Question for Killers: What's Your "He Went Next" Policy?

Now that 2v8 is over, I'm back to Killer. Almost every match one Survivor immidetley gives up. They won't even run from you. They let you hook them, then they go next. It happened to me today as Freddy, Spirit, Myers and twice as Ghostface.
It spoils my Killer mood instantly and I can't bring myself to kill the others so I just farm with them and let them go. I know how they're feeling in that moment as that's why I'm avoiding SoloQ.
What is your policy on how you treat the remainder of the trial in these situations? I moved to Killer more to get away from this crazy behavior, but it's ruining my fun here too.
I personally don't really care if a survivor gives up immediately its been happening to me almost every other game for years because people really don't like being hit by cross map hatchets. I continue to play the game like normal and try to put them out of their misery quickly. Farming is super boring to me though so I very rarely ever do it.
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But if you're hunty and you farm with the survivors, they could run sideways across the inside of the exit gate area to make a shooting gallery for you!
Edit: Oh, and also, my 'go next policy' depends on how I'm feeling. I'll usually slug the fool trying to go next without disconnecting. If they self-sacrifice on hook, I'll take it easy at least for a while. Maybe go on a hunt for novelties around the map. That's how I found a bag with Laurie's name on it! Then if they do an extra gen or two, I'll think about picking the match up there; sometimes I'll farm instead.
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I love doing this with Huntresses in the exit gate (only if they're clearly into it). Even better when another survivor joins in.
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Well, I just play the match like usual and try to end it as fast as possible.
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What? I'm not familiar with this. Please explain it so I can visualize it.
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Okay I'll try lol picture the Huntress facing the open exit gate. One survivor is running from left to right inside the gate to behind the pillars, while another is running from right to left just inside to behind the wall. They just go back and forth. So it's like a shooting gallery where the target goes back and forth for the shooter to hit, except in DBD it's a Huntress aiming her hatchets and trying to hit and down you both as you go back and forth.
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Sometimes to be honest I totally get why survivors go next… but against a Freddy or Myers etc, I honestly cant understand it and I don't know how you fix that.
I rarely play killer anymore but if that happens I just let everyone else go, I might hook them all twice and let them get a few stuns but after someone quits I will reward the others for staying.
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If one Surv gives up I play as normal but nicer, and if they're really struggling I even let one go or let them get a gen or two. My usual policy though is to let someone go unless I need a Mori on a certain Surv. I just like playing hard but letting people go. :)
If two give up I take that as my tie and then 2-hook the others, then let them go. It wasn't a fair fight.
If there's Bots, I take the Bots as my Kills and let 1-2 go depending on how many people stay in the round. Again, it wasn't a fair fight.
This does happen often as a Ghostface Main, and IDK why that is. I guess people don't like not hearing the Terror Radius, because I'm not the kind of Ghostface that teabags you unless your ass really deserved it.
I don't mind Farming either, but it has to be done towards the end and we both have to decide to drop it and have a truce. I even got this Mori on a Trevor that way - I had Rancor and I let the others go, I would have let HIM go but he stayed in the gate seeing I had it to give me Rancor value. This was before the Mori update.
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That's not nearly as fun as continuing to play the match normally imo. Anytime a killer turns friendly I usually DC if its super early. I just like to play the game normally. No personality here lol.
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I don't do farming either, not my thing, but Ill never say no to a good exit gate slug race or shooting gallery. I feel like it humanises everyone and reminds me that it's just a game at the end of the day
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This does happen often as a Ghostface Main, and IDK why that is.
My guess? The reveal mechanic.
It is really, REALLY frustrating as a survivor when you cannot do what you are supposed to do because the mechanic itself doesn't work the way it should.
It was the reason why Ghostface was my least favorite killer in the game before Wesker was added, despite my love for the Scream movies. The mechanic is THAT frustrating.
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My humanity died when they didn't let Huntress keep her movement speed buff because of "feedback" instead of data lol. I really stopped playing for anyone else's fun but my own after that. And now I don't expect anyone to look out for mine either.
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Person who gave up will waste 4 minutes on the ground, so he won't ruin another match in 4 additional minutes. Other actions depends on situation and survivors' motivation. Last time I asked best looper for 1v1 in shack while let other do gens, but he just wanted go next and point it on hook. So I killed him and gave last survivor hatch.
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Because the game is unbalanced. In balanced pvp games players don't give up in half of games.
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It somewhat depends on the circumstance and if I'm doing an archive, but usually I just don't play it out. I don't farm, as I don't see the point, and playing nice doesn't feel right.
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I usually see how the other survivors react. If they want to go next as well (for which I can't blame them at this point), I try to end the match ASAP and give the last one hatch.
If they want to farm, I'm gonna do that for a certain amount of time. I'll gladly take some extra bp for Jill and Lara.
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If people are very obviously giving up for no reason then I don't hook them at all. The DC button is there if they want to go next, a bot will be better for their team than nothing.
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I am surprised to hear how often this happens to some people. In my killer matches I don't get survivors that give up very often at all. In my last 20 matches or so I had it happen once. Sometimes it does happen at higher frequency no doubt, but definitely not almost every game.
Most of the time I just play the game out normally though to be done with it, farming is super boring to me.
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Honestly that's a really petty reason for someone to DC, but then most reasons to DC are pretty petty. I mean I don't DC just because a Skurchent or Trickster ended up in my lobby… it really reeks of entitlement that people are this willing to DC because a mechanic BHVR created is frustrating.
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Nice to see I'm not alone. It doesn't happen often in my games either
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Most DCs are petty, yes, but unfortunately they happen.
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I barely get dcs from survivors myself and I play wesker, vecna and trickster. Although if I see my favorite survivors like any re character, a yoichi or a castlevania char I just wanna be nice and give them pallets and what not, specially if I need a challenge to do things like break pallets.
If dc do happen I try my hardest not to go too hard and I seem to always get positives in my stream from the survivors especially if they are streamers as well since I am one. It pays to play nice most times for me at least.
I had one team even commend my vecnas ( my second time using when I got 11 hooks and I felt I could have done better with like how I just throw the dispel sphere mindlessly and I lol when one of them said that was the only questionable thing they wonder about the bad ball throwing I was doing compared to how I use mage hand/flight well. 🤭
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I get at least 1 dc a day. Not too often really
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Only time I think giving up is acceptable is when someone else already has, at that point the match is already over and there is pretty much no reason to stick around
If I catch someone trying to Hookicide, especially when they are in a situation that is in their favour (Map offerings, gens-to-hook states ratio is in their favour, etc.) I will make it a point to keep them in the match for as long as possible through all non-hostage taking means including slugging, ignoring them in chase, keeping them on my shoulder for as long as possible, etc.
If I can't do that, I try to kill the other 3 off quickly and let them move on to a hopefully better match
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Survs that give up on first hook get slugged.
If you don't want to play why are you in this match ruining it for the other survs?0 -
And for Nancy... don't forget Nancy.
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Before it became common, my policy was to farm, or at least go easy on the others.
But when it became more common, I got tired of farming. Like, at some point, I just want to play the game too.
I still feel bad about it, tho.
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Of course!