Honest question: did MMR get reset with this update?

I can't recall the last time my survivor games have been this miserable. The vast majority of games I've played since Thursday have been over before 2 gens are completed. Players are on second stage or dead before I've even seen the killer or completed a gen.
I'd be less frustrated if I could see what was happening with matchmaking and chalk it up to as string of bad games. But it just feels like I'm completely wasting my time right now.
MMR is pretty weird lately, it keeps putting me with nearly new players, but 1 or 2 of them are always very experienced.
Some sort of unhealthy mash of different MMRs (MMRs sounds funny)
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That's definitely what this seems like. They got away from this sort of matchmaking for a while, or at least it felt like it. But now it's like they decided to go back to it, and I'm losing to 700 hr killers at 4 gens. Really annoying.
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When you playing killer - this mash doesn't really bother. But when soloq… That's pretty infuriating.
(Also that happened very sudden, like first day - first match right after the latest update.)
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As if BHVR would ever come to the great conclusion to reset MMR at decent times. Done make me laugh.
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I'm guessing the 2v8 got it really wonky. Maybe because new players got into the game alongside with the mode, and now they are playing the regular mode with their more experienced friends (maybe?)
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This is what the solo experience is like all the time. People just blame it on "killer OP" instead of MMR giving them bad mismatches.
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It got better for a bit earlier this year, especially over the summer. I was well over 50% escape rate for at least a month in solo queue. I think they tweak things a lot more than they let on. This feels more like the style of matchmaking they were doing during the Overbrine meta.
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This ^
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If they are tweaking things, they need to let us know. Don't sensationalize it like those MMR tests from way back, where the discussion was all about "This MMR feels the best, because I beat all the killers due to forced smurfing!" But let us know you're messing with it. Otherwise, you're getting feedback which is gonna act like placebo effect or confirmation bias to what you're trying to do with MMR. Just make MMR strict, put like-hour'd/like-experienced players together, and tell us you're doing it, and see what happens. Much will be revealed about the actual game state, like it was before.
And don't even get me started on the "gen kick meta." I hate talking about "metas" which were overblown noob stomp strats.
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This is almost every game for the last 3 days. Change the description on the Steam store. This is not a PVP game. These are cutscenes.
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Did you check their hours? Killer as well.
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No idea, but I think they've done something. My killer games were all unbearably sweaty. Most of them felt like I had no chance winning.
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I want to say 500 for the killer, but I didn't check the other survivors for this particular match. The teammates I have checked since the update are mostly around 700-1k. Games have been really weird. I'm at ~4900 hrs for reference.
The killer hours have been very consistent since the update. Almost always in the 500-800 hr range and they're absolutely stomping these games.
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The snowball effect is happening.
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I just had a match of soloq.
Jake and Meg - basic skins and they were acting like a new players and blowing gens.
Taurie with Ceremonial Robes skin who's been chased for a fair time and tried to flashlight save.
We were against a basic Weskah (fairly no clue how many h he have)
So overall - I have 4500+h, Taurie have somewhere around the same based on her play, Jake and Meg probably installed the game yesterday and Wesker k\n.
Doesn't seem like normal\usual mmr.
Edit: I forgot: Me P100, Taurie P20, Jake and Meg P0.
(I can't watch others h, I'm currently playing through Epic, I can only see my h)
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This happened after last 2v8 too, all the people who ONLY wanna be superpowered Survs and Killers left. Now there's only newcomers, people who just prefer 1v4, and people who never stopped playing either side.
I think 2v8 just messes up the game's MMR too, because remember - games were sweatier in 2v8. People were losing more, so they downranked to potato MMR. Both sides. And a lot, lot quicker too.
My suggestion: SWF up, or use this time to learn a new Killer using this bumper crop of easier targets as a softer landing to help you understand the game. Or, bring back being a nice Killer/farmer SWF. Nothing wrong with it. :)
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I don't lose to killers, I lose to teammates.
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Majority of the time that is so accurate.
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Things have felt a bit all over the place but I always felt like MMR is a bit janky at times. I have felt a bit out of sorts after grinding 2v8 hard and I think a lot of others are feeling a bit similar. People just aren't tolerating irritating builds etc at all since the event finished, so lots of going next and DC's too.
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My mmr experience has been unpleasent since 2v8. Yesterday i went against a literal comp swf as myers and then i go against new players as Oni.
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The same! Every single match was a crushing defeat, or one where I had to settle for a draw. Before, that was a lot of my killer games. Now, it's all I'm getting. I even had a match where 2 people were abusing the Blood Pact combo with Soul Guard, and ran me for 5 gens while holding Pinhead's box. My mind just keeps getting continually blown like, "That was the last gen?! When?!" The game's survivor sidedness is really showing, whatever they did to make it happen.
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Truer words were never said.
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Just today I was matched with at least three literal brand new players. One more was a console player so I couldn't verify hours played but she was a default skin Feng who brought Technician, repeatedly missed skill checks and was easily killed by a console Demogorgon player who was also brand new and had two yellow perks and no add-ons. At least I escaped that match I guess because of how bad the killer was.
The matchmaking is a complete dumpster fire and really makes solo queue a miserable experience. I barely want to play anymore because of the trash-tier quality teammates I am given match after match after match. I have lost hope that BHVR is ever going to fix this. They know what the problem is but they are unwilling to implement matchmaking solutions to make it more bearable for solo queue players.