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General Discussions

Chucky is a glorified M1 killer

Removed scamper and nerfed his power to nothing. Gg, devs, never buying another license from you again.

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  • Member Posts: 970

    I think it's because he's so hard to see because he's so short, from the killer view he can see the survivor but from the survivor view you can't see Chucky.

    Not to mention that it's hard to dodge his attacks when he rushes at you using his power + quick recovery which makes chases against him very annoying.

    You can't blame the survivors if they don't know how to play against him, because there are currently more than 30 killers and it's rare to find survivors who know how to play against all of them.

  • Member Posts: 342

    I've already pointed out in other posts that" BHVR " doesn't just weaken something, they tends very easy to completely destroy it.

    This nerf was completely unnecessary

    stop it pls.

  • Member Posts: 631

    So it's not that his pick rate is too high, neither kill rate is too high.

    Survivors simply don't like to play against him, so they nerf everything he has…

  • Member Posts: 55

    It genuinely amazes me that these changes came without a ptb. I have no idea what the devs were thinking. It feels like the devs just changed his power without actually testing him. I feel bad for the Chucky mains that actually put time and money into him.

    Just reading the patch notes isn't enough to see how much they destroyed this killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    What, he's probably useless at loops now and even more op on open fields? That nerf didn't help anyone, not even bad survivors lol xD

    They don't know what to nerf on him, they just do everything: first it was his scamper, then his cooldown, now his cooldown again AND his speed with only a laughable 2,4 meter range boost or something that makes him even more ridiculous on open fields and basically useless at loops xD

  • Member Posts: 8,848

    The open fields part isn't any better since survivors are going to be running during the extra time too. They just get abit more time to make it to something. The extra time doesn't allow you to close anymore distance to a survivor as you could before.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    Since when should we balance for low to mid tier survivors? At the start survivor is always harder and they die a lot, after that survivors will slowly be stronger until it's even or they are even stronger.

    Balancing around them is exactly the reason why we have a mercy window on flashlights that doesn't even help beginners because they still don't hit my face and the only thing it did was buffing already okay to good survivors.

    and those nerfs are huge nerfs holy, I tested it yesterday. You literally have to want to get hit now because your time to react is now around 3 workdays and the heatdeath of the universe. You can't complain at all anymore, there's barely anything left from his original power and the part that is, is just worthless now: a super slow dash, a bad stealthability, a bad vault with so little control that you have to want to get hit yet again and foodtsteps that are useless from beginn with.

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    You're right. I assumed because the general max-distance is incresed you have more range on survivors too, but because of both people moving it translate to exactly the same distance like before xD

  • Member Posts: 1,152

    It's definitely not, I rarely lose on chucky and not because he's just too easy to play or op but because most people by far can't play against moondashes. I didn't even lose yesterday, but it bothers me that anyone that has a brain is now able to dodge it, even with a reaction time of 3 workdays, it's so ridiculous that they nerfed him so brutally without testing.

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