Why we should always test changes in a ptb

let background player and the recent thrill of the hunt be examples of why we should always test changes before sending them to live. There wasn’t a ptb for 200% background player it was shipped to live in the post ptb patch notes last year and it became absurdly powerful in the right hands almost uncounterable at pallets and now with the out of nowhere buff to thrill of the hunt that makes cleansing take ages. Changes like this would not have gone live if there was a ptb for them. Thrill is obnoxiously strong right now to the point that there’s no reason to run undying because thrill is 10x better rn. I just hope they nerf thrill relatively soon and not wait months like how they did with background player. I like the idea of buffing thrill it’s just the numbers are overtuned and if it was in a ptb, it would’ve probably went to 12% per totem or reverted for live servers.
why we should always test changes
First of all, inside DBD testers should test it out.
I don't think they did that at all tbh.
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Agree. This should have been tested.
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I fully agree. Pushing changes to live without testing them in the ptb first is just odd. Why do we even have a ptb in that case?
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This is not at all the same as old Background Player. This is a hex perk, which will always be weak because it can be destroyed, and if that's not enough, it can be destroyed fast by the inclusion of 1 Counterforce. I don't think this perk buff will stand the test of time. If it does, it won't be meta, and will just be a noob stomper perk. People like to conflate the two, that "Well, if a killer beats most players with this perk, it must be OP!" No, because the majority of survivors are ultra casual. I don't think you'll see this perk at top level. I really doubt it. And if it's not good there, then the majority of players just need to get better at facing it. This perk existing doesn't make the killer an unstoppable force. It's still the same flawed, mediocre role. When have you ever played killer, picked a perk, and thought, "Now that I've picked this peri, I'll never know struggle!" It just doesn't work that way. There's so much that goes into playing killer well that people are either ignorant about or refuse to accept.
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After watching several videos on thrill of the hunt I agree. I have no idea how this ever got through the ideas stage. Now the question is do we have to suffer through it for a long period of time like the eruption meta or will they nip it in the bud before it gets out of control.
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I'm sure there's some level of internal play testing that goes on when perks undergo number tweaks. Not sure how robust it is. Like I said in another thread, it's really hard to imagine that these totem cleansing speeds were tested and determined to be fun or healthy.
Even with Counterforce, you're still looking at a 39 second totem cleanse at 5 totems. That's absurd. Nothing "quick" about that. A semi-competent killer is never going to lose a game with a full hex build+Thrill. Survivors either spend minutes on a totem sidequest, or they don't cleanse.
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The PTB exists as marketing for new chapters its not actually meant for testing
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Playtesters can only find/do so much. There were plenty of other changes this patch, and a number tweak on a perk like Thrill which has always been deemed weak (and on paper it still doesnt seem like much) probably just flew under the radar
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Its funny since hex builds arent necessarily that uncommon in competitive play, so already that invalidates the whole "top level" argument
also put Doc on Gideon with Distressing + Calm (and Order, not really necessary though) and you can Static Blast the entire map faster than some one has time to even cleanse 1 totem
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It is better to get more things, that aren’t tested on the ptb. I’m not a fan of waiting a month for an update, which I know most things about already. It’s much more exciting when released directly and with stuff that is not necessarily balanced!
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Maybe run counterforce? Just maybe…
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huh? The ptb literally means public TEST beta so they can test changes coming to live. Almost every recent ptb’s have had changes after them to adress things that can’t make it to live. Imagine if there wasn’t a ptb and we had to deal with reworked twins coming to live or reworked zanshin or Phead torment on m2. There would be so many unhealthy/broken characters, perks, addons, etc that would make it to live if there wasn’t a ptb to test it first.
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- It is clear that this perk has not been tested in any way, not even by the internal DBD team. You don't have to be Otzarva or part of Team Eternal to understand that TOTH is problematic right now. I don't think it's ever happened before that a perk gets nerfed so quickly (as they said they will)
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Counterforce isn't nearly enough to bring it back to reasonable levels, since the speed boost from Counterforce is, itself, also reduced by TotH.
Plus, mandatory counterpicking is F-tier design.
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Yeah but they get the changes out in a week or less its why the PTB really doesn't change much and is just for marketing. The changes they typically make aren't even that big.
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This argument has been debunked. Counterforce doesn’t counter TotH builds. It doesn’t even really counter the perk by itself if a killer protects their totem.