
BHVR can you please do something fun with this perk???? Completely countering an item is not a good thing. Why not make it if you flashlight the killer you get exposed for 20 seconds or your exhausted something that is intresting beside oh the brought a perk so your item is no longer able to be used.
I would like to keep lightborne for as long as Flashbangs are broken.
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Lightborn is fine as it is.
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It's fine. It costs you 25% of your loadout.
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Just last night I swapped lightborn out for another perk because I always have it equipped and I saw no one had flashligh in lobby... That match I literally couldn't pick anyone up due to flash bangs and even flashlights that people found in a chest. Couldn't even drag someone out of a locker because someone would use flash bang causing me to drop them instantly.
That was 1 match, the first time in a long time I didn't use lightborn and it's the last time I go into a match without it lol. If people think slugging is high now, nerf lightborn and see what happens.
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Put the flashlight down and do gens.
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it's objectively awful design but it will never be changed. L born users will keep their crutch forever
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"They hated him, for he spoke the truth."
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I would honestly love to know how to avoid being blinded when picking someone out of a locker or out in the open, or when smashing pallets.... All of which have a lengthy animation. I understand positioning is key but you can't position with a locker, it's unavoidable. Maybe it's an mmr thing, I don't know but early days it wasn't an issue...these days it's crazy. Lightborn is a perk like any other is so if that's a crutch then every perk in the game is a crutch
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Lightborn is fine LOL. It ruins your chances of getting sick flashlight saves for tiktok, twitch, or whatever you were hoping for that match, but it's practically almost a meme perk (I said ALMOST). Do some killers run it when they see flashlights in the lobby to prevent flashlight saves, sure. But a lot simply run it to ruin a flashlight heavy SWFs fun LOL. And it is fun. I dont really sweat flashlights too much but I love it when I know I'm making 3-4 flashlights useless, and it probably annoys them a bit. In good fun, but honestly if running lightborn pisses anyone off, I really don't care. But like I said, it's practically a meme perk due to the actual reason a lot of people run it.
But a broken perk like ToTH, it's not. If anything, take away the aura reading (I could take it or leave it), but either way it's fine.8 -
Not everyone enjoys the blindness effect on their screen
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If survivors used flashlights at pallets or the occasional trip of me walking somebody to the hook, I wouldn't run lightborn. But like hell if I'm gonna get flashlighted every second of the game, over everything that I do. To the point where I'm having to run the whole thing with my head to the ground. I think survivors who overdid it on the flashlights are what caused a lot of the lightborn bonanza. I get that a survivor wants to help out a teammate. I understand. But not at every down, every hook, every pallet, during every single chase (even for other players) the entire game.
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You just got lucky.
If a whole team dedicates all their time and effort into ruining your day, they will be a pain to deal with, especially if all of them have at least a few braincells.
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Well you can only be blinded by flashbang if timed right AFTER the end of the opening animation or after grabbing someone out of the locker while jumping out, in any other case you have immunity against blind while interacting with lockers. That being said I've just seen the flashlight one a few times even if I played against flashlight/flashbang bullysquads, the one with grabbing directly is more common.
Both of the issues could be fixed with a lingering effect of 2-3 seconds after the end of the grabanimation.
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Sure right after flashbangs can't be dropped inside me anymore because that's just masochistic to play against without lightborn if everyone runs lighborn, sometimes even one is enough xD
Just a little add:
Actually I have a idea what we could do after fixing lightborn, I know many people are annoyed it's even countering a single flashlight. We could do that it increases the time it takes for flashlights to blind you by 25% on 1 person, 50% on 2 and full immunity as soon as we have 3 flashlights or flashbangs (on flashbangs it could maybe give a little mercy-window like flashlights have on 1-2 stacks). It would be changed midgame depending on what the survivors have at the moment and only count flashbangs as soon as you saw them.
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Until BHVR decides that fixing Flashbangs being dead silent and being able to blind the killer while they are staring at a wall might be something they should do, I think having a perk to fully counter them is perfectly fine
Seriously Flashbangs have been bugged for like the last 6 months, why haven’t they been fixed yet
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So basically if it's timed well then there isn't much a killer can do in that situation. The killer relies on the survivors poor timing, that's why lightborn gets used so much. I agree the pick up is definitely more common and in indoor maps it's not too bad because killer can position themselves to face a wall for the pick up. But it's open maps that cause the issues. It's all well and good to check around for any survivors skulking nearby before going for the pick up but especially if they have sprint burst they can speed up and flashlight save from out of nowhere and there is nothing the killer can do because they are in an open area.
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Yeah I know it's very annyoing for the most part, it was just to clarify you can't be saved at all times and just in specific cases xD
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Wait survivors USE flashlights, i thought they brought them as a fashion accessory. Way to many Survivors bringing Flashlights and just not using them at all.
But are we seriously still going on about a Perk that's mainly brought to counter 3 possible Survivor Perk's? Instead of asking for Lightborn to be changed, ask for Shadowborn or Hex: Two Can Play to be chnaged, those 2 perk's both trigger on Blind's which have to be done by the Survivor and provide nothing of value currently if they do get triggered.
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Divine punishment for losing your faith in our Lord and Savior Lightborn 🫲 😎 🫱
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Hex: Two Can Play - Make it so you only have to get stunned/blinded once for it to trigger, extend the blind to 2,5/3,0/3,5 seconds and maybe fiddle with the respawning thing a bit.
Shadowborn - just give it a new effect, the current is dumb.
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If Two can play got buffed in this way, I wouldn't play without it. Right now I love the idea of the perk, but it's not much then a nuisance to the survivors and that's just sad
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Start slugging and you will farm mountains of salt.
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Nah lightborn is fine, especially since flashbangs still are bugged and drop without sound half the time. Bug been in the game for half a year by now.
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spoken like a true survivor main
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killers: Survivor perks shouldn’t ever be able to completely negate the killer’s power.
Also killers: lightborne, which completely negates a survivor mechanic, is completely fine and fair.
A lovely example of the disparity constantly shown here.
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Survivor perks can be taken up to 4 times, which is a point a lot of people always seem to forget.
No, its not 4 vs 16, but the "16" can cause the same effect to happen up to 4 times. Having them be 1:1 strength would be a terrible idea for that very reason. The potential of 4+ flashlights/flashbangs is exactly why lightborn is as valuable as it is.
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I never use it, but I completely understand those players, who play every match with it. Flashlights squads are annoying af, especially when they have half working brains and go down in the open space, flashbang are literally broken, Background player has no cooldown at all and Champion of Light is free distance in every pallet.
When you see Lightborn on killer, you just say "Thank you killer for wasting whole perkslot on nothing" and go do gens, that's it.3 -
I'm personally of the opinion that lightborn is fine and doesn't need changing.
However, if we're going to nerf distortion because "one perk shouldn't counter everything in one category", then the devs have to decide if they're going to be consistent with their design philosophy.
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Sure it isnt a super strong perk, but its enough to render the only interactive item Survivors have completely useless, and also a waste of BP bringing it into a game. (A max duration beamer is nearly 10k bp which just goes to waste)
Id prefer if they brought back the original Lightborn, where it took 50% longer to blind and you also recovered from blindness much quicker. That way Survivors still have a chance at using their item, but its still much harder to pull off.
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Killers saying lightborn is fine, while distortion had to get nerfed. Never gets old.
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I never had a problem with distortion and I say that as huntress with: bbq, floods of rage, lethal and iron maiden. Not to mention I used bbq on every single killer with lethal for the most part and I saw them quite a lot xD
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No one forgets that. It’s just a case of not believing it is as prevalent as killers make it out to be. I can’t remember the last match I played, even among all the calls for distortion to be nerfed, where I was consistently seeing it being run by 4 players. Whereas Lightborne consistently denies an effect to all 4 players for the entire match.
Sure, going against a flash squad is annoying and I’m fully supportive of that having a counter - but killers have a way of dodging that before the match even starts because they can see what items survivors are bringing in. Furthermore, it takes a quite well co-ordinated team to get that sort of play and I’d argue if you’re genuinely seeing them a lot you’re probably at high MMR and doing well for yourself anyway. You’re not a baby killer at the bottom rung being denied any sort of play.
Ultimately, I’m not asking for Lightborne to be gutted - just changed. Perhaps with a limit to 1 stun per march or a cool down or maybe even you can use it to save but not to blind etc. I never take a flashlight cause I suck at the timing to blind on console and they’ve got rid of things like burning the wraith/nurse /hag traps so it’ll barely affect me. But as someone above said if the devs are agreeing with killers that things shouldn’t be able to negate a whole category that needs to be consistent on both sides.
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I'd like to point out many survivors change items last min to flashlight so killer doesn't have time to change to lightborn and flashbang isn't shown. So seeing what items they bring in means nothing.
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Flashbang has been glitched for over half a year now and it's blinding in ways it should not be with no warning. I've never not once met a multiple flashy squad who WASN'T trying to ruin the Killer's day, they're like sabo wiggle people that way. And I hate, absolutely LOATHE, the terrible perk design of Blast Mine, which punishes Killers for bothering to defend gens at all and helps force use of perks like Grim or Pain Res to ignore the blinding entirely, despite Blast Mine being an objectively crappy perk.
Because I have sensory issues and I cannot stand the blind effect going off every several seconds. And I know I'm not alone in this. I can avoid them just fine but there's no avoiding being in an animation lock and going into a blind, or being caught off guard by someone dropping a flashbang inside your character model which should NEVER. HAPPEN.
I will continue to use Lightborne as needed. It should never be touched, it's fine. Blinding is an accessibility nightmare for people like me.
Stop griefing Killer players with sensory concerns and pretending it's just fun troll gameplay. It's not and I'm tired of pretending it is. We ALL know why you and your SWF actually do it.
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That version would have 0 effect on any other blind though. They've introduced blast mine and flashbangs since then that have immediate blinds.
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Theyd still recover from the blind faster
I dont think there should be a perk that renders another completely useless
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Blind recovery isn't why people like lightborn against flashbangs. The killer would still drop the survivor they picked up and would have the same duration stun animation. This would simply open flashbang saves as completely uncounterable.
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Yknow is ACTUALLY uncounterable? Some one using Flashbang going against some one using Lightborn. There is literally no way around it.
Without Lightborn you can still catch a Survivor snooping around trying to go for a save and prevent it from happening.
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I play on console. I struggle like hell to get a down on Switch. Between input lag and how difficult it is to land a single hit on a survivor, I run Lightborn 100% of the time because any attempt at a blind against me is pretty much 100% guaranteed. Even mid-chase I will lose all visibility before the game registers the fact I looked away immediately.
If I don't have Lightborn, then I counter blinds by staring at a wall and refusing to play. Because there's no point in participating.
Nerf Lightborn and watch console killers either stop playing or slug all 4 survivors the moment blinds come into play. If that's other survivors' idea of a fun time, I don't get you all. I much prefer not having killers 4-man slug. I only attempt blinds for challenges because that's exactly what killers start to do if survivors get blinds, and it's not fun. I hate those challenges.
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Which wastes valuable time which survivors can use to their advantage. "Perform a grid sweep every time you down a survivor" is not viable counterplay.
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You dont even need to do a sweep, just general awareness of your surroundings and keeping track where others are most likely at.
Also catching a Survivor in the act of going for a Flashbang save can be just as detrimental. Leaving the person on the ground and pursuing chase means some one else needs to come for the pick up. And if you end up having 2 people downed? Youre in a REALLY good position since that means both Survivors need to come for the pick up or they set themselves up to recover from a snowball, unless you fumble it, in which case womp womp.
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I’ll accept that and that itself needs a review e.g you have 30 seconds to lock your load out in and after that it’s blocked to changes. The remaining time allows for perk/cosmetic changes etc
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I’m going to run lightborn as long as flashbangs can blind me through the bottom of my feet or back of my head. Call it a crutch if you want, but I’m not losing hooks to that BS.
(hey remember when flashlight save timing was made a lot easier for survivors, something something crutch something something)
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No. As if it isn't already easy enough for survivors to get flashbang saves even while looking at a wall. Lightborne helps combat teams that bring flashlights and flashbangs. If Lightborne was changed then you'd have an amazing experience being slugged all the time then 🙃. Is that what you want? No? Oh that's what I thought. If the killer has Lightborne then change up your play style from going for saves and just do gens. If a survivor is running the killer pretty well enough then you should just be pushing gens instead of doing nothing and waiting to do a save that would've been a waste of your time.
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Sure. Just as soon as they unbuff flashlights to require timing/skill again, and give flashbangs actual counterplay.
Real talk - lightborn is fine. Let's look at the long list of things survivors have that have zero counterplay before we nerf even more counterplay from killers.
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We just got Shoulder the Burden, what exactly is the counterplay to Survivors being able to control hooks?
You can't undo Invocations either.
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You flashlight countered one of their perk slots, that' s a big win for you.
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Invocations? Really?
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Basicly it, yes. People going for flashlight stuff are not on gens and offer therefore natural slowdown. I prefer groups like them because they actually want to interact with the killer.
Most flashlight saves are easy to see coming, as you described, albeit flashbang with old background player was too good.
I'm still against the fact that survivors can enter the killers model somehow while they pick up. This leads to uncountable flashbangs positioned inside the model.
Something else: are flashbang sounds fixed or are they still silent?
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You say this now, but just wait until a future patch if they, god forbid, make Invocations stack and create an actually broken one.