Thrill of the Hunt
Because doing so doesn't hurt the low level players and only makes the game better.
For example, in DBD terms, lets look at a structure like killer shack. Killer shack is one of the strongest structures in the game for survivors. Against a standard m1 killer a good survivor will be able to stand at the various "check spots" that exist at killer shack, to effectively guarantee that they get 3 vaults. You can't mindgame a checkspot if done properly. So they get the 3 vaults, block the window, then either get hit, or drop the pallet. This can waste about 30-45 seconds of a killer's time just to land the hit, or get the pallet drop.
Now mind you, this is against a very good survivor who knows how to abuse the power of killer shack.
Now, what is a relatively newer, lower skill "average" survivor going to do at killer shack? Probably not utilize the check spots, get mind-gamed immediately, and get hit after 5-10 seconds. Or they predrop the pallet which will "Waste it" as people often experience in lower level games.
What happens if you nerf killer shack, to maybe, give it a breakable wall, like the one in dead dog, or shorten the structure so these check spots are far less effective? Well, you made it now much weaker in the hands of that higher level skilled survivor, but the lower level survivor is still going to get hit in 5-10 seconds, or predrop the pallet anyway. So nerfing the structure, did not hurt this low level survivor in any way.
One of my favorite videos talking about balance decisions talks about this for TF2:
The logic still applies, the low level player isn't "doing that to begin with" to make the structure powerful, so if you nerf the structure, it doesn't hurt the low level player.
This also can work in the reverse as well. For example, I thought the change from the old old ruin (the one that caused the skill check shenanigans) to the previous version of ruin (with the 200% regression) was actually an amazing change. The old old ruin, hurt the average low skill players the most, and was far too powerful for the average team to go against. It was so bad that people often resorted to "gen tapping" to avoid getting the skill checks so they could power through the gens, or the entire beginning of the game was spent searching for that totem, where, if it wasn't found quickly, the survivors would just lose.
But in high level games, where the survivors can do great skill checks all the time, it didn't really affect them, all it did was slow down the gens slightly because the didn't get the bonuses from landing the great skill checks. Also, they often had good memories of the totem spots of which, at the time, they were much less numerous, making it really easy to see which spawn setups you had on the various maps, and you could usually see ruin cleansed in the first 20-30 seconds of a match in most higher level matches.
This made the perk pretty bad against higher level survivors. But then they changed it to the regression one, which made it so, in lower level games, where killers weren't as skilled and would have a harder time capitalizing on the regression by pressuring the gens (remember the regression only works if the survivors aren't on the gen), the perk would actually be weaker. But, in higher level games, where the killer would be much more experienced at pressuring gens and able to make the regression work better, it was actually a big buff. Effectively this nerfed the perk in low level games, where it was too strong, and buffed it in high level games, where it was too weak.
This is how balance should work, you make decisions, keeping in mind all skill levels, and balance things in such a way that the game is fair at the highest levels, while also keeping in mind things at the lower level that are frustrating to deal with. When something is frustrating at a low level, it is a candidate for something that needs a rework.
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Hey dude, would you mind explaining the math to me? I have been failing to get the other 4 instances for each totem cleanses. I know it is applied to the charges per second that it takes to make a totem take 14 seconds to do, but so far my results haven't been successful.
If you cannot, don't worry I'll still thank you for giving the base maximum total.
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I tried to use counterforce. In soloq, it's absolutely useless. The others don't know that you have it, resulting in them cleansing the totems regardless and wasting time nonetheless.
Thrill is currently a soloq KILLER.
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You don't have to run it with ruin. Other hexes are a lot better.
Thrill kills soloq on a large scale right now. This is not good.
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Counterforce doesn't help in soloq. Your team wastes the time for you because they don't know you have it. It works in like 2/5 games max.
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Basically, at 5 tokens now the maximum penalty is 70% (14% times 5), meaning the charges per second is 1 * (1 - 0.7) = 0.3c/s, since the penalty is a multiplicative modifier to the totem cleansing speed.
Totems normally take 14 seconds.
14 / 0.3 charges per second = 46.7 seconds.
Then for example at 4 tokens it's 56% penalty instead, so 1 * (1 - 0.56) = 0.44c/s, then 14 / 0.44 = 31.8 seconds for the 2nd totem cleanse.
Repeating the same process, at 3 tokens now it's 24.1 seconds, 2 tokens is 19.4 seconds, and 1 token is 16.3 seconds.
Hope this helps
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Something I wanna mention as well, people defending this perk and wanting it to stay like this - be careful because if it does stay as is and uncleansable hex builds get out of control BHVR could very well give them the regression perk treatment
aka changing the base game in such a way to deal with the big complaints. For example, imagine if they made hex cleansing progress not reset when interrupted. It'd fix a key problem with hexes being uncleansable but it'd be punishing the entirety of the hex playstyle because of strats created by one or two perks being too strong
Just something to consider
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Funnily enough, I think people with that mindset are very much not misguided in their core idea.
The core idea being a game that balances around 12 hooks.
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THAT is what i want. An ideal world where the game is balanced around killers going for hooks and lots of chases instead of kills. A world where camping is not just "discouraged" but literally impossible from a gameplay perspective. A world where tunneling is not just "discouraged" but literally impossible from a gameplay perspective. A game where survivors do more than hold m1 on a gen for 90 seconds, and the game can be a true test of skill on both sides.
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In such a world Nurse would be way too over the top.
It's the dbd I want for years.
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Then that means he's not guarding gens or chasing, if he's just protecting totems the whole time. You see how that works?
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Even though the majority of players say it doesn't make it true. Ad populum. And even survivors who weren't SWF could counter it. Think about it. The killer has to waste time going around kicking gens, instead of going straight after survivors, so he's also giving up favorable chases. How then, I wonder, were survivors constantly getting hit by Eruption, on multiple gens, before they were done but after they were being worked on again, sometimes while injured, and the killer supposedly was "no good" without the build? It sounds like: survivors were playing bad, they weren't coordinated, they were eating out of subpar killers' hands, and as usual they blamed their loss on something the killer must have done.
I further insist that the reason so many teams just couldn't do anything against the build is because this coincided with the downfall of MMR, where whatever the devs did (we'll never know), it started forcing bad and clueless survivors into your average match. This all comes back to the average survivor player, the ultra casual who always heals over doing gens, probably never touches a gen after the first 1-2 are done, always could've looped better, always the weakest link on the team, and calls like Wraith and Pig overpowered killers, and BBQ an OP perk. If you have more than 1 person like that in your match, and the killer's decent, you my friend are screwed. But that's exactly what the matchmaking change did. It's no wonder those solo teams couldn't beat the Eruption builds, but that does not mean that the killer's build is what won them the match. I just explained to you why that was the case. The survivors weren't good enough, and didn't use strategy or game sense, in which case they would have lost to any build anyway.
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You’ve posted this before. Balancing around 5% of the player base absolutely hurts the other 95% of players and will not make the game better. BHVR did your exact desire with Death Garden; they geared the game toward the highest potential level of play & overbuffed Hunters as a matter of course. Then people stopped playing the Scavenger role because it felt fruitless as a loss was all but guaranteed. Cutting right to the chase, the game died as a sliver of the player base playing one role (Hunter / Killer) wasn’t really enough to keep the game going. They won’t ever do this again with DbD because they know it’s a game-killing strategy.
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Thank you so much dude, thank you so much
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I mean, yeah, 46 second totems should never, ever be a thing. I don't even understand how that idea makes it out of a Slack/Teams meeting, let alone goes live. Who cleansed a totem on the internal test server with buffed Thrill and thought it was ok? The obsession with adding ways to make survivor players sit there AFK watching a bar fill needs to end. It's not fun. It's not engaging. It's a chore.
More broadly, stop slowing the game down. Games are already too long. The pacing is often a slog as it is when multiple regressions are in play, or when the game is no longer winnable but you still have to pointlessly play out the last 5-10 minutes. We're already expected to lose a game in 15 minutes when the game was over 2 minutes in.
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You have yet to explain how nerfing killer shack hurts the low level players who aren't using killer shack properly to begin with. It does not hurt them because they can't exploit the power of the shack to its fullest, they are gonna still predrop the pallet all the same.
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Even a bad survivor has a nice chase every now and then. Changes like these might impact them less, but will impact them all the same.
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So… like Killers have never had time to do ever, then?
The buff is fine, Hexes needed something to make them actually viable. Let Killers have things, if it's a problem bring anti-totem perks instead of chase and generator perks. What BHVR is doing and has been doing is FORCING people both sides to change builds up and try out new things to shake up the meta. If people would rather go next than literally just try something new and get rid of their easy meta builds, and then they get clapped by a new build based around side objectives and made of perks that badly needed the update, I'm sorry but that's really childish and petty and honestly a skill issue.
It's really time for Survivors to have to think as much as Killers do about their builds. Just putting on chase chase gen gen or a bunch of anti-everything or nuisance perks doesn't cut it anymore, and hey - it never did for Killers. Now BHVR has evened the playing field.
Good. The people that hate this will quit, and everyone else will stay and learn the new meta and new strategies.
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Sure, they will but they will be going against killers of the same skill level as them, so it balances out.
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How does it balance out? It's a nerf to the lower rank players.
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Because for one thing shack is the only promised strong loop on a map. With the way map redesigns are going, everything else is a toss up.
And what you killer mains don’t understand now and will never understand is that shack is where all survivors learn how to loop. They start at shack then work their way to more complex looping structures.
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that's why I dn't play this game in solo q anymore, soloq it is harder than dbd league finals smh
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Its not hard. Its sometimes impossible. There is a difference.
DBD in itself is a relatively simple game to play. Most of the "skill" comes down to knowledge. A survivor with thousands of hours and tons of experience WILL lose to a killer with less experience if the team does not know what they are / should be doing.
Its frustrating, but this is the problem, a team of randoms has to face. Therefore I encourage a lot people in end game chat and here on the forums to self reflect on their gameplay and improve their game-sense.
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Im really getting into survivor right now and im not starting at shack. I know how simple it is to play and focus on other structures.
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Sounds like you are ahead of the curve. For most survivors shack is where good looping (by which I mean mind gaming) starts because it’s relatively easier to mind game there versus a T-L, Z, 3-pillar, etc structure. And even against anti-loop killers shack is typically safe, which makes it easier for survivors to build their looping confidence.
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Mindgame? Shack????
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I’m still using this build (with ruin, Tana, thrill and face the darkness) and survivors waste so much time cleansing. It’s funny.
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yeah this is such a nothing burger build and people still don't catch on.
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Not to mention, if the killer has any perks or addons that make survivors scream, or otherwise interrupt survivors like pinhead's chain hunt, it is absolutely impossible to do anything.
okay. Technically, some situations are not absolutely impossible, but with the amount of coordination and strategy involved, it's a lot of wasted time that still loses your team the match.
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This is how I feel. Survivor gameplay is flat out boring especially now with Thrill. The amount of times I sat on a totem the last couple days and the killer hits me just as I'm about to pop it. Like almost a minute of my life sitting there just gone. Fun, engaging gameplay.
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In solo queue, anything but the meta won't work.