I guess survivors hate ghost face now

Just played a match of ghost face and all the survivors just gave up after I got my 4th hook. No, I didn't tunnel or anything. Can anyone who understands survivors explain?
Hooks (before they gave up):
Mikaela - none
Ash - 2nd
David - 1st and 4th
Kate - 3rd
Also my build if it matters:
Hex: Thrill of the Hunt
Hex: Ruin
Hex: Face the Darkness
Hex: Crowd Control (cleansed right before(after?) I got my 3rd hook)
Your build.
How many gens done at time of DC?
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None, the match was like 2-3 minutes
So they hate hexes now?
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play vs thrill of the hunt and you will see why
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My bet is they hate Thrill specifically because of the recent buff. That and the 4 hooks with 0 gens, they probably assumed there was no chance of a comeback. Bad reason imo , but that's probably what it is
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Me when i just ignore the hexes because ruins not a threat:
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Yeah, ruin might as well not exist, even with thrill. Face the darkness is the reason. If I were them, Id probably assume Devour or something was also in play and know its pointless. Next queue!
Regardless of if it's able to be cleansed or not, this iteration is negative fun. Would you play knowing you're not going to have what a video game is supposed to provide: fun?
Anyway, already been stated they're going to hotfix it someway.
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TOTH is slightly overtuned and makes hex builds too strong right now. It's not the Ghostface Buffs, it's the hex builds buffs.
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I find most annoying part of DBD is the teammates not builds (unless its rare occasions like Overbrine Eruption meta).
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It is not Ghostface, it is Thrill of the Hunt.
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It's the entitlement, and a placebo effect. Survivors think they're owed a DC/game throw without judgement, because "I don't like this killer, this build, or the way this match is going." It's never their fault, is it? Then, fueling that is the TOTH hysteria. "We can't win. He has TOTH." So they panic, make dumb plays, and give up easier because that perk is in play, and thus lose themselves the game.
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It was teammates back then, too. Bad teammates make any build look unbeatable, because they forgo coordination and strategy.
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It's your build. Literally every killer is playing the same build, or similar variation, so I'm assuming they're over it. Their mistake though was loading up for a game in the first place, since their next game is likely to be the same sort of build. I'm currently not playing and haven't in a few days because of it. Better to not play than ragequit. Even the streamer I'm literally watching at the moment as I type this is against a ToTH hex build 🤣
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Most of my friends are doing the same.
I know hexes need to be made whole again, but burnout happens much faster now. Regression builds, imo, had more variation in builds as 2 perk slots were all that's dedicated. Now, its always TotH, Devour, H:FtD, and with variance in mind, the 4th slot is usually some other random hex perk.
I also want to admit this is purely solo'q perspective since its 90% of my game time now. TotH is merely over tuned imo. But sending back to vanilla 10% doesn't feel right either. But unless we can cleanse without needing Calm Spirit, Solo'q might as well not exist as its simply makes the queue not worth the time.1 -
I have to admit I find breaking out GF annoying so I dislike him quite a lot but I can tolerate him because other than exposing you, he still has to chase you down like any other killer.
But survivors will DC against anything at times, not sure where you are but watching Streamers I like who are in NA, I notice the number of DC's and giving up first hook is way over what I experience in OCE, to the point it seems to be every second match at least in NA
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You play almost the exact same build as I do on sadako. Only difference I use Tana for extra slow cleansing speed while you use crowed control. It’s fun.
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Survivors have been trained that if they DC the thing they don't like gets nerfed.
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Yes. Your build matters.
I don't support quitting in any way, but your build was most likely the reason they quit.
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No tribalism please. Thrill is too strong right now. It's not a justification to quit, but it is deserving of a nerf. The buff should have been tested on ptb before being pushed live.
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Some killers can make totems be uncleansable. This has nothing to do with strategy or coordination. It's plain overtuned.
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Yeah, a survivor being faced with this would likely assume Devour, and at 4 hooks in with no gens, probably expect they have little chance of getting gens done.
At that point it only takes one survivor to give up. The rest, even if they would have been willing to play out the game, will fall like dominoes. An uncleansable Devour is bad but losing a survivor at 0 gens is worse.
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Started with Freddy and Spirit, and it's still going. Even Wraith wasn't spared.
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If they're uncleansable, then stop trying to cleanse them and do the gens. People are scared of Devour, but you can win by the time the killer has 5 hooks. That's what's overtuned.
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To be fair, it did work twice.
Freddy after his release and Skull Merchant.
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I'm glad that Bhvr. is actually listening and fixing this issue instead of waiting forever like they did with Weave Attunement. If it takes people complaining on the forums for Bhvr. to see the error of their ways sometimes then so be it.
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Yes, but there is a difference.
Thrill of the Hunt actually needs the nerf. Original Freddy and Skull Merchant did not.
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I'm sorry, but you are delusional.
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Yeah, it's definitely overtuned but hopefully they can still make it useful without sending it back into the ground.
One of my last games a few days ago was against a Trapper who used ToTH with just one other hex perk. He didnt create a build around it to play the game for him, he was actually a decent killer and didnt need to. He just played normally. I thought to myself, 'this is likely how the devs intended it to be used, as a support, but of course this community has to abuse it.'
One of the biggest complaints I see is how quickly hexes can go, especially with survivors sometimes spawning right on top of them. So i feel like BHVR had the right intention, trying to slow down cleansing long enough for the killer to come and chase a survivor off, preferably in the crucial early game. I doubt their intention was to ever make it so totems couldn't be cleansed at all.
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You don't want to cleanse with calm spirit, lol
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I might have been doing a similar hex build with Doc using The Game map offerings...
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Hate to ask but anyone by chance know long it would take to bless a hex totem with this meta? I have yet to vs this toth outbreak but as I saw complaints of it, I stopped playing.
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Whats so funny?
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Somebody tried to do this the other day but they are still blessing so we don't yet know the result.
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tbh I think the burn outs are just taking over again. People were giving up left and right on first hook (or before) yesterday against my Houndmaster. No hex build or anything.
Probably a lot of people mourning 2v8's absence and remembering they don't like the normal game.
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I bad joke that translated poorly to text lol. Calm spirit is def not the perk to bring for cleansing lol
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Fair enough ill check in 2 business days xd.
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Thrill of the hunt
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Wow one match and now all survivors hate ghostface. I love the logic of DBD players.
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I ain't been playing since 2v8 began (because it wasn't that good this time around let's all admit it), so I haven't seen this in action. I have no reason to use this myself as I don't use broken things. I certainly don't want to play against it.
See y'all for Bone Chill. uwu1 -
I don't think it's Ghostface, it's just the way people are anymore. They would rather die on a hook than be bled out for the mori. People just don't want to play well anymore.