Anyone else had a 3 survivor match?
Loaded into a match where like the good ol' days of DBD there were only 3 survivors (veterans will know what that is like).
Anyone else had this? Really weird…
3rd survivor not even in the match apparently
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That only happen when you have triple the amount of average mmr and the game trys to give the killer a fair chance.
Just kidding, haven't seen that a long time ago. Strange.
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Lol yeah I am going to go with that explanation :P
But seriously, yeah I had more or less forgotten about the old days where you often got 3 or even 2 man matches but this was a flashback from the past lol
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Damn, I remember those 3-man games. Never thought they would come back one day.
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Tell me you're a veteran without telling me… ;)
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Fossils are returning, the General may yet get his wish
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The game would start with 4 gens to fix and a missing icon on the UI… the old UI, as a matter of fact.
Good times, my friend.
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Can you imagine that, friends?
We wake up tomorrow and BHVR has announced a full return to the Old DBD. I'd have no words to describe just how happy I would be.
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3 surv matches were always terrible the get back in the day. One less gen to do was not enough right at the beginning to make up for being a surv down. The killer would have to be an utter potato not to easily dominate at that point.
Whenever I'd load into such a trial I would usually farm the rivets right off of my traps trying to get them some bloodpoints, and meme all over the place.
No one should want these kinds of matches back again.
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With how many games are taking advantage of the "classic" versions of them I would not be surprised if DbD would do the same at this point.
It would most likely be a limited time mode, but itd still be cool
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There is a chance, yes, but if they go with a 2016 classic DBD, that means no Freddy.
I can't cope with that, my friend.
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Yeah they were frustrating, I remember having 2v1 matches a few times too lol
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I would love a classic mode for sure!
I miss old DBD even though it was very janky and often completely broken. Sometimes refined and updated isn't necessarily more fun
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Those were both gross and disgusting! 😂😊
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It happened to me during the Halloween Event but only once. Idk what it causes because if the survivor dcs during the loading screen the match should be cancelled. In some situations, the player has a really bad ping, the match starts but then the game cancels it realising there was a dc. But in my match, we've loaded in til the end and in the endgame screen the one player was shown as disconnected.
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Monkeys paw | You get old DBD back but its 1 week after Freddy's release.
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Yeah it has only happened to me once thankfully, real blast from the past though lol