yellow gens, which apparently means they're completed? So it was a complete confusing mess for me to see the orange gens

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Yeah, they really have an aversion to using more colors. During some events, they show "event gens" as orange...which screws with people using discordance or surveillance.

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  • Member Posts: 1,783

    Console player here.

    They seem okay; nothing crazy but not bad either. Snug is easy enough to control and it feels good when you get a cheeky hit with the 2nd dash but it also feels a little clunky sometimes with him getting stuck on stuff, sometimes not being near you when you send them out and he loves to vault windows even if the path isn't going that way. Very middle of the road killer from what I've played so far; both in fun factor and strength.

    I'll probably play them a bit but I don't think they'll end up in my cycle of normal characters. Also, I can't figure out how to pet Snug on console and that makes me sad. :/

  • Member Posts: 1,180

    She is basically Wesker with a search mechanic and no virus contamination. D tier.

  • Member Posts: 2,986

    She is fun but extremely weak. Given how her power works, I'm unsure if she can be improved much; indoor maps are especially challenging. Not to mention how buggy the dog still is, which makes everything feel even worse. I'm disappointed, honestly.

  • Member Posts: 761

    Terrible to play as and agaisnt. So difficult to master and make she works and is not fun to play agaisnt and weak. The power is the most bugged power ever , worst than Knight when he was release. BHVR insist in put IA into the killers but is not good. The dog looks a photo moving around the killer. She needs a lot of more polish and care and didnt have. Worst DLC since Skull Merchant/Knight

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited November 2024

    Surprisingly better on console than I expected. Credit where Credit is due, this power works a lot better than I though it would.

    I still not great with it, but far more accessible than I thought it would be

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