Censoring in an 18+ Game

Hi fellow Survivors and Killers,
Hope I find y'all well.
Forgive me as I am new to this game. Why do I find that most words and phrases are #?
I'm all for nasty words, slurs and phrases to be cut down. This is suppose to be a healthy environment yet the majority of words, which are actually used to describe items or moments in the match are being cut-down.
I am completely baffled at this direction. It's, as we all know, an 18+ game. Surely by this age we do not require policing as if we were in primary school. Though that's the irony, I personally am not using any 'No-NO' words.
We have killers than cut into you, turn you into skeletons, spew acidic vomit into your face….yet, using basic terms which I can use anywhere, let it be office space, family gatherings or speeches are not allowed.
This is a very strange move and decision in my humble opinion. Makes me feel 'Policed' and more so, I can't even have a normal chat with other players giving positive crit. or even to discuss what had happened. The most recent word i had tried to describe was 'BOX'. I was saying the 'HIT BOXES on the trap was diabolical because i couldn't even get the prompt but it snared me'. Direct Hashtag. More so, it makes me looks like an agressive bigot. Due to numerous # at once i appear to me out of control, insulting or passive agressive.
Honestly, I become more enraged at the idea that I can't communicate than anything that this game has ever thrown at me, Hackers included.
I comprehend that games like COD, which are Cancer for numerous reasons and subjects, but DBD?
A casual and fun experience which, without the players and team work, it would be nothing.
Surely someone at BHVR can comprehend what I and I'm sure numerous others have stated.
Thanks for reading and best of luck to all of you!
#Remember to have fun and never take it seriously ^^
I think that it is an 18+ game should not matter at all. After all, you can still hurt adults with your words, especially when using racial or sexual slurs. And it is good that people are protected from it, that they are 18 or older should not change it or remove the protection.
However, I agree that the Chatfilter is really not good. It censors so many words, it does not even make sense. You cannot really have a normal conversation in Endgame Chat without it being censored.
IMO the Chatfilter should be optional. It should be active by default ,but there should be an option to disable it.
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Is it still 18+
Even at the photosensitiviry warning it has a section where it mentions 'parents' somewhere near the bottom implying underage kids play this game.
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I never saw that. BHVR really needs someone to direct them better.
18 + should matter*. I wouldnt have bought this game if it was pg-13. Its misleading and frankly, Im a little pissed if they're making decisions based on kids playing the game. But you cant even type character names sometimes.
*: This does not include hate speech, sexual, etc. I would have hoped that was obvious, but just to make sure.
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I was explaining to a group of survivors that my power bugged out after they "flashed me" and of course that was censored. I get that they have to be cautious but sometimes the censorship is just ridiculous.
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I had ggswp censored a few times! Then I tried to follow up with an explanation to say I didn’t say anything bad - which was also censored lol pretty sure everyone else in chat was thinking I was spewing toxic stuff in the chat but I promise I wasn’t lol
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Can't you understand that we want to live in a free society but we also never want to be offended again?
Our delicate eyes and ears should not have to handle such foul mouthed vulgarity!
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The censor is great for extreme cases (racism/bigotry/self harm comments/etc) but it really doesn't need to be as strict as it currently is. Survivor names and common community terms for ingame events should not be censored so easily.
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I just wish it was a regular blacklist instead of whatever "smart" system that makes innocent sentences seem sus as often as this one.
I will forever think Steam's own built in system that some valve games also use is the best. Preset filters ranging from everything including profanity to slurs only (or the entire thing turned off), then another customizable list where you can input any word you want.
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Yknow what I realized? The game likes to censor usernames (which is dumb)
bouta change my name to 'gg' and then acuse them of yelling slurs
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Is the game +18 in every region?
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Yup it's there. You can always screenshot the warning if it disappears too quickly on screen.
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To a couple of posters: My understanding of the ratings system below Adults Only is that they are guidelines and recommendations. A M or 17+ rating means the game is recommended for those players, but if a parent/guardian is comfortable with someone below that age playing, its all fine.
It's kind of like R rated movies (staying in American rating system). Someone below 17 can't go see an R rated movie on their own, but if a guardian wants to take them, its all fine. On the other hand, if its adults only, below 18 can never be admitted.
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I typed "leeeeeoooon" once in chat (resident evil 4 flashbacks) and that was censored.
I typed "ty" once in chat and that was censored.
This chat filter is crazy. And yes, adults should not be weaker than children. They should be able to take words. But even if you insult your playerbase by assuming they are adults made of glass, this filter is STILL too much.
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Just make an optional filter for those that are not offended by text.
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Glad to see people are on the same page.
The idea is that, by censoring to such a degree you create a false reality. Life is very tough and cruel. At the ripe age of 18 i am sure some of us, if not most, have seen and experienced many a things from terrible to wonderful. As agreed, a game is a place to relax and unwind. Though, if someone decides to insult i will gladly smile and report them. Heck, i wouldn't mind a bit of banter. Words could never harm me. It's only a game. All within reason, hence 'banter'. Either via screenshots or videos. The idea of an optional filter for people who are more 'sensitive' is a brilliant idea. Well done #Rogue11. Forcing people who are not so easily offended to conform to a certain regulation or a political agenda when it goes against the age logic seems a bit silly. Why should i have to tape my mouth shut because others can't? This is like when we were in primary school. I bring back this example with the upmost respect. If 1 persons has done something bad, why would the whole class have to suffer??
As a user has stated, if it's an 18+ game and kids play, well then, welcome to the adults world. With all respect to BHVR and my fellow DBD members, i am not responsible in an 18+ game that little kids feel offended. That is obnoxious to even consider.
That's like saying you entered a pub and heard countless people swear. Yet, what were you doing in the pub in the first place if you are under 18?
I hope that made sense.
I wonder, as i have not been around since its inception. Is this a political decision or has this been around since its rising?
These are very philosophical questions and answers put by us and I hope people or BHVR could consider this as a future option.
Apply strict rules for those whom break the standards under the regulations and give people options.
Once more,
Thank you for taking the time to read and be a part of my debate!
#Remember to have fun and never take it seriously ^^1 -
I find people just say nasty ######### without triggering the censor, there are many ways to tell someone to kill themselves or be racist without it getting blocked.
Either way, I'd just like a few settings regarding chat. A setting to disable the chat filter completely, sure. But also make postgame chat a setting that can be disabled or enabled on any platform, even on consoles, but can't be changed once you've entered postgame screen either, it has to be changed before that or you won't even join chat. I know you can already "hide" it but having a setting to turn it off would be even better. That would also let console players use the feature since some of them apparently want post game chat.
At the same time, display an icon next to names that have post game chat disabled. Then you could tell who is console vs epic games too, or at least who can and can't see your messages.
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I have complained about this for years.
I am an adult and I don't need some company nannying me and preventing me from seeing naughty words. I am more than capable of dealing with this as I guess I am a bit older than many of the perpetually offended and emotional people we have around at present.
Or at the very least either make it optional or just block obvious slurs we all are familiar with.
I try to avoid post game chat but in some matches it can actually be really wholesome and you want to engage with people you had a fun match with but you cant say the most benign things due to inexplicable censorship. It is incredibly irritating and just reminds me how much I despise censorship
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Can't have swearing in the M-rated game about murder.
Meanwhile, Chucky.
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I have absolutely no idea how they programmed the chat filter, but I 1000% agree that it needs to be changed. It should only be censoring slurs and other hateful and inappropriate conduct like telling people to kill or harm themselves IRL, etc.
The chat filter as it is currently in-game is a mess that will randomly censor whatever it wants just for the hell of it.
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It's not. The amount of kid-like mentality stuff and themes that are in this game, and the way it gets treated by the community and devs, even the moris until just the last year or 2, it's all extremely tame for an M game.
This is coming from someone who doesn't mind the upcoming FNAF chapter.