Buff Dissolution

I love this perk, ever since skull merchants nerf, dissolution, bamboozle, rapid brutality and surge have been the perks I need to compensate her nerf. I strongly feel like dissolution would be a better perk if it lasted 25-30 seconds instead of just 20 seconds and also instead of 3 seconds after they loose a health state maybe 1.5 seconds after ? That would be nice a small buff is all I ask for.
I would love this personally. Sounds peachy heh
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Sure, why not.
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Increased duration would be very nice.
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They need to change it to a "within X meters of the killer" requirement too. There's no reason for it to be terror radius dependent, especially since it's a teachable from a killer that loses their terror radius all the time.
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I really don't think this perk should be buffed, considering when it procs it removes any form of counterplay the survivor could have. A longer duration would simply mean the likeliness of survivors having 0 counterplay after getting hit would be higher.
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I think people will never understand why this perk is mid as it is right now, killers would just bloodlust every pallet with this perk and make the gameplay incredibly unfair for survivors, that's why this perk is indicated for the survivors in the first place, in my opinion Dissolution is a perk that can never be changed or buffed, since it's design
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"There is no counterplay". "Dissolution active", survivor: hold W and escape the loop. Sure...
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How is there no counterplay? Why isn't every killer running this then?
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I'd like it to activate a tad faster, everything else i can live with. Slow vaulting not a big deal for example since it's predictable
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If you hold w you often just get to another loop with a pallet and, depending on the duration of the perk, you'll have the same issue there. Right now Dissolution has some counterplay in form of leaving the loop, but that's it, and the more the duration is buffed, the less often survivors would end up with any counterplay what so ever. That's the problem.
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It does have counterplay at the moment in form of leaving loops, but if you buff the duration, that counterplay will become very slim. In my opinion it's just a badly designed perk. Because it either leads to free hits or doesn't do anything.