Map offerings are just way too dominant in current DBD

To preface Im mainly playing killer in what I think is pretty high MMR. Mainly vs SWF survivors.
In the last couple of days I played like at least 90% of my games were on 3 maps: Ormont, springfield and Eerie of Crows. Each game survivors burn a map offering. I tried to counteract that by burning either another map offering or the cancel for maps, which most of the time results in survivors either dcing in loading screen or insta suiciding when they didnt get the map they want.
Im fine with the idea of map offerings and people burning one to either do an achievement or even give themselves an advantage. But the level it has gone to is just really not fun anymore. Theres like 30 or 40 maps in this game and Im mainly seeing 3 atm.
Sorry you can't handle High MMR. Maybe get good instead of blaming an Offering.
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Just saying Mainly playing vs SWF's is just a lie. Less then 5% is SWF's over all MMR levels of the game. Also if they are burning Ormont ones they are throwing with how gutted it is with its past update.
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I'd love to see some examples of your killer gameplay so you can show us all how to git gud
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Yes, handling high MMR means playing the same 3-4 maps 90% of your matches and loving it
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What an immature response. I get sent to Autohaven, Eyrie, Badham…..*Pukes* Id take autohaven and eyrie ANY day over badham
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Isn't sacrificial ward a brown offering now? Use it.
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When it comes to maps that are balanced for both sides like MacMillan, the result of the match often comes down to the skill of both teams. But when I'm playing Pig against a 4-stack that sent me to Eyrie, or solo queue against a Nurse on Midwich, there really isn't much you can do.
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I do? When I get tired of going there. Thanks for the not so helpful advice.
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It's always the killer who's the issue, isn't it? No other possibilities?
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I'm almost certain they've been debating the issue internally. Sac Wards getting dropped to Common rarity could possibly be a sign of more things to come. It's no guarantee, though.
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Well, we'd know this for sure if the devs would simply put a SWF indicator, but they must love the confusion, so they don't. But if a team is coordinated, doing gens fast, knowing exactly when are where to be, and are being overly altruistic with each other, it's probably a SWF. So I wouldn't immediately dismiss his claim.
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Oh yeah 100% map offerings, I dont know why they exist at all. Should just not be a thing.
If you want to choose a map just play a custom game. And there should be a select screen with all the realms and variants.2 -
Mentioned this in another thread, but I really hope its a step in a bigger rework, and not just a bandaid fix with no other changes. They tend to get complacent with these types of fixes (especially when well received) then just don't circle back to the underlying issue for a few years. I really want them to prove me wrong.
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In the mmr that I'm playing at I would say 6-8 games out of 10 I play against SWFs.That doesn't mean 4 man bully or comp squads but mainly 2-3 friends in an SWF with 1-2 solo queue teammates.
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Not even streamers that play this game as a career see SWFs this much. They are lucky to get about 2 of them within 12 or so games. So you def dont get that many.
We honestly need to make sure when we talk about things we dont over exaggerate at this level. This is why the game is so problematic in its current state.2 -
Anything that provides survivors a form of agency is seen as "problematic" and OP.
If it were up to killer mains, survivors would have no perks, run at 85% speed, and would be constantly exposed.
It's like y'all feel a sense of entitlement to always win — and if you lost, for some reason, it must be nerfed.
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How to completely miss the point of a thread :)
I did in no way complain that the maps are too op or strong or anything for survivor. The only thing I pointed out is that 70-90% of my games happen on these 3 maps atm cause survivors favour them. Also that I dont like that (again not because they are op) but because this game has like 20 maps and im mainly playing 3 of them in different variations. Which I think its boring.
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while i can agree in terms of average pub experience where people usually can't get value out of their own map offering, being sent to Eyrie or Springwood for example against any team that has at least basic tiles knowledge level is literally the most frustrating experience and loss can be completely caused by terrible map design
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sorry to bother you, but just ask yourself which side is the one asking for more basekit features to counter every single strategy of their opponents ;)
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There is no high MMR, there is just Beginner-MMR and the rest.
You can call it the "Beginners-Group" and the "big pool".
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I can see how that might confuse you, so no problem, I'll help: Both sides ask for more strength to counter their opponent!
So, what exactly was the point you felt so smug in trying to make?
Yes, survivors ask for more buffs. You're actually helping my point, because what I'm saying is that survivor is currently in a weak and unfun play state due to all the changes to make killer easier.
If you're trying to say survivors are asking for more base kit features to counter their opponents.. yeah, duh?
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game is currently cattering to casual players on both sides more than actual serious players, this is why e.g. Singularity's skill floor was significantly lowered with recent changes.
Thing is, people on survivor side beg for more basekit features/perks that will reduce the skill floor of playing their role to a point where you can put your brain on autopilot and usually win.
People basically want game to counter strategies of their opponents while those same players make 0 skill input
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Map Offerings should honestly be removed IMO, but with the change to make sac ward common you should be able to spam them which will stop all but a 4 man squad putting 4 of the same map offering. But at least it means they can't also control basement/hatch spawn as well.
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To be honest from the OP I would throw that statement of "get good" at the survivors that DC and suicide on hook when they don't get the map they want lol. Surly if they quit because they don't get a map they want then they need to get good.
Seems a little strange to say "get good" when the OP wasn't even saying they were losing lol the killers might be dominating on these maps for all we know 😂
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"Get good, while I will bring maps which literally require no skill to play on (and DC if you bring Sac Ward, because I can only perform good, when map do it for me)"
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Yaahahaw… It's sac ward time.
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You just walked back your own argument.
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nah eyrie and badham play themselves. Just like old haddonfield houses used to. they need nerfs
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i didn't? Nobody ever asked for Singu to be made easier, BHVR just went full force and decided to do it. Besides, lately we had only one basekit killer feature added (hook respawns) on top of 4 basekit survivor changes (anti-facecamp meter, hook grabs removal, +10s to hook timers, and tbh, these survivor feature changes were much more drastic). The reason why survivor basekit changes come in higher numbers is mainly because there are much more vocal casual survivor players than there are killer ones
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Hey, we'd love to learn what we are doing wrong. Can you post some videos of gameplay for us to learn from you?
You can use the free software OBS (the same streamers use) to record footage of matches pretty easily. You don't have to actually stream to twitch or anything, OBS can also just record. Then you can post the videos for free on youtube. Should be a pretty easy process. Let me know if you need any help!
Looking forward to learning from you!
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Maybe the real Sacrificial Ward was the friends we made along the way.
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I had what I thought was a cool idea the other day. Maybe BHVR should do an event that blots out the sun on eyrie / gives us a dark alternative and perhaps tie it into a tome that focuses mainly on artist? I feel like that would make the map so much more bearable. It looks so bad and so orange and so bright, man I hate bright maps. Offerings are cool though and I think it's funny to sac ward them.
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I'm not sure why you think this was unhelpful advice, since it's not only the answer to this issue, but was also recently buffed to be a much more common offering to obtain.
What exactly are you looking for if not this? Do you want the devs to remove map offerings?
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Maybe fixing the maps that are problematic, and not making it so easy to force said maps in every game? Preferably without the killer needing to permanently glue sac wards into their builds?
That said, honestly yes, I know many people would prefer map offerings be gone when compared to how prolific they are now. I've recommended a compromise in the past (consolidate all map offerings to "indoor/outdoor" as certain killers and builds live or die based on that) while others have suggested map offerings be changed to avoid specific maps rather than guarantee them. Either one would be better than choosing between being stuck in unfavorable maps every single game, or never using any offering other than sac ward.
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I was speaking to someone who was being rude to me. They came off as if I have never heard of using a Sacrificial Ward before in the time I have spent playing DBD. Its basic knowledge. I use them all the time.
I am on the same belief as @GeneralV. Its not the map offerings that are the issues, its the maps themselves. BHVR 2 top issues they struggle with from what I can see are Map Reworks and Killer Reworks. Their reputation isn't good.
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The modified map is still okay and is more favorable to the victims
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Map offerings need to go, they are an unhealthy issue for the game and the playerbase for so many reasons: Map offerings have toxticity because sending a killer to Eyrie, Badham, or a map that is bugged (when GoJ was bugged, players send me to this map just to abuse the bug) always leaves a bad taste on the otherside. Same goes when a killer sends you to a map like Stealth instadown Huntress or Nurse with aura reading on Midwich ect. Most of the map offering users want an easy game and are okay with giving the other side an unfun match. It is also so pathetic that some survivor players use McMillan and Azaroth offering because these maps are current bugged. Today, I had a match as a survivor and an ace used an Eyrie offering while Jake used a McMillen offering but the killer used a hand and we got midwich. Despite, having a No Mither user in the game (thanks devs for the stupid achievement), we got a four man out as SoloQ on Midwich. Then, a few games later, an Elodie that used an RPD offering but we got the church map (no hand in play) and she gave up on hook when three gens were nearly done - just because it wasn't RPD.
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Map offerings IN GENERAL are a problem NO MATTER WHAT SIDE BRINGS IT.
Please stop with the tribalism. People play both sides.
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Bro that came out of nowhere and I died laughing. ty lol
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The brainrot has consumed me.
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Map offerings need to be addressed; it’s long overdue.
Either make the offering be for the map you do not want to play on, or remove the system altogether.
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Map offerings as a whole need to go the way of the dodo. They were fine at the start of DBD (since back then there were way fewer maps to go around and were fairly even in terms of balance), but as it currently stands, they are just another way for one side to gain an advantage over the other before the game even begins. Besides, how boring do you have to be to only go to the same map over and over again? DBD's gameplay loop is at its best when things are random.
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My question is, why are there multiple patterns for “badam” and “ormonde”?
There are so many maps, why do you create multiple types for only some of these maps, thus upsetting the balance?
Furthermore, it seems that you are adding yet another new Ormond map, but I can easily predict now that it will obviously be stressful due to the vastness and complexity of the map.
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wouldn't that logic also apply to a p100 high MMR survivor that can only play the game when they bring a badham , ormond or erye offering everymatch . Did they also get good or are they simply tipping the scale massively in their favor every match ?
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the sad truth is that making sac wards brown barelly made a noticeable difference . I still go multiple bloodweebs without ever seeing one .
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Really? I noticed while lvling up houndmaster that I was building up a VERY nice supply of them. Often times there would be multiple per bloodweb. Are you perhaps spamming the auto fill button and those offerings just getting skipped?
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i have 5 p100 killers so that could be a reason . P100 bloodwebs are very different .
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Depends what time of the day you play and in which region you play in. In my region (which is EU) between 1 AM and 6 AM is the sweat hours with nothing but sweaty SWF's with all the meta perks. But if you play like 12 AM to like say 6 PM then it's mostly chill matches especially during the weekends. The matchmaking becomes really skewed during these times for me.