TOTH will guaranteed to be nerfed with the next hotfix cause of to much complainers

stay tuned they said….. I don't need to tell anyone what that means.
What does it mean to consider in an upcoming hotfix? Do they want to remove the tokens or lower the % value? This smells like a nerf again and only because there is a lot of whining instead of finally getting involved. I also only play solo Q and have no problems with totems. On the contrary, it can even be very exciting. But the majority of people aren't interested in it. All that matters to them is wins, wins, wins, even though they don't even know their own hidden number. That's so ridiculous.
Pack a map with reach add-ons and use Counterforce, Inner Strength, Hardened and Plunderers Instinct and you'll have a very great time and fun playing the game. People should finally get involved and get out of their comfort zone instead of complaining because they can't play their WOO DS DH builds.
And if Survivors did that then Killers would just complain about it. It's a cycle of complaining and the Devs take all Feedback to heart.
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I feel like 47 seconds to cleanse a single totem is a bit much, no?
For those of us that remember original Undying, this is like Undying guaranteeing that you need to cleanse 3.5 totems.
I wouldn't mind a buff to ToTH, it's one of many bad perks, but this feels overdone.
40 -
You run TOTH when you play Killer don't you?
18 -
Good, 45+ seconds to cleanse a totem is absurd and has no place in this game
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Good - I can't wait for nearly all hex perks to be useless and irrelevant again
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Excellent and completely expected news.
The TotH buff is one of the most short-sighted changes they've made in a long time.
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Great news
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Look, as much as I'd love a small buff to Thrill of the Hunt, it's very clear that they overshot it, a 70% maximum penalty is too high and opens up some very busted builds.
It doesn't even have to be reverted either. Just tone it down a little and it will be fine.
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Like Im love Thrill to get a small buff esp if they are hellbent on removing the bp bouns but 14% is too much. Personally I say nerf down to 12%, revert it back to 10% with a new small 2nd effect like breaking pallets faster, or do a compete revert and give the perk is bp bonus back. Any of these be fine, I just hope they dont just nerf it to 10% and call it a day, if it's going to be 10% again it needs someone else on top of it.
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Does that really matter? People defend DS going up to 4 seconds all the time, and you know they use it.
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This perk is overtuned right now and it needs a nerf, it will be a healthy change.
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I play both sides and never use DS as survivor, and I think 4 second DS is fine
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This is so bonkers, that the perk's even being discussed. People have barely had a chance to play with or against it, and are 100% using confirmation bias to call it strong.
I mean look at buffed Predator. Everyone was losing their minds like, "Aaaahhh! The killer gets aura for losing people! We'll never win!" Nobody uses that garbage perk. It's aura. Big deal.
🫱 Similar thing with TOTH and totems. It doesn't slow the gens, except ever so slightly with Ruin. But you can just do the gens and run out like usual, or do the totems and make the killer guard them, thus taking them off gens and off priority chase targets. A killer will not be able to tunnel effectively and simultaneously use this build to effect. It's impossible, unless you just hand it to him on a silver platter.
Sadly there's a supermajority that just doesn't want killer to have anything strong. If we were truly arguing against stuff that's OP, it would be stuff that's stopping good survivors from doing even 1 gen, and then killing them all. Longer totem cleanses is not gonna do that by itself. That only happens with bad survivors. Like, what are survivors doing with their time? Why are you so adamant on defending low caliber players?
4 -
Yeah, I'm looking forward to NOED, Painress, POP, Corrupt and stuff again. It will be fun, believe me, and with WoO DS DH it will be one of the best metas ever. Definitely not boring. You really have to try it out. 😊
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I don't use any of those perks but I'll take your word for it
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I saw the amount of time thrill took with resilience. It would be worse if the killer got the noise notification. I get hex perks are strong but 70% reduction at 5 stacks is a little much even with resilience that's 61% which still doesn't put a dent in it as it's still making a five stack cleanse just slight shorter.
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Buddy, the fact that this skipped PTB is already a massive preferential treatment. This would never have made it to live if it had been tested.
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Thrill needed a buff but this was not the way to do it.
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yea they honestly need to stop doing buffs that aren’t tested in the ptb. Same thing happened with BGP, there wasn’t a ptb for 200% speed and it’s obvious it wouldn’t have made it to live if there was. Just glad they’re addressing TOTH early instead of taking months like they did with BGP
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I just wonder why when its a killer perk, why do they hotfix it, but when its a survivor perk, we have to wait 6+months for it?
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we go live forever got immediately nerf so it happen on both roles. Perks on both side was allow to run rampant not to long ago. weave, ultimate weapon, background player, ftp/buckle, etc
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Laughs in WGLF.
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imagine thinking weave and UW were a problem, both of those perks were garbage then and they are garbage now. There's a reason comp didn't ban either them but they ban nowhere to hide.
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UW is so garbage now. They completely ruin that perk imo. That my only issue when they decide to nerf killer perks, they tend to go over broad and completely make the perk not worth running or useless. Eruption is another one, sure I understand that it needed a nerf but it's effect now is so bad. It gives information at a time I don't need it…
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It was my post the community manager commented on. What annoys me is I gave 4 solid counters which surprise surprise the majority who are complaining about TOTH are choosing to ignore it as it means they need to run Jill's perk Counterforce, a single perk btw which completely dominates full Hex builds instead of one of their many 2nd chances they run and have run for years. BHVR talk about "shaking up the meta" yet the moment killers start changing up their meta BOOM "complaint, complaint, complaint, complaint" followed by nerfs to the point no one uses them again and form a new meta, rinse repeat.
The wording also annoys me "thanks for providing this perspective" so they see and acknowledge that counters DO exist but instead of having a backbone and telling the playerbase this instead they are going for no doubt immediate nerfs in a upcoming hotfix so probably less than a week killers will get to try this out for themselves. Wouldn't shock me either if new TOTH ends up weaker than what it was before the buff. Either way Hex builds will go back to being gimmicky and rare then survivors will find something else to mald over.2 -
Justified nerf.
Please finally learn from this BHVR. Test stuff on Ptb.
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US vs them is strong in this one.
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Both as killer and survivor, I don't like it when any perk becomes so monumentally strong I basically have no reason not to take it. To defend perk combos such as this is missing the big picture and rather short sighted.
Let's think about the Pain: Res and Pop meta and the Eruption, CoB meta. Defending these kind of things is a self defeating stance to take... because these combos were so strong, everyone ran it, which meant all killers, including the weaker ones, maintained good kill rates despite the fact they were otherwise struggling to compete without them. What happens when we nerfnthem? Hey, loads of killers start getting basekit buffs and QoL improvements.
It's the same thing for the Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time and Dead Hard metas. Everyone runs them cause they are strong, and because of that, Survivors maintain good survival rates, even if at base there is something lacking for the survivor side, meaning anyone not playing those perks is at a disadvantage that stands a much lower chance of being noticed and fixed. What happens when we nerf them? The perk metas start to balanace out, and hey, a whole load of other perks start getting buffs because they are no longer a risk of pushing already broken perks over the top.
Any time you look at a perk and think "I value this perk/combo above any other peek/combo" it's a good sign the perk is unhealthy.
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The nearly equivalent change was a couple years ago to boil over.
They overdid it (can't honestly remember if it got ptb tested or not) but it was reverted within 2 weeks.
People complained (on both sides) that the perk was overtuned and they fixed it quickly. The only difference I can see here is that there are a handful of *extremely* biased killer players who think this is ok or balanced in its buffed state.
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Any time you look at a perk and think "I value this perk/combo above any other peek/combo" it's a good sign the perk is unhealthy.
so i value bamboozle on leatherface because strong window loops make his power very time consuming. does that mean bamboozle is unhealthy? if you value a perk over another perk, it is often because that perk compensates weaknesses for that killer.
i have been playing a lot of knight recently with thrill and devour hope. i like the combo on him because i find knight's time to down very slow and i find his guards decent at chasing survivors away from totems. unhealthy or just compensating killer weaknesses+good power synergy?
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"I also only play solo Q and have no problems with totems."
You clearly dont play solo Q. I am a survivor main and I play solo Q. This buff is overtuned. We all know solo Q is chaos and most people running Hex builds at the moment are also running TOTH and Devour Hope. You only need 3 hooks, which are really easy to get to get instant down. I never play killer. I have almost 3 k hours and maybe 300 hours in killer. I decided to test this and i have been getting only 4 ks. On doctor, on blight, on legion, on trapper. Now, you might say I am not getting good survs because i have low mmr as killer. This could be true, but if i am so bad at killer and i am getting people on my "mmr", why do i keep getting 4 k? The game isnt balanced to be like that. To make matters worse, there wasnt a single match where survs finished all 5 gens.
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wglf got nerfed quick so that’s incorrect
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Yeah... saying bamboozle is strong holds true for specific killer combos... Bamboozle is a good perk, and a very good perk on Bubba specifically... but it isn't a mandatory pick for every killer.
You cannot compare Bamboozle on Bubba to Eruption/CoB and Pain Res/Pop on every single killer regardless of playstyle... which is why I specifically highlighted those metas.
These new TotH Hex combos are nigh uncounterable if the killer pays attention on numerous killers: -
- Blight
- Spirit
- Wesker
- Knight
- Singularity
- Doctor
- Wraith
- Artist
- Pinhead
And outside of those, it can be almost or just as strong on numerous others.
I'm really not sure why you're trying to die on this hill so hard my guy. We've always debated each other quite productively, but on this one, it's obviously busted... and it is starting to feel like you're trying to keep nitpicking everything to undermine and distract from the arguments against it.
It looks a lot like deflection man, and while I'm not yet accusing you of it, if we keep getting bogged down in rather irrelevant details, it's gonna get increasingly more difficult to take you seriously on this issue.
Post edited by UndeddJester on9 -
This numerical adjustment (and implemented directly without going through the PTB!)is ridiculous and should be fixed, but I do think that the totem perk, which is so unstable and not consistent in strength, should be revisited in the system or something. There are too many totems with too many dumb spawn positions.
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It is even worse than the time investment you had to do for Undying. With Undying, if I cleanse 3,5 Totems in that time, the Totems are at least gone and there is the possibility that I hit Undying earlier.
With Thrill of the Hunt you will have to spend those seconds guaranteed to get rid of one Hex-Totem, which might not even be Thrill of the Hunt AND more importantly, you can get interrupted, which would make all the time being wasted.
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Yeah, that's so true. They would never, ever make a change to a survivor perk and then realize "hey, that's blatantly overpowered" and revert it. Now let me just take a sip of my morning cup of coffee…
Well that's odd then. What appears to be on screen is exact evidence of the thing you said never happens. If this image is really true, that must mean that you're incorrect, and the factor that goes into something taking 6+ months to fix is not Killer vs Survivor.
I think the far more likely culprit is that in past, BHVR has not had as much focus on going back to update old, problematic stuff, but as time has gone on they've gotten better at addressing it. It took however many years to update old Dead Hard, that got bumped down to the better part of a year with the Gen Kick meta, half a year with Made For This and FTP Buckle Up, and now they're getting better at fixing the most blatantly broken stuff at every opportunity.
A second factor would be that many of the things someone could complain about in terms of being in the game for too long are complex fixes. MFT complaints weren't going to stop if they bumped it to 2% or even 1%, FTP complaints weren't going to go down if they reduced the Buckle Up endurance by a few seconds; they needed to brainstorm, code, internally test, adjust, PTB, make further adjustments, and release an entirely new, but comparable, effect. With something that just has a numbers problem, they can easily adjust the numbers.
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You forgot “We gonna live forever”. It also got nerfed directly after the buff in the next bug fix
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It is still fine to put changes directly to live as long as they are willing to correct them. If that’s the case I don’t see why the devs shouldn’t try out more more often.
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Then what's the Ptb for?
It's there to test changes so that specific aspect can be improved before the live game has to deal with it.
Thrill wasn't tested and now we have the mess. This could have been prevented if they added this change on the Ptb for people to review.
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PTBs are mostly for marketing and player satisfaction. They aren’t necessarily for balance. Otherwise they would have to improve a lot more and be available for all platforms. Most times we get almost no changes from ptb to live, although so many people gave feedback about what problems there are.
Thrill isn’t even a big problem right now and it is better that the devs try things out, instead of always playing it safe. It’s more exciting to get changes directly.
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Survivors crying about a perk instead of adapting? Nothing new really
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Did you just fall from the sky..?
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Pack a map with reach add-ons and use Counterforce, Inner Strength, Hardened and Plunderers Instinct and you'll have a very great time and fun playing the game
It's unfortunate you couldn't find a way to replace Inner Strength with No Mither somehow, because then that would be the worst build I've ever seen recommended on this forum
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First, a lot of things change from the Ptb.
Second, thrill is very much a problem right now. If you don't believe me, just take a look at forum posts. Every third is about this perk. And after testing it with my fellow pig enthusiasts and encountering it multiple times in soloq I'm convinced that the buff is way overtuned.
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Why should people adapt to something that was never intended in the first place? I doubt the devs buffed ToTH with the intention of it helping make hexes uncleansable. I get it's nice having a build to play the game for you, but you're dreaming if you thought it was going to stick around.
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Do you play survivor?
Just wondering if you can also see how almost all of your posts have this extremely biased and even condescending attitude about any opinion that goes against yours, and how biased all your takes are.14 -
i am a survivor main …… 🙄 The difference is simply that I'm not interested in winning and losing. (nobody cares about the MMR because you can't see it anyway) I just have fun (unlike many others)
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sometimes, you have to take the opposite position that is unpopular and seemingly not defendable. i am not going to convince you that the perk is not busted/unfair but i will say that sometimes it's fair when killer gets value out of their perks.
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I have them on ignore cause you cant reason with a 100% killer main. It has been paradise not being notified by them.
Back on topic
Just like how killers qq about wglf then toth deserves the same treatment.
Post edited by buggybug on4 -
Counter Force and Inner Strength are a powerful combination and save a lot of time. Hardened benefits from Counter Force and Plunderers. It also works against Face The Darkness and other perks that make you scream, and Plununderers additionally gives you a chance to find a key if the round goes horribly due to the increased chance of better items.
I can deal with that. It's my own combo and nothing copied. I enjoy experimenting with it. I'm not interested in the rest.