Which licensed killer need rework?

Between Freddy, Michael, Sadako, The pig and Ghost face.
Who needs help the most?
- In an order of how urgent they are:
- Freddy: His power is weak and boring, his add-ons are terrible, all uniqueness he had was removed, which was a giant mistake.
- Myers: He desparately needs an add-on pass, as well as multiple touch-ups to his base-kit.
- Sadako: She needs help, mostly in undoing some nerfs she's gotten over the years.
- Ghostface: Fixing his reveal to not be terrible should be a no.1 priority.
- The Pig: She is relatively fine rn, but needs some more help with her ambush and stealth.
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Pig needs buff the most especially for her RBT, cause right now they weak garbage.
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They aren't the best, true.
But I don't think she is in a worse state than Freddy or Myers.
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Absolutely not.
They can become extremely leathal with the right rng and in the right hands. She needs improved stealth and ambush. RBTs are in a perfectly fine spot right now.
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Freddy is in heavy need of a rework. Hopefully BHVR does this as they did with Sadako, combining the good from old and new. A lot of people (including me) want old Freddy back and this could be a step in the right direction.
Myers just got an update but I'm nor sure if this is enough for him. Need to play him more.
Sadako needs some help in regard to tvs and tapes. Tape insertion is still way too fast and tapes don't really have any downside to them.
Ghosty should have his reveal machanically looked at.
Piggy still needs some chase buffs.
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They need a more buffs. For example RBT timer should not stop in chase and timer should be reduced to 1 min 30 second
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Absolutely not.
With over 2k hours of experience on this killer alone. Absolutely not.
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- Freddy. Boring, bland, non-thematic power that was the result from the complete destruction of the original kit which was far more interesting and better. Has a mixture of boring add-ons that are either pitifully weak or so bland that they aren't fun. I really hope the changes they have for him involve mixing his release kit with his current one in order to get the best of both worlds.
2. Myers. The recent buffs he got made him not completely terrible however he still has problematic add-ons (Tombstone Piece will never be fun to play against) and he still needs help in a lot of areas.
3. Ghostface. His reveal mechanics feel horrible for both sides and should be adjusted as this is one of the few instances in this game where a mechanic feels uniquely terrible for both sides at the same time in totally and completely different ways.
4. Sadako. Could use some extra number tweaks. Not inherently super strong but I wouldn't call her innately weak either. She's very middle of the road.
5. Pig. She's add-on dependent and that really blows but I'd say she's currently in the best state she's ever been in. Completely playable and solid in most pub matches.
1 - Freddy. Boring, bland, non-thematic power that was the result from the complete destruction of the original kit which was far more interesting and better. Has a mixture of boring add-ons that are either pitifully weak or so bland that they aren't fun. I really hope the changes they have for him involve mixing his release kit with his current one in order to get the best of both worlds.
Freddy needs his rework in January, which will hopefully be good.
Myers only needs some small quality of live changes and buffs.
Sadako needs a revert to her first version with some buffs and keeping the good changes from the reworks. The focus should be more one her chase, teleport and her being fun for both sides and not only on condemned.
Pig needs a reduction of the Bear trap timer by 10-15s and her box auras shown again. I would like if the keys were at physical places again instead of rng, but the fourth box guarantees the key and 5 boxes spawn on a map, so she can’t afk kill again.
Ghost face just needs some more number buffs.
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- Freddy for obvious reasons.
- Sadako. She's in a pretty sorry state with all the nerfs she has gotten.
- Pig. Her power mainly relies on rng. So basically no control of her own power.
- Michael. His recent update was a big help but he could still do with some more. Add on pass and a couple of more additions to his base kit.
- Ghostface. Just fix his wonky inconsistent reveal mechanic.
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I think Xenomorph could use some tweaks, his tunnels are a bit underwhelming.
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Freddy, by far.
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Freddy needs it the most. He has like no power.
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Xenomorph is confusing and clunky for the killer player by design. The visual effect on his tail attack goes way forward sometimes, and other times it like floats in place, which is consistent with its inconsistent hitbox.
And like you said, his tunnels suck. They sometimes don't even spawn near the gens they're associated with, like on a completely different floor or behind a wall from them. They muffle survivor and gen sounds really hard. They're facing a wall when you come out half the time, like a Sadako TV. And they spew sparks out of the entrance for no reason when you come out. Why does it do that, if not to confuse players? Because the turrets spark as well when you come out, so it tricks you into thinking a turret is like right on you. You turn to look for it so it doesn't burn you, and then you figure out, "Oh, it was just me teleporting." So stupid.
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Yeah they seriously need to address Xenomorphs tail without completely butchering it. As for its tunnels, not only do they spawn super inconsistently, they take forever to enter & exit, and the interior tunnels can have extremely sub-optimal routes.
- Improve station spawn logic, you could also add more of them.
- Decrease station enter & exiting speed
- Fix tail visual clunk
- Nerf flame turret detection range (40+ meters is insane, what's the point of undetectable in tunnels? I love it thematically, but it shouldn't be that large.)
as for its addons, id like to see them make map and helmet basekit. WITHOUT nerfing them overall (unknown)1 -
1- Freddy - Full rework (Which is happening on january no?)
2- Sadako:
Tape Mechanics
- Passive Condemn: Survivors carrying a tape passively gain a stack of Condemn every 30 seconds. This adds pressure without being overwhelming, especially in longer games.
- Tape Destruction on Hit: When Onryo hits a survivor carrying a tape, the tape is destroyed, and the survivor gains a stack of Condemn. This rewards good plays and adds counterplay to tape turn-ins.
- Insertion Penalty: Survivors inserting a tape within Onryo’s terror radius gain a temporary Hindered effect (e.g., -5% movement speed for 6 seconds). This makes turning in tapes in her face riskier.
Manifest/Demanifest Issues
- Manifestation Slowdown: Remove the slowdown while Manifesting. This change ensures smoother gameplay and encourages strategic use of Manifest/Demanifest without punishing the player.
- Lullaby While Demanifested: Remove it entirely, make it non directional or make it conditional.
- Teleportation Sound Cue: Remove the global audio cue for teleports. Survivors should rely on situational awareness rather than a guaranteed warning.
Add-on Adjustments
- Iridescent Videotape: Reduce TV cooldowns significantly and hide TV auras from survivors while equipped. This adds pressure and unpredictability for a high-risk, high-reward playstyle.
- Telephone: Increase Hindered duration to 6–8 seconds and raise the slow to 5–6%. This gives the add-on more relevance in chases.
- Tape Editing Deck: Remove the starting tape mechanic and instead allow auras of survivors turning off TVs to be revealed for 4 seconds. This incentivizes proactive TV play.
- Distorted Photo: Remove the "witness" condition to make the Condemn effect consistent and reliable.
- Ring Drawing: Make it base kit. Survivors interacting with TVs gain a stack of Condemn. This aligns with her intended pressure mechanics.
- Aura Add-ons: Shift aura effects from "on" TVs to "off" TVs and increase the detection range by 50%. This rewards players who use their TVs strategically.
- Remote Control: Integrate this add-on into her base kit. Survivors near TVs during teleportation should gain a stack of Condemn.
Miscellaneous Improvements
- Bug Fix for Intermittent Invisibility: Ensure her intermittent invisibility lasts the intended duration. This would significantly improve her stealth capabilities.
- Condemn Visual Feedback: Add subtle visual/audio cues for survivors with high Condemn stacks (e.g., static effects). This increases immersion and pressure.
Some ideas. Personally I think that at least giving some sort of penalty for delivering tapes and turning off tvs, paired with a better possibility to mind game with manifest and demanisfest would help. Other thing that could help would be giving her an aura reveal basekit, if you want any info perk atm, she has to compromise perks or add ons that are a must almost 99% of the time.
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Myers, as he is the one with the oldest kit.