Another survivor perk nerfed to the ground. Thanks killer mains!



  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    You're kind of avoiding the question, though.

    Does a team of survivors trying to stack StB on one survivor affect the killer when they chase literally anyone else?

    The point is that it'll only work there if the killer's tunnelling, which is where it's supposed to work. All the killer has to do is not tunnel and they no longer have to deal with three extra hook states on one survivor.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 4,164

    The point is it widens the gap between solo q and SWF too much. 

    One of the biggest double standards on these forums, is many people will demand buffs for survivors to bridge the gap between solo q and SWF…. but these same people won't want nerfs to survivors even if they rarely would affect solo q, and would mostly only affect SWF.

    Because really, removing STB stacking on the same survivor would rarely affect solo q at all, so it's fine. It's 99% targeting SWFs that are purposely having multiple people run this perk.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Not really. A perk existing that SWF can use better than solo queue doesn't really affect the gap that much just as a starter, and in this particular instance, solo queue can still use the perk, so it's not a big gap even in that context.

    Also, why would the response there be to nerf the perk in the scenario where it's supposed to work? Wouldn't the more reasonable solution to that proposed problem be to buff the perk for solo queue so they can also use it to properly stave off tunnelling?

    Because, again, I have to ask: Does this tactic affect a killer that isn't tunnelling? This is an anti-tunnel perk, so it's supposed to be strong in scenarios where the killer is tunnelling. If you weaken that, what's it good for?

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    Even a SWF, though, can't play as effectively as they normally do without voice comms (which I don't want in DbD either). I think it was Hens' group that did that with Otzdarva and, while they did well, they didn't perform as well as they normally do when they use voice comms. I'm fine with that.

    That's a side note, though, as my responses are discussing the actual state of public matches overall and not the 1 in 100 outliers. The vast majority of public matches are against solos or perhaps 2 person SWFs and this perk is useless in them.

    What I would much prefer, however, is changes to base game mechanics where gen defense is much stronger while all survivors are alive and then changes to buffs to gen repair once a survivor dies to punish tunnelling, reward spreading hooks and hopefully make 2 or 3Ks more of the norm and 4Es and 4Ks the least common outcomes. However, that's also a side note but it would combat the two most common complaints of Killers and Survivors; gen speed and tunnelling by helping each side when they're at their weakest.

    As it is though as of today and away from hypotheticals the perk is bad. While I can't speak to 4 person SWF games with highly coordinated gamers (who probably aren't even the majority of 4 person SWFs subset as many 4 person SWFs are just people goofing around) for solos the perk is useless. It needs a change to actually be worth running for the majority of people purchasing the chapter.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617
    edited November 2024

    Or they're reflecting the reality of public matches and the people who are self-reporting are those who have crutched so much on tunnelling and camping they're in a skill bracket where their chase, game awareness, etc skills are so underdeveloped they have to rely on tunnelling and camping to win and that's why think this is a strong perk outside of a few niche scenarios.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 906
    edited November 2024

    so Deliverance, Resurgence, Off the Record, Reassurance and dozens of other perks don't exist?

    Additionally, StB is still very strong and Exposed status effect literally does nothing when person using it has chase skills

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 294

    Skull merchant had one of the highest kill rates in the entire game before her nerf tbf. This kill rate got absolutely inflated by many survivors instantly giving up and suiciding on hook. But thats a story that the numbers dont tell. The numbers just said, that her kill rate is too high and thats why she was nerfed into the ground.

    Same with billy. Noone complained about Billy but he had a pretty high kill rate before his changes (that very many people didnt like, survivors and killers alike) and where there was a huge outcry on the forums and reddit etc. He still got nerfed by his new overheat system cause the numbers said that he should.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    Because if the Killer targets the unhooker, not the person who just got unhooked, they aren't tunnelling. That isn't tunnelling, that is spreading hooks, the opposite of tunnelling.