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Let survivors choose to pick up at least 3 killers they never want to play against

Same as denying map offerings but its for killers. Cause i better Dc in the start of the match, then even trying to play against Huntress, Wraith or Oni. This thrio is more insufferable to go against than chess merchant. To be fair i prefer 100 matches against chess merchant than even one, against one of those three.

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  • Member Posts: 197

    So survivors massive DC or giving up against specific killer is better? And giving up is massive problem with Wraith, Huntress and Oni

  • Member Posts: 16,670

    I mean, you CAN argue that it would be fair, since Killers also see what they are going against and can dodge. And I think it would really show the problems with some Killers if a Nurse-player barely gets a game.

    But it would just increase queue times way too much. There are potentially 12 Killers which can be excluded (realistically it would probably be 9 Killers, since most likely everyone would pick Nurse), so it can take some time to find a match.

    And what about people who actually like to go against a certain Killer, but are matched with someone who does not like it? E.g. I like to play against Billy a lot, but if I am in a Lobby with someone who has Billy excluded, it would mean that the match will not have any Billy, even if maybe 3 out of 4 Survivors would like to play against him.

  • Member Posts: 3,255
  • Member Posts: 3,009

    And giving up is massive problem with Wraith, Huntress and Oni

    Sounds like projection to me.

  • Member Posts: 197
  • Member Posts: 2,075

    You mean, in addition to being able to already avoid lobbies with flashlights, toolboxes, or nea?

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think we should put in a system like this at all. But at the same time, why is it suddenly an instant "give me a compensation buff" literally any time someone recommends any change at all. That's the definition of entitlement.

  • Member Posts: 1,914
    edited December 2024

    i better Dc in the start of the match, then even trying to play against Huntress, Wraith or Oni.

    Now try to convince me you're not an entitled survivor player. You are one of the players I've been talking about in my threads about: "Survivors DC at the beginning coz they don't like the killer".

    I absolutely do NOT approve of such actions, it is NOT justified by any means, and I hope 1 day - we will be able to report such behavior.

  • Member Posts: 603

    Would never happen. This cuts into profit margins and lengthens queue times while requiring development effort, and for this alone it will never be considered by BHVR. With new killer releases especially this would be problematic.

  • Member Posts: 139
    edited December 2024

    My God, when I think I've seen everything in this community, I end up being more and more surprised. Let the survivor choose which killer he doesn't want to play against? And are you seriously going to put Wraith on the list? One of the weakest killers in the game, I can only believe this post is a bait.

  • Member Posts: 197
  • Survivor main enjoy playing survivor challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

    Even the killers you hate are part of the game man

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Good bye Head On, Blast Mine and Chemical Trap.

    I would never see them again.

    But that is their problem, not the killer's fault. They choose to DC.

  • Member Posts: 3,941
    edited December 2024

    I definitely want 3 killers I can perma ban from my games: -

    • Survivors who loop near the hook and/or the 3 gen and refuse to leave/lure the killer away.
    • Survivors who immediately let go of gens and sprint through literal fire to immediately unhook while the killer is 10ft away.
    • Survivors who DC or SoH because they have all the resilience, integrity and sportsmanship of your average sweaty MMORPG noob hunter.

    My Survivor games would be so much better without them.

  • Member Posts: 8,864
    edited December 2024

    I dont think it's a "give me a compensation", but rather t"Do you see how stupid this sounds?"

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Reaction based balancing vs. Preemptive based balancing

    Some people want to watch the scales tip one way or the other before adding weight to the higher side

    Some people want to add a bit of weight to both sides when proposing big changes because they want to hopefully have it balance out or be closer to balanced then you would get by just putting weight on one side

    I don't get the hate for people brainstorming what a "compensatory buff" might be especially for hypotheticals that 100% won't and shouldn't happen.

  • Member Posts: 64

    Still have no idea why people dislike Skull Merchant, she's nowhere close how she was originally. Survivors with untreated trauma I guess 😂

  • Member Posts: 3,941
    edited December 2024
  • Member Posts: 3,009

    There are, in fact, numerous people on this forum who believe Wraith is overpowered and cannot be counterplayed.

    Perhaps if they spent less time complaining on the internet and more time practicing the game they complain about, they could figure out how to overcome such insurmountable challenges like "jump through window when bing-bong man is near".

  • Member Posts: 859

    Imma need more than three…

  • Member Posts: 214

    Crazy how you dislike wesker. He is one of the most fun killers to face :,D Instead look at Alien, Chucky and Cenobite…pure stage 4 content

  • Member Posts: 618
    edited December 2024

    Would be nice. I'm on NA west servers where nobody has DLC. Mostly free with the game killers and mixed with a GhostFace here and there.

  • Member Posts: 22

    youre the reason survivors have a low escape rate.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    The only legitimate reason to avoid certain killers is due to accessibility issues, like photo sensitivity/emetophobia/coulraphobia etc. Even those are better treated with accessibility options instead of just being able to avoid playing against them altogether. Wanting to avoid specific killers for any other reason is similar to killers demanding to be able to opt out of (or even just knowing) SWFs in their matches. Both suggestions for selfish reasons would tank queues for either side with much less gained than lost.

    I often see these suggestions about overplayed killers like wesker, but seeing people want to never pair with wraith says a lot more about their familiarity of the game and lack of adaptation than a serious balance suggestion.

    Keep in mind, its a much bigger deal to ban entire killers than it is to see items and skins. Just think about all the swfs that will basically use their 3 bans each to never see a top or even mid tier killer again. The impact of such a choice is much higher, and would better equate to having SWF pairing info in the lobby, which will likely never happen.

  • Member Posts: 185

    Something that we could do is a system for you to not be matched against the same killer for 4 or 5 matches.
    BUT I believe this would impact queues too.

    I would love never facing Wraith, Nurse, Legion and some other killers ever again, but this can't be done.

  • Member Posts: 7,162
    edited December 2024

    That just wouldn't work. Killers like Nurse, Chucky and Blight who are strong and oppressive would struggle to get matches. A few months ago I would have said Skull Merchant too but she's now the worst killer in the game. Completely neutered.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    It just makes no sense and it's just blatantly unfair to the player who just likes to play the so-called: "Hated character".

    The system like this would just punish these players with long q-times for literally nothing. Not only that - knowing some survivor players, we will basically end-up having all killers from the character list being blocked by some of these survivors, and it's just + to q-times to the game in general.

    Never going to happen, and nobody wants longer q-times. (2v8 ptsd)

  • Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2024

    The emotional side of me says that would be a great feature. Personally, I'd never like to see Legion, Onryo, or Good Guy again. However, the rational side of me knows how terrible of an idea it is because that means it would significantly increase queue times for people. Especially if they're playing an unpopular killer. That's a terrible business move for BHVR, since they sell these characters and you'll probably want to play the thing you paid for. So it can never happen. How about we all just agree to only play as Trapper, ok? Except me. I'll play all the killers. But all of you only play Trapper. Deal? Deal.

    And while we're on the topic of suggestions, maybe introduce a harsher punishment for disconnects. The 15 second matchmaking ban isn't doing anything to dissuade people. Maybe start it at 5 minutes and increase by 5 minutes every time they dc, having it reset on the 13th of the month? That's a feature I'd like to see way more. Course then they'd need an easier way to report people giving up in game… Hmm…

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