This lobby bothers me more than any SWF

Since his update, I've been doing very well with Ghost face, I actually just started getting 4Ks with him before it went live.
Now, why do I get matched with these poor players who literally just bought the game and had no idea what they were doing?
This saddens me because what should I have done? Lobby dodged? Let them live? I wouldn't be doing them a favor.
I hate that I'm giving what must feel like an insurmountable challenge and impression of the game to new players 😒
This seems highly unusual.
I believe there’s an MMR threshold for new players, preventing new installs from being matched with older players. Once you’ve gone past it, you shouldn’t be able to get back in.
Either that broke, or your ghostface is somehow below that threshold.
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I've just recently been getting kills with him. Regardless, shouldn't my Freddy and Myers mmr raise him too since other Killers do affect the mmr of all Killers, even though they each have their own? That was my understanding.
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Obviously this shouldn't have happened.
The only thing I can think of is that Meg could have been the most experienced of them and was showing this brand new group the game, and this lobby was dodged multiple times (due to them having base cosmetics maybe?) and once they were waiting long enough the system grabbed the next available killer.
I find that scenario more likely than anything to do with your MMR.
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Yeah, you're probably right. They were all in their default cosmetics too.
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There is a lot of lobby dodging going on on EU West servers right now for both roles. Everytime I get into a lobby at least one person is already ready, or suvivors / killers are missing. That combined with a "low" player count is deadly for propper matchmaking.
Pretty sure that was one of that lobbies.
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And they say the point of MMR is to keep new players away from the rest.…
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Doesn't help with the new player experience when this happens, and that's already rough for this game. Yet another argument against having the current lobbies at all.
All the doing and shopping around does more harm than good, no matter the reasons to do it.
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It's not unusual at all. It's a very typical part of the game now. There is no threshold because I have over 2,000 hours and I literally get matched with and against brand new players on a daily basis (I can see their hours for Steam PC players), and it's not due to lobby backfills. The matchmaking system is beyond broken and it's the single biggest issue in the game right now IMO. I've heard nothing from the devs acknowledging that it's a problem or any plans to improve it. Very disappointing.
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I get thrown into lobbies on a daily basis with brand new players (I have >2,000 hours). I know it's not from backfills because I see the people loading in on my end - they're not already there and queued up. The matchmaking system is beyond broken. Lobby backfills can cause this issue, but the matchmaking system is regularly matching brand new players with very experienced players because I see it every single day.
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Now I won’t say that the MMR system isn’t deeply flawed, but I never encountered a lobby like this. There are occassionally players in my matches who are clearly out of their depth, but a full lobby of them?
I’m more inclined to go with JPLongstreet’s theory, assuming OP is in fact not brand new to the killer role as well.
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this is just the new player experience. My brothers 3rd game he was slugged to death by a 2k hour doctor and I didn’t even play with him to avoid that issue. He hasn’t played Survivor since
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That's the spirit, If you can't beat em' join em'! Really though if people plan to play dbd long term new or not they're going to have to get used to stuff like this. It's not your fault that you got put in a lobby with them. The most you can do is try to be nice and let them get some bp from wiggling off / unhooks etc. 🤷
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Yeah, once when I was very new, I had developed a little skill with a few killers and then tried a new killer who was harder to control, so I lost a few straight matches. My next few matches with that killer were against lobbies where I swear people didn't realize they should be on gens. In chase, they exclusively held W and maybe dropped some pallets. I literally followed an injured Feng to shack and didn't see her anywhere, but heard her cries from the direction of a locker, so naturally, I went outside to see if she was outside behind the locker and going to loop me around shack. But no. Even when I went outside, injured Feng stayed in the locker.
When I realized what was going on, the game shifted, and my new role was teacher. I gave chase and 'missed' so they could get practice running through tiles, would hit once and let them escape to heal up. I also hoped they'd work on gens, but I distinctly remember just staring at stuff on the map for a while. Eventually, I felt like it was time to wrap it up and they wouldn't complete the last gen, so I took one out after a pretend chase and got the last one to leave through a gate when they were afraid to go for hatch when I was standing next to it.
It was fun and I hope those players enjoyed their game and became super loopers!
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I am terrible with Doctor, I rarely get downs with him. I just loaded into a baby Survivor lobby with him and decided to dodge. I then switched to my main, Freddy, readied up with him and got the same lobby. That's crazy because I do very well with Freddy and usually get tougher, more experienced players.
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If I remember right, I read somewhere that it was approximately a 700 MMR swing.
The only thing you can do in scenarios like this is not play mean, and instead make a point to not tunnel, not camp, and if all else fails, be funny.
I remember playimg against a cracked Bubba, and when I predropped a pallet, he looked at it, and then looked like he span his mouse like a spinning top and slapped the pallet with his hammer before walking off... looked like he was containing his rage... I didn't mind getting smoked by that Bubba xD
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The worst thing about encountering a lobby like this is that you have to be ruthless to improve their experience. Letting them escape will only make it worse for them.
Maybe not ruthless (tunneling / camping etc.), but you know what I mean. Beginners need the bp the most and nothing gives more bp than escaping a trial.
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3 of them were on Playstation so I could see their hours. Two of them had 5 hours each and I believe the third had 12.
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I think I read here on the forums that if a new player queued with others, the highest mmr is used for match making. Not sure how reliable that is though.
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I think this means that your averege mmr per killer is low enough to match you against these people, so ghostface gets this mmr assigned, assuming you will do equally low on this killers as you did on the other killers.
My recommendation is to stomp through these lobbies as fast as possible so you don't get matched endlessly with these people
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Ask yourself how you perform on all killers, and if you think you do badly with more killers than you do well with, that's the answer
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Exactly why Asymetrical games should not show who your opponent is or your teammates on the lobby screen.