Deathslinger's Range Limit Makes No Sense

So huntress hatchets has unlimited range, but slinger's gun has a pathetic 18m range? Come on bro. Here's my change idea:
Increase the Redeemer's range to 24 metres
Decrease miss cooldown by 0.5 seconds (since increasing range = increasing miss CD)
When achieving sharpshooter score event, reeling speed is increased by 15% (this is so that slinger can reel in people shot from far away)
Far away shots are more dodgable anyways, so ifl this change just adds more fun to slinger's kit
nah slingers fine
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I would like grandpa to be 115%, otherwise I am fine with him.
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You want a cross map spear shot?
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did you read half of a line of this post and then just make a guess about what the rest of it said?
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I agree in theory that Slinger could have a longer range and that it doesn't really make sense for him not to have that when Huntress has a technically unlimited range and can also throw over stuff to make cross-map snipes work. Slinger's projectile is much smaller than hers, so he has to be much more precise, and the required precision of course only increases over distance (and as does the ease of dodging shots, as you point out). The more range, the more obstacles there are likely to be, making it less and less likely Slinger can even get a line of shot on range. And then since Slinger has to reel survivors in to actually hit them, if a survivor is already injured it will be less and less likely to actually get value from far shots since it will get increasingly more likely that they have obstacles (or fellow survivors) to break the chain with. There is something to be said about his shot travelling faster than hatchets without needing to "wind up" and the fact that he can always go for a straight shot whereas Huntress has to account for the curved trajectory of hatchets on distance.
However, there is at least one major issue I see with an increased or unlimited range on Slinger: You are able to pull survivors away from hooks, and with an increased range, you would at some point be able to pull them away far enough such that once you hit them, they can't make it back to the hook without you downing them or even reloading and shooting them again. This means you would always need two survivors to be able to unhook against a range-camping Slinger, which isn't always feasible, much less of course for the majority of players that are not in premade groups with voice comms. What adds to the problem is that the speared survivor obviously cannot unhook or do anything else for the time they are being reeled, time during which the hook timer continues.
That said, I don't think 24m would make this much of a problem, so I'd say go ahead. Albeit without the cooldown reduction that you're calling for (cooldown doesn't increase with distance, where are you taking this from? The shot always travels the maximum distance on misses (unless it hits an obstacle, naturally)). The reeling speed increase (as opposed to increasing the chain durability) on distance is the right way to go about it though.
Instead of increasing the range of his shot, they could also simply increase his movement speed to 4.6m/s. I have been wanting that ever since they removed quickscoping. Hell, they even increased his terror radius to 32m despite being a 4.4m/s killer, and they didn't compensate him for it. The absolute least they could do is make him 4.6m/s whenever his rifle isn't loaded, although I understand that they may want to encourage players to always try and go for shots instead of chasing without reloading. But so again, just make him 4.6m/s base, it will create many more opportunities for shots in loops.
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Actually it was more of a joke, I don't really take this stuff THAT serious. My bad.
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a longer range would just make you break your chain. dev have him in 2vs8 so i guess they can keep buffing him until they somehow make him good him good.
I'd honestly just give him iri coin base-kit that instant down on every spear but whatever.
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Cause you can close the distance to zero with him in contrast to huntress.
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Maybe he couldn't find a chain longer then 24 meters. remember unlike huntress his power is 2 parts, Hit then pull in for melee.
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Good point. Doesn't increase range cause chain to take longer to come back? I'm not sure how it works
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This makes no sense.
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I actually disagree with you slightly. I currently main Deathslinger and I am P91, almost P100 with him. I do agree with most of it. The only issue is that he would get nerfed almost instantly because of the council of survivor mains.
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I wish Slinger has an addon where he takes the chain off and just shoots a harpoon at Survivors.
Let multiple harpoons pierce survivors and get stuck, each harpoon hinders survivors by 5%1