P100 is becoming a problem.
i spread my points so I don't even have p100 anything yet but I can still bring iri addons every single match anyways.
I don't but I could so whats the point?
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I agree being able to stockpile addons and items can be problematic sometimes but like… what's wrong with people having p100s?
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Never thought there’d be a complaint about P100 bloodweb items being and issue. Out of every major problem in the game, P100 bloodweb is an issue. I fall in defeat.
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I say the best addons/items are mostly green.
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Is your problem that the iri addons are too strong or that they get too many? Too strong I somewhat agree but people will always use the strongest items and addons if given the choice. You can't expect people to not run good perks, items and addons. If you nerf survivor addons the people will still bring the strongest stuff available. But your problem is swf and not addons. If a soloq survivor pops a syringe to heal are you really gonna complain, especially if their soloq teammates are hiding and not doing gens? You only complain when the team is coordinated and efficients AND using strong addons
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Putting time and devotion into a certain character and having benefits?
Dont see the issue.2 -
This is exactly how the game worked at p3-50 with exactly 1 caveat…
From 2016-2019 bloodpoints were relatively balanced, longer grinds that reset items you got, exponentially scaling making each new chapter you got require you to spend 9 then eventually ~5 levels maxing out the new perks on each character, which added up fast, and even while bbq was around most killers barely broke even on bp to use their favorite builds, and survivors definetly didn't.
Then starting in 2019 tomes came out, offering millions of bloodpoints (for example the first one awarded 2575000 bp for completing all of its challenges
At the start of 2022 Ranks now awarded larger chunks of bloodpoints every month up to 1m per side
Middle of 2022 the prestige rework came out. You no longer lost perks, addons, and offerings, and also gained the teachable perks on the other characters just by unlocking them removing an exponentially increasing bp sink that players would be busy upkeeping instead of funneling bp into their favorites
End of 2022 the bp cost reductions hit. All nodes decreased in cost ~30% or more
We have given people 2 years to grind with very little outside interference and now its back to how it was except people have blood points pouring out of everything they do. At most people who play all the new content get setback ~3-4m bp per character as opposed to the ~6-8m it took to p3-50 back in the day (since now its just a p3-1 needed as well) on top of spending ~250k bp per other character to unlock teachables on them back in 2022 the last one was dredge so if we use sadako as an example players would spend ~6-8m to get her p3-50, 250k * 26 (6.5m) to get her perks on other characters, and another ~50k per level to get the at best 17 levels (-850k bp) to finish maxing her perks for a grand total of ~15m. And that's just half of the chapter release.
Now adays 15m will get you both of the characters at p3, and have at least 7.5m to spare to throw into at least 5 more prestige ranks in your favorite character.
The amount of bloodpoints people get is at least ~2-3x as much, the amount people spend is ~2-3x lower, and they have had at least 2 years to grind it. This is just a natural outcome of all the changes to appeal to casual gamers, which while all this works for them anyone who is skilled enough to know whats going on knows they are getting screwed for being somewhere in the middle.