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Another Houndmaster Review
Honesty, I dislike everything about this killer. Starting with the most subjective point, the theme/lore. I know pirates are super popular so I'm probably in the minority, but they're just not my jam. The idea they pitched in the livestream about her being a somewhat "good" killer and the survivor being the morally questionable one doesn't really translate. Take the mori for instance. Its just brutal. I much prefer moris like the special dracula one where, yeah, it's brutal too, but almost in a comical way. I think Houndmasters mori really underutilizes you know, the Hound.
As for mechanics and gameplay, I think one word summerizes her. Clunky.
I Spend half my power usages wondering, "why the freak is the dog over there?" and the other half wondering if i'm somehow body blocking the dog because he doesn't shoot forward. Everything feels slow too, From charging up the dog shot, to the recharge, to the time it takes him to path back to you.
Houndsense feels pointless even when you do tag a survivor with it. So I get to apply deep wounds every now and then. So what. Most the time that's the survivor I'm going to have to chase because you're not legion, you don't have the mobility to pressure the map for a hit and run playstyle.
Speaking of mobility. I've seen alot of comparisons to pinhead, and I think that is accurate, but I definitely think she's below pinhead on a tier list. Simply because the pressure from Pinhead's box is way more valuable than anything Houndmaster has. The mobility is very similar in terms of value tho. Pinheads teleport is super telegraphed and easy for survivors to counter by choosing where they solve. Similarly Houndmasters mobility is easily countered by prerunning as soon as you here the dog approach. The speed is nice, but it takes away your power and makes you predictable. You could try and mindgame with it, but again, your putting your power on CD and getting no mobility.
Finally, looking at behaviors tracker record with these companion type killers, these tend to be the biggest headaches. Look at Knight and Twins. Look at the bugs they've had for years, even with some of them being fixed. Now this is the third one, and even after just one day of matches I can tell she's going to be more frustrating to play than enjoyable.
Anyways, hope there are some peeps out there who are enjoying her. On the upside she definitely has some interesting tricks you can do. Most of my success came from using the dog as a zoning tool more than actually landing "the chain". I'm sure someone will put in the work to master her and do some crazy stuff. But for me if I was going to dedicate that kind of time i'd just become an orbital huntress and start a YT channel lol
Its honestly miserable. "Lets take zero skill out of the chase and give them a dog that negates palettes and has AI pathing that either doesnt work or is incredibly overpowered when it does work.
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as a casual player I have mixed feelings. I like the dog companion (wondered why there was no dog or werewolf or something sooner) but as mentioned in OP it’s very clunky. I spend more time trying to target where I want the dog to search than the time the dog actually does search. The chase, unless you’re playing against survivors that just run in a straight line it’s near impossible to hit. I’ve had multiple games where the dog just ran past someone or stopped because of terrain. Need to make marking search areas smoother and maybe shorten the chase but give the dog a bigger radius that it reacts to survivors in so people can’t just take 2 or 3 steps to the side.
Regardless, I’ll probably keep playing her just because she has a dog 😁0 -
the killer just feels kind of bad. The dog having a seizure in the corner of your screen while you play her is bad. She’s just so clunky and not very rewarding. She also had no reveal or teaser.. she was just dropped and bhvr prayed that people would like her. I honestly like her design, she just looks unrewarding to play
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She's certainly not my favorite design. Feels like a waste to have her be a pirate.
Her actual power looks like it's another "too strong or too weak" power. There's no in-between.
It also looks immensely unpleasant to play again.
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I really wanted to like her but her skill floor is to high I feel for me to enjoy her. My matches last night was so unfun…it was like I was playing a killer with no power bc I was having a hard time using her dog to do anything. Honestly, I havent had a killer I enjoyed day one since xeno…I have struggle so much with Chucky, Unknown, Lich, Dark Lord, and now Houndmaster…Devs can we have a killer who can be pick up and play again… Im really disappointed and Im so happy I didnt buy the whole chapter and just used shards on her.
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Yeah Clunky is the word of this killer.
Also the dog is nothing more than a worse version of Cenobites Chain.
Sad, but in its current form, this killer is D-Tier at best.
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I am on the ladder. I personally really enjoy this killer truly. I do. She has some bugs she needs ironed out for sure and she might need a small buff, but I do understand the concern in companion killers.
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I posted earlier I’d probably still play her as a casual gamer just because she has a dog, two games later so frustrated in how bad the search targeting is and how bad the chase mechanic is she’s just not fun. I’m disappointed, I really wanted to like her and her dog, but instead I feel like I wasted my money, and will not be playing her again unless she’s fixed. ☹️