Take bets

How likely will we see the removal of the ability to kill on hook in the next few years as a way to reinforce the DC penalty?
Because BHVR prioritizes forcing people to play their game for as long as possible over improving the overall experience.
Interesting how a lack of alternatives to sidestep the penalty works. Killers have always been "forced to play the game as long as possible" even when they want to leave the match. They either DC/AFK and get DCed, or they finish the match. It has been suggested they get the ability to quit early with no penalty like survivors currently can, but the fact of the matter is any player leaving early is disrupting the game, ruining it for the other 4 players.
This is why it has a scaling penalty that goes up the more often you DC: Once occasionally because you have an internet issue or emergency is perfectly ok, especially since it will likely take longer for the IRL issue than the starting penalties. Do it too often? You get punished for ruining other people's games. See no reason why you should have to play out games? You should probably play a different game, preferably something either single player, or with drop in/out so the game can continue with or without you.
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Next few years? I wish to see it in this month or at least in early 2025.
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Survivors have given up in every single game ive played today, and only a handful of them dced. They should be penalized if they want to leave the match.
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”BHVR prioritizes forcing people to play their game” lmaoooo is BHVR holding a gun to your head? You CHOSE to queue up. If you can’t handle a ten minute game, play something else; there are plenty of us willing and happy to play out games to their natural conclusion. People who suicide on hook are a scourge on DBD, and they should be given no quarter.
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You mind sharing your build? :)
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Probably about 5 matches as vecna
Surge, STBFL, Rapid Brutality, Gift of pain, Vorpal sword (only really got value out of it once per match for 1 free hit) and Pearl of power (just consistently good)
About 6 matches as wesker
3 as Pentimento, Plaything, Pain res, Gift of pain, 3 as Pain res, Gift of pain, Unforeseen, Dark devotion, Both with Iridescent Uroboros Vial + Helicopter Stick
And about 4 matches as survivor
Hope, Dramaturgy, Finesse, Ds, Brown medkit
Now for some context on some of the matches
I never went back to hook UNLESS I couldn't find someone before the unhook occurred, i'm not gonna wander mindlessly while I know where 2 survivors are trying to find where 2 survivors might be.
None of the 3 Wesker matches I even activated pentimento because frankly I just didn't need to
One of the survivors who gave up tried their best to sandbag 2 other teammates before doing so in my survivor matches
Only one match that was a real match was against survivors using goober map tailored builds, 4 boon perks + map + hawkins offering + upstairs totem that I would need to go way out of my way destroy that covers half the map in circle of healing, shadowstep, exponential, and Dark theory. And maybe one survivor match was a real match but a jake juiced a spirit for 5 gens so it wasn't that interesting beyond an endgame save
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They honestly shouldn't be playing then. It ruins a game is someone DC's or gives up. It's making playing difficult.
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Sadly, these are the kind of people that have been completely burned out of the game and feel miserable for any kind of changes the devs do to this game. And their only way to cope with this, is that they're trying to make everyone else feel as bad as them to justify their actions to themselves and trying to prove themselves "See?! I told you this game is bad and the devs do not know what they're doing and etc. etc…."
If you feel bad and miserable playing this game, then leave and stop spreading the negativity, toxicity and sadness to other players. And if these feelings are being caused by something other stuff in your life, then seek professional help. You are not alone
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Video Games in general, reading, music, and movies are all forms of escape from reality. I think the lines blur though with online games because we as a human race have become much more comfortable with saying and doing things behind a screen without consequences. People can't see how actions effect others nor do they care. The technology age is great but it came at a cost of empathy. Also not only online games just online behavior in general. I come from a generation where of you wanted to play with someone they were next to you and if screen watched your chair was getting it's leg swept out. I have broken up physical fights over Mario kart. I think that's why I have such a divide with today's gamers they have been left unchecked with no sportsmanship and no repercussions of their actions.
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Please explain what someone playing Mario kart could've possibly done to warrant physical violence? Was using a blue shell considered being mean?
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Like poetry.
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You are the one queueing into a multiplayer game that pairs you with four other people, if you are playing survivor 3 of those people are your teammates, the key word here being TEAM
If you're going to be a baby and leave the second the match doesn't go your way, either DC, play killer, or play a different game, don't ruin the match for everybody else just because you don't feel like seeing it through.
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Honestly despite all the whiners in this thread I believe Bhvr. is smart enough to realize that this would only lead to surivor players either quitting the game in droves or just trolling. Despite what many in these forums say most of the time when a survivor "goes next" the game is unwinnable anyway. If Bhvr. wants to fix the balance of the game so these unwinnable situation aren't so common then maybe its a possibility. As it is by leaving Survivors an "escape valve" to leave unwinnable and unfun games, it takes pressure off Bhvr. to actually make survivor (or at least solo que) worth playing.
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Sounds like a fair trade off for being the "power role" and having the game mechanics literally skewed in your favor.
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Nah we should get this ASAP. Getting out early to circumvent the DC penalty… yeah. At least with it gone they are forced to play in the trial and if they do certain actions (like body block teammates in corners) it can be considered as griefing. I wish it was the same for just running to the killer to get out faster but I would consider it more of a gray zone.
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It's called 2vs8.
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You can’t prove intent so survivors can still be downed and hooked by killers and move on to their next match. :) Now patch that out.
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I feel like running to the killer and pointing to a hook is about as easy to prove intent as a killer bodyblocking a survivor. Sure, MAYBE their controller died right before they were gonna down them... but thats probably not going to be considered an actual possibility.
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Thats fine as long as they are forced to play the game.
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So my cousins would all play. They used to gang up on the little one, who had anger issues and throw their shells at him. This was before when you could fall off the edge. He got mad threw the controller and hurled himself on top of one them throwing punches. He was 6. I laughed but after I broke it up. When he used to get mad he called you a fartchatcher, really mad you were a pe'erhead. I swept the leg of the chair of a guy who was screen watching me during halo lol.
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So... we're literally comparing a temper tantrum from a small child to DBD players and claiming they are lucky they arnt in striking range. Am I understanding this correctly?
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I don't think it will change much. People who want out will just run to the killer and give up. The killer can bleed them out but the game will still be ruined for everyone else. If they start banning people then they will start doing it in more subtle ways. Like act as if they are trying only to run into a wall mid chase. There are so many ways people can throw the game if they don't want to play. It would make more sense for them to gather info about why people give up so much and attempt to fix those issues. Maybe in one of those surveys they love to do so much.
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They will not. It is not tough to find the killer, strategically interrupt what they are doing, and end up hooked. No killer is going to resist killing a survivor. The 4K is just too tantalizing. It bewitches you.
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See this is the hypocrisy. Some players believe that Killers should be forced to play a whole game out, but when they have to do the same, they end themselves on hook. It's crap whoever does it, it shouldn't be possible.
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So in other words, you don't have an actual argument concerning the double standard. Got it.
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No, not comparing just saying that players or society as a whole are to comfortable insulting or destroying someone's fun without feedback persay. Do you really think someone would tell someone to unalive themselves face to face. Or if they are playing a game together just quit because it didn't go their way? More than likely not.
Although most DBD throw tantrums more than Veruca Salt.
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While I agree that keyboard warriors get plenty cocky, following it up with how getting beat in Mario kart was enough to start a fight is just odd. Beating someone is not the same "destroying someone's fun".
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I mean you can still assume as the killer player what the survivor wants to do. If they get fresh unhooked and run to me 30 seconds after im chasing someone else I bleed.
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I'll be honest, when I want out I tend to just half-ass my chases. It's really not hard to get out of a game if you want to. Just run in a straight line past all tiles until you're downed lol makes the killer feel good too. Removing self unhooking for first stage won't bother me at all. In the 4 years I've been playing I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I've let go on first hook. Hopefully it would lead to a rework of luck offerings too.
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if you are feeling "forced to play the game as long as possible" why are you even playing the game?
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Few years?
This should have been done yesterday.😂2 -
Can already envision uptick of 'why are survivors so bad lately' posts if this change ever comes to pass.
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Whilst BHVR has made big steps to improve the experience, the same cannot be said for the maturity levels of some players. I feel that needs to be changed first because a vast majority of those I've seen or experienced don't DC or end themselves on hook because of the game, but mostly because they messed up and cannot blame themselves.
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Maybe but it isn’t hard to dress a throw up. Plenty can get a killer to finish them off without making it look like that is actually what they’re doing.