So about the Dracula Changes

I specifically log in to play this killer, I would say openly and honestly that he is my main and it wouldn't be too outlandish for me to be called a one trick pony when it comes to killers. Dracula gets the most attention from me. I honestly haven't enjoyed a killer this much since they added Wesker to the game years ago and before that was Pyramid Head who is 4 years old.
These changes? Feel horrible. They do. I'll list them all individually and my thoughts on them along with what I would change personally.
- Hellfire Cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 7 seconds.
This change draws the most ire from me. The fun part of Dracula in my opinion is getting cheeky hits over and through objects that people don't expect. It gives him a skill curve and learning curve that most other midrange killers simply do not have. This change by itself honestly makes him feel so much worse compared to what we had last patch. Because of the long cooldown I feel actively discouraged from going for those skill expressive shots as its now INCREDIBLY punishing to miss them and even if I do land a hit I have to wait what feels like an incredibly long time to get my power back. I feel like this just encourages zoning with it, not actively casting it. Hellfire already has a long ready time and gives Dracula a pretty hefty cooldown when he puts it away. Hellfire was completely fine. It didn't need nerfs or buffs. This change should be reverted entirely.
- Increased Shapeshift Cooldown to 3.5 seconds from 2.5 seconds.
I feel like this change was primarily done in order to make the fact that Dracula can always be on top of you via bat form not as strong or overbearing, which even in my shoes, I'd agree. That needed to be changed. However this change does not make this problem any less apparent in the game. You can still just as easily Bat form on top of people and score hits with little effort. In order to address this, I would instead change the length of the slowdown Dracula has when coming out of Bat Form. Swapping between Wolf form and Vampire form isn't the problem, just Bat form. Increasing that slowdown to be somewhat similar to how Singularity's slipstream teleport lasts for a decent time and lets people usually make a pallet or window would help this problem a lot. Probably not as long as Singularity since Singularity gets haste and becomes immune to all stuns after a slipstream but the general same idea could be applied here.
- Increased the spawn rate of Scent Orbs to 1 every 5 seconds from 1 every 6 seconds.
- Decrease Wolf's pounce charge time to 0.85 seconds.
These changes to Wolf form are a good start towards making Wolf form better, but still aren't enough to make Wolf form strong enough to stand next to the other two forms. Haste could last longer or simply be a higher percentage and that would improve Wolf Form a lot. Wolf form needs more help.
BHVR, I understand that you want people to use Wolf Form more, I do. But as it stands the way to do that isn't by making his other chase form worse. You're just going to make him feel more clunky than he already does and make the people who love this character upset since by nerfing the other forms, we don't want to use the new and buffed form, we just feel forced to. It isn't fun to feel forced to use a part of the power that is (still) underwhelming. I think I'd rather Wolf form just be eternally underwhelming and niche rather than Wolf Form be strong if it means I can't reliably play this killer the way I primarily enjoy. Please revert at LEAST the hellfire change. That's all I ask.
i am still of the opinion that bat form doesn't need nerf and that survivors should rely on juking to defeat bat form.
Hellfire nerf is unnecessary. it makes killer feel unusual bad at base-kit where you want to run symph feather and cooldown hellfire add-on to make killer feel good.
Wolf form still leaves much to be desired. he needs more -charge time on pounce, i recommend 0.75 but i am not opposed to going lower like 0.6-0.5. The m/s haste granted by wolf is still after thought. it doesn't last long enough to do anything meaningful and burst speed is negligent. The duration should be buffed by 1 second and maybe % haste bonus is quadruple(x4) in strength if you are hasted and use pounce 2nd pounce.
Obviously the tracking of the wolf is still bad. it has too little radius and survivor still don't drop orbs for standing still so hiding vs wolf makes it rubbish tracking tool.
i still enjoy a playing the killer despite negative changes.
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I really cant stand the extra 3 seconds on hellfire, I prefer vampire in most scenarios so I have to rely on CD addons to make him feel normal
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I agree tbh. The hellfire increase just felt unnecessary, it wasn't the problematic part of his kit.
Wolf form just feels weirdly balanced in general, in the hands of a master it can get some great hits, but it is super punishing to mess up, especially on the first lunge since you're forced to commit to both and then the fatigue after. And the tracking is really lacking without Cerberus Talon.
And bat form… I've complained enough about the transform-from-bat speed enough times already.
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Hellfire CD nerf was not needed. Wolf form is buffed in the wrong way.
Make the tracking better when you need to actually track people: outside of chase. When in chase i can track people with any killer.
Right now is just another full chase tool, and Dracula having both of them means he will just use the best one (until now it was Vampire form).
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Nah, Dracula only spam whis shapeshift to tunnel and proxy camp with hellfire. Deserved nerfs
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These nerfs literally encourage him playing like this. I don't think either of us want that.
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And……what does the higher CD on Hellfire has to do with this?
With all my due respect, you just seem to be…salty. If he wants to camp with Hellfire no matter if he has 7, 10 or 20 seconds CD, that is not going to stop him to do it?
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I dont even remember seeing anyone complaining about his hellfire being used too much. Just bat form dropping on people and wolf form underperforming. So whered the nerf idea even come from?
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Yeah…these Dracula changes are not it. They barely address any of his actual problems and Hellfire cooldown was overnerfed, 10 seconds is too much. And Medusa's Hair is still overpowered.
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Personally I just want wolf to be better...I know it can be good in the hands of someone super skilled but it's pounce is way to punishing of you miss and I feel it has such a small hit box. I want to love this killer but much like how I feel about HM right now, I feel his skill floor is to high for him to be enjoyable. At least for me v.v