Houndmaster is a JOKE!

And this is coming from a survivor main. Did you intentionally design this execrable killer so we could escape 100% of the time? You dare to release a chapter in such a bad state which is submerged in bugs and power design issues? Do you not see the folly in that, BHVR?
For those of you who don't posses this killer or DLC: Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT PURCHASE THIS CHAPTER WITH MONEY OR PURCHASE THE KILLER WITH IRIDESCENT SHARDS. You have been informed. Let BHVR know that you don't accept this deprived content.
Survivor player isn't happy that the killer is weak?
*Somewhere in the parallel universe.*
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I don't want to see a killer so weak that I have no enjoyment or fun playing against it when it lacks any and all challenge. It gives me no intellectual stimulation or satisfaction. What is the point of me trying when I don't even have to try to begin with and, regardless of that, win by default? They needed far more time for this chapter before releasing as is.
I'm tired of it. This isn't the last time they did this. Forged in Fog was also riddled with bugs and design problems. It's as if they gave up on the chapter before Christmas arrives.
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I'll be honest, this reminds me of release Singularity but worse. Singularity was so terrible that you had almost no way to get value by using your power instead of just playing plain M1 killer.
I don't mean to insult anyone that worked on this killer because it's obvious that this power was very complex to design but the dog always tries to drag a survivor to exactly the position where the killer released it and treats dropped pallets as walls. It also seems that the dog won't drop down anywhere after it has caught a survivor. This leads to situations where the dog literally pulls the survivor away from you. So you don't just waste time by using your power, you actively give that survivor extra distance in exchange for nothing. And then I haven't even mentioned all her bugs.
This video showcases perfectly what is wrong with this killer. It's bad. Really, really bad.
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There is a fine line between arrogance and self-righteousness. I don't want to see a killer so bad that I have no enjoyment or fun playing against it when it lacks any and all challenge. It gives me no intellectual stimulation. What is the point of me trying when you don't even have to try to begin with?
Oh, I know this line pretty well.
Bet you're really good at video games, fast learner, and pretty smart when it comes to decision making, love using tactics and on awe once they worked out, and ALWAYS for a fair wins.
Highly competitive Pvp player I suppose? :)
(On the point: I do agree, this killer needs improvements)
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If I do, then I'll end up in cheater queue. (If you end up winning too much, you'll see chock-full of cheaters)
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In my opinion, I think Doomed Course is a bit worse than A Binding of Kin PTB. My spine shudders just thinking about it.
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She certainly isn't the best killer and there are absolutely issues with the AI and general workings of the power that need to be ironed out but this post is a little ridiculous.
Also she is very new, so it'll take a bit of time to see true potential
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what true potential? to see how many more bugs there are? nobody is gonna play her in month
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I was too late and bought the killer with iri :(
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She needs help for sure 💯
I hope they give that to her soon.
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Disappointed to see them release such a half-baked idea with no identity. Unless you consider being a bug-ridden mess an Identity. As far as release killers go, I don't think it's too far fetched to say she is disappointing at even the basics of killer and leaves much, MUCH more to be desired. A huge 180 from Dracula to the point it feels like a completely different team worked on these two killers.
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And what's worse is when MMR gives you such bad teammates, you actually lose to those killers. Your teammates, of course, would just say, "We lost because the killer's OP." But thankfully that hasn't been the case lately because they changed MMR to give you quite good teammates.
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My first match against Houndmaster was a 4E with only 2 or 3 hooks. In soloQ.
I don't think I've been grabbed by the dog a single time, and it's not because I'm a terrific dodger.
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I feel like alot of people are in the same boat I am of dropping the killer until some bug fixes happen. I was actually excited about trying her, but trying to use a power that often times actively hinders you is enough for me to have put her on the back burner after the 2nd day. We can figure out her "true potential" after the bugs get ironed out. I'm not touching her again until then.
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Same here. I tried to have fun, but it just wasn't happening. At least her perks are alright.
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Also her visceral(?) skin is almost a scam. It's not on pair with the others like were-elk, yaba or naughty bear. Only things you get from this what I can tell is a different haircut, very similar clothes of her default, but shiny and a poodle.
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She has some unique animations but only on the menus. That's it.
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Actually, in one of the two times I've played against her, the killer camped the hook from about 20 feet away and sent the dog to the unhook. Skill, yo.
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Oh noh… It's him… Bruh, please leave these poor souls alone, you monster. :D
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People really clip ANYTHING. If I camped a pallet to stun a killer that wasn't even going after me, then got down immediately after, the last thing I'd want to do is clip it to show to people.
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Mhm, except when I casually play a killer wondering around looking for survivors and going through some random pallet, when suddenly some terrorist popping out of nowhere and dropping this pallet on my fat-head, jump-scaring the living crap out of me, making me spill my coffee all over my desk, makes me paranoid of every single pallet on the map.
@CountOfTheFog - This guy is a menace to killer side!
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Never forget I'm out there in the fog....
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Your threats are not gonna work! Killers are working for the Entity, it will save me from you, we're not going to meet in the fog! (Dear Lord…)
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Seeing a reaction video from the killers POV with all that would be worth posting for the giggles. You don't get that from this survivor POV clip...
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Play it in slow motion to see naughty bears 🐻 reaction lol
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Uh… she seems middle of the road.
Def not as bad as people are making it out to be.
Side note: Throw pebble should make the dog play fetch with survivors 😂1 -
Have you tried playing as her or just against her?
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The other reason the killer being weak sucks for survivor is they are the most often forced to tunnel and camp and slug the whole team in 95% of the rounds.
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I totally understand, it is frustrating when the dog seems to want to do it's own thing and difficult to get a hit in a lot of areas.
Hopefully BHVR get on this quick as there is potential if they can improve the dog AI the speed she gets from search paths can be be useful for catching survivors off guard
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Nobody is playing Houndmaster since November 29. I seen more Twins than Houndmaster.
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sometimes i feel like i'm the only person that doesn't really mind her as she is right now with the exception of the bugs XD
her power needs a bit of tweaking for the weird behavior as well as a couple of numbers, yes, but i actually quite like her potential as a herding and zoning killer with the way that she is. you have to outplay with the dog and her by positioning, and it makes for a fun interaction in chase both as survivor and killer.
i'd need more time with her to say, but i don't think she's as terrible or weak as people make her out to be. she just needs a few fixes and that's all imho :]