Houndmaster day 2

Since there seems to be little attention on the matter, I wanted to make a post for the Houndmaster once more for another assessment on how strong she is, or at least how fun.
I'm actually having a fairly decent time playing her. Getting around the bugs, Snug works way better than I intitially thought and I'm hitting shots I never thought I would be able to hit. Through windows and curving him a certain way around obstacles that I don't think survivors even expect it.
Stbfl pairs best with her, especially with the cooldown being so quick that you can get that bite twice a quick down or not need to at all, even when paired with Rapid.
She can be a real threat. Houndsense still needs tuning but the survivors being bright red make up for. Survivors think they hide or disappear, but it becomes more difficult when they're glowing bright enough to be seen across the map.
Day two, hitting more interesting Snug bites, I say very low B tier. Very low at her best when bugs aren't costing you bites. She's very fun, but C tier on average. Not D tier.
Here is a question. I was just in a match with her and of course I was body blocked for the exit but as soon as she entered she got her dog on me and I couldn't leave. Understandable I couldn't leave with the dog but after I was free of the dog I still couldn't leave it was blocked. Why?
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I've noticed this as well. I believe it's a built in exit block for anyone caught by Snug in the gate. I'm not sure how long it last, but it keeps an injured survivor from escaping if they're caught by Snug.
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I've noticed this as well. It seems to be a built in exit block that activates for anyone caught by Snug with a lingering effect of unknown duration. This is likely just for anyone down in the gate if they're caught by Snug so Houndmaster can pick them up.
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Its intentional, a few killers have this. Because if it wasn't there, then after you get hit, you just leave. So, when that happens on these killers, the gates get blocked for you for a few seconds, i wanna say its like 4-5 seconds. That way you can't get out. This is part of the design of their powers.
If you would Just Leave™ instead of teabagging the gates, you'd have a lot less problems with this kind of thing.
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They need to rethink this. Her and the dog can block the entire entrance. I understand it though.
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she’s super fun to me! I like playing her more than I would have thought. Hexes and STBFL+Rapid are fun to me and she’s great at both. is anyone else finding her kind of relaxing to play?
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I wish I could say Im having fun with her but Im having the hardest time learning her power…ppl are saying her skill floor is high and I believe them. Im only using her perks since I wanted to achievement so its extra hard v.v I was hoping we may get a killer who was a nice pickup and play and not have to suffer for 50+ matches just to learn their basics. Guess I wait and see if I can find some videos with tips in a few weeks.
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I don't like that fact she can attack you while using the dog. It's way to over powered in that sense. All these killers are doing is proxy camping with the dog and downing you. Is this killer thought through?
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Shes terrible, bugged and boring to use, because her power is to difficult and not rewarding enought
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its major cope from people hoping shes good her skill floor is low to mid at best
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I don't have to cope and instead just play.
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“If you would Just Leave™ instead of teabagging the gates, you'd have a lot less problems with this kind of thing.“
yes because every survivor is evil and is only at the gates just to tbag. Not that they went for a save and they get to a gate. Not that they were being chased towards the gate. Or healing by the gate to set up a save. Nope all of them are just toxic
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There is no way she's B or C tier unless you are going against absolutely terrible opponents.
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Lol yup. I've never dropped a tbag in my life but got caught out by this because I wanted to help a team mate. It just means endgame altruism may not be worth it against this killer.
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If you would Just Leave™ instead of teabagging the gates, you'd have a lot less problems with this kind of thing.
They could have been trying to help a teammate, or going for a late heal, or they got chased towards the gate, and the list goes on.
Not every survivor is toxic and just wants to teabag the killer every match.