Will the devs acknowledge matchmaking incentives are broken?

Can we get this fixed, please? Maybe turn on a bloodhunt until it is figured out?


  • IHasDan
    IHasDan Member Posts: 55

    Yeah something definitely changed a while back and I refuse to believe it's because matchmaking is better. It's almost always around 25-50% bonus and I never see it on killer.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    It's not changed all day, stuck on Surv side never Killer. It's currently 9 PM and it's still on Survivor. It's usually on Killer right now. NA East here.

  • wakesafe
    wakesafe Member Posts: 80

    matchmaking bonus is on Killer for me with a 50% bonus and Killer having noticeably shorter queues. I haven’t seen 100% bonus on either role in ages though

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,369

    At least Bone chill is coming up. The blood points incentivize for events are usually pretty good

  • Dark_Vorahk1
    Dark_Vorahk1 Member Posts: 66

    Seems to be related with the bug that matches you to an incorrect server, where you queue outside of your mmr/region. Personally my incentive seems to be 25% on survivor, if at all. This remains active even when survivor queue times exceed 4 minutes and it still fails to give killer incentive. Regardless. The incentive is designed to indicate queue times, so why are we punished for having then equal? Should be 100% for each role if queues are balanced, then drop a role if waits exceed one minute.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,753
    edited December 2024

    Exact same problem I'm having. 25% survivor incentive, almost always, practically never killer incentive no matter the queue times on either role. 5 second killer queues, couple minute survivor queues, sometimes the other way around, but it doesn't matter, the incentive rarely goes on killer and almost never goes above 25%. Very frustrating, and super noticeable for BP gain.

    Having the incentives be 100% when both sides are equal like you said would be such a nice change.

  • rysm
    rysm Member Posts: 317

    I played a few matches last night and there were no incentives on either side - never seen that before.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,398

    I agree - it’s off for sure. Not working as intended it feels like.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,006

    One thing that I've notice today, I had 50% on killers and during the time between matches, I watched Otz stream, who had 25% on survivor at the same time and I know he plays on the same servers like me (EU). So how is this possible? Otherwise, over the last few days, mostly 25% or nothing for both sides and barely 50% for one side. Today, I also noticed that from time to time there was a jump from 25% on survivors to 50% on killer which is awkward. I really hope the developers will fix because there is no way that it is working as intended/before Lights Out 2.0.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    The formula uses personal MMR as part of its calculation

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    The teammates I get as randoms are worse than ever these days for real. Killers I get and Survivors I face are all over the map. It's certainly broken right now. I wonder, did they totally turn it off and forget to turn it back on?

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,006

    year but the dbd MMR just exists - it's nothing special. I've played against Otz as a SoloQ survivor even though I only play survivor 20% of my dbd time. The BP Bonus also has not much to do with the MMR because you get in general BP bonus on Killer (according to the devs, every killer has their own MMR but also an average MMR; for example: if you are a super-ultra high MMR Trapper but never play Nurse, your Nurse will have your average MMR and not a beginner MMR when you play her the first time after 2000h). However, it does not matter if you play your high MMR killer or your average killer, you will get 50% on both.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    the point is that you'll have slightly different mmr values from otz and that's why you'll have different bonuses from him. i agree that mmr is nothing special and the specific issues you brought up make the system as it is a bit weird, but that doesn't change the fact that having different mmr values than someone will make you have different matchmaking times

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,006

    Of cause, all of the sudden dbd MMR works perfectly fine

  • My experience: I've seen +25% bonus to survivors, and yet the queue time is about 2 minutes at least… meanwhile when I queue up for killer it takes like 8 seconds.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    Are you ok? I've already mentioned multiple times that MMR is not perfect, and that the way the queue bonus works is also not perfect. You asked how it was possible that your queue bonus was different from Otz' queue bonus, and that's the question I was answering - your bonus is different because (problems with how MMR works aside) you probably don't have the exact same MMR values as Otz.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,505

    I don't think I've seen 100% for either side since 2v8. And I simply do not believe queues are suddenly nearly equally balanced unlike ever before. I think BHVR borked the system when they messed with it for 2v8.

    On a tangential note relating to other conversations in this thread: my friend and I play together way more than we play solo, we usually escape or die together so our MMR should be damn near identical, we're not just on the same server but in the same room together, and we have different incentives. It's been that way since incentives were introduced. We are always baffled by it. Though, it is nice that when the incentive drops between matches we can de-couple and see if the other has a better bonus.

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 700

    Yeah, I have submitted bug report on November 11 and it is still under review.
    BP incentives are broken since Lights out event. It is really annoying me, because I used to play simply whoever has 100 bonus.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150
    edited December 2024

    It's definitely MMR related. I have a photo floating around somewhere that I took of both my Switch screen and PS5 screen together. Switch was 100% survivor incentive, while PS5 was 100% killer incentive. So same time, same server, just different MMRs (my PS5 account was new at the time).

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,006

    It was the first time that this happened. Otherwise, my BP bonus fits overall with other players from my region from what I witnessed. There is always the chance/situation that the BP update is a bit slower for some players and they get it later and that MMR has a little bit to do with it (even though it is a very simple system that exists and we already agree on that) but what I mentioned never happened before. Since about the Lights Out 2.0 time, the BP bonus does not work like before - no longer BP bonus over +50% despite long qtimes (/the qtime for both roles is still the same like before Lights Out 2.0) and awkward switches between both roles that never happened before.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 1,006

    I don't disagree - there is a connection between MMR and BP bonus even though they are simple ones. It was the first time that this happened and I rather think that the issue comes from the BP system which works since Lights Out 2.0 different in a bad way (no longer more than +50% and awkward jumps between both roles which never happened before Lights Out 2.0). It just seems like the BP bonus gets worse day by day which feels really awful.

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    I think something about 2v8 forgot to be switched back on. Maybe the boosts were never switched back on?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,505

    Yeah, something like that. Maybe BHVR implemented code to subtract 50% from the incentive to make sure it didn't compete with 2v8, and they forgot to remove that code after 2v8 ended.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,505

    Sorry, I guess I should use Lights Out 2.0 as the starting point. From what I remember, there were issues around Lights Out 2.0 but it still reached 100% on occasion while after 2v8 I never see 100%. So it feels like 2v8 is when it became what it currently is, but yeah, Lights Out 2.0 is when it started.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 1,004

    Yes, incentives are definitely broken. Just tonight I was getting survivor BP incentive when survivor queues were several minutes and killer queues were instant. This happens every single day.

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 1,004

    Whatever they did, they completely F-ed up the whole system and who knows if/when they will fix it.