Do we all agree that houndmaster is a high skill low reward killer?

She's more fun than people give her credit for, I think
Great design cool power idea some good voice lines not the best though
I just take issue with her overall strength
Currently, I feel like she's very similar to PTB and release singularity, where the effort you need to put in for the killer to work is really not comparable to how little reward you gain from it and how easy the survivor can just turn it off / easily counter it
Even if we ignored all her bugs and you played her pretty well
With a skill ceiling high as hers and still feels "eh.. weak.." She should probably get some buffs
For a killer whose power doesn't injure (outside of few precise circumstances) she is hilariously weak and needlessly inhibited. Pinhead's chain does a better job hitting and slowing survivors, Deathslinger's harpoon is more reliable and can at least injure, Knight's guards' AI is better (that statement should scare you), even Trapper's beartraps are better than this dog because at least the beartraps don't zoom a survivor away from you into three different pallets.
There is fun to be had with this killer, but that fun is a fleeting and temporary thing in the face of her insurmountable wall of problems.
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Yeah, I don't think she needs that major buffs, but definetly few minor buffs and tons of QoL features and bug fixes.
Sadly it's unlikely for her to be in decent state for like a year or two.1 -
I wouldnt know if she fun or not…I can't do anything with her. Her high-skill floor is killing me and my matches as so unfun that I cant honestly learn anything or understand how to use her. She looks really fun I will say that and I do want to get better at her…I just dont know how and this first time Im at a lost with a killer…
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You would think a twins main would be able to see a top tier killer held back by bugs more than anyone else!
I honestly think she's going to be s-tier by the time people discover her quirks and her bugs get patched out, she's literally the ice climbers of this game, she has such a dumb amount of potential, she's like a deathslinger on crack if that even makes sense.
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They are doing 2 hotfixes and balance changes to her this month. I dont think it will take a year or 2.
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pretty much
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nah, she's pathetically weak, perhaps one of the worst killers in the game since she has a power that actually punish you for using it. i still wonder how such abomination left the ptb unchanged…
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And you believe those changes are going to be enough?
It wasn't enough for Singularity, or Twins. I don't see why this would be different.2 -
I feel like she'll be fine once she gets her bugs worked out. Atm, the bugs kinda overshadow everything. Maybe after those are handled and she gets some QoL tweeks, if she's STILL considered too weak we can look at buffing her.
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As soon as the dog gets some sort of aoe detection mechanic she's easily ~S tier. She's super fun to use and def not high skill cap you guys are crazy for that. But I'm a low mmr Andy so what do I know. 🤷
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I am one of the few that believes that having various strengths of killers, perks, items, add-ons etc. is a good thing. I like that not everyone or everything is super strong or the exact same in strength, as that's when skill can really shine. That being said, I do think she should get some adjustments. I haven't played her myself, (only against) but from what people have said she is really "clunky" and slightly glitchy.
I technically have yet to survive against her (one of the matches I couldve survived, but she only got one hook and I let her kill me at the end cause I just felt awful. I don't like seeing people have tough games and luckily they were really thankful and they said in chat at end game that it was their 1st time playing her, and they also attested to her feeling off). But despite the constant losses against her I don't think that it's because of her strength, more so everyone still trying to learn how to play against her. I do think the "Search" for Snug should really be fixed. He has ran straight passed me before wiyhout detection🙃
Love the idea, the design is awesome, but she needs some more tweaks and qol update imo.
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She’s weaker than current skull merchant.
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She will have her base of loyal players as all Killers do.
Even if Freddy was left in his current state, @GeneralV and I would still main him.
I think some Killers will pick her specifically for the thrill of the difficulty and to master her.
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Freddy's not a strong killer but at least his power works like it's supposed to. Houndmaster doesn't have that, so while there will be diehard loyal players like with all killers, I doubt those numbers will be significant.
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Meanwhile I having the oppsite exp while playing her where Im on the longest losing streak I have ever had on a killer…honestly I dont know if its the bugs, or the fact her skill floor is set so high that you actally need to watch guides and put in 100s hours to get half way decent with her. All I know Im starting to have such unfun time with her…I dont mind losing but losing every single match and not getting hardly any hooks just feel bad.
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Precisely, my friend!
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Enough? No, but I will try to remain hopeful despite their bad reputation in killer balances and map balances.
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Yesterday (Thursday) on Twitter/X:
They are making some adjustments to her.
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she extremely fun to play and tolerable to go up against. The bugs and all dog counterplay is holding her back. dog getting stuck, the dog randomly taking forever to comeback to you, the dog being able to be pull off and stun, dog pulling survivors away from you. Her skill ceiling decently high she deserve some buffs.
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the characters could have no bugs and still incredibly mid or below average. her lethality is just so bad at the moment coupled with a very difficult to land projectile vs good players. at least from my point of view, it makes her unattractive to pick-up.
poor reward+easy outplay is a 4 word summary of the killer.
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Plesse buff her in hot fix.
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Absolutely. Besides enormous amount of bugs, you're being punished for almost every decision you make.
I've played as her a lot since release and i confirm it. This killer is so weak in comparison to Wesker...
I don't want even to talk about counterplay. Besides the dog itself, other survivors can release you in 0,65 seconds instantly and killer would actually lose distance if try to use power in chase with 2 survivors.
She's fun as hell, but i don't think they'll fix her soon. At least until next year.
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They already confirmed they will fix her this month. 2 separate patches are being sent out.
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Not gonna be enough.
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I dont think we should jump the gun. We don’t even know what they have planned yet specifically for both hot fixes. For all we know, it could be enough. We will have to wait and see.
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Wait instead of saying these changes aren't enough if you don't know what changes she'll receive
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Singularity and Twins are a lot more complicated from a balancing perspective than Houndmaster. A killer that can place cameras nearly anywhere he wants to observe survivors and infect them with a disease that lets him teleport to them and gain a steroid boost, or a killer that is literally 2 killers, is much more complicated than Straight Line Ground-Crawling Projectile Number Fifty.
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Isn't that just most killers?
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Not really,
you have few high skill high reward like Billy, Blight, Nurse etc.
then low skill high reward, which was basically why Freddy and Skully got gutted.Then you have many killers, where they are not super strong, but often not really hard to play.