


  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I agree, Lightborn's design isn't fantastic and really should be changed for consistency.

    Others do bring up a good point with Flashbangs needing to be fixed too, but I see no reason to assume those can't both be done at once, so that's not a reason not to rework Lightborn. Just something to keep in mind.

    Something that would be interesting would be to change a few more counters/reaction perks to blinds to give killers a spread of appropriate options instead of one overwhelming option. Perks like Shadowborn, Two Can Play, Overwhelming Presence, and maybe even new ones entirely could all be reworked/tweaked to be appealing counter-picks to flashlights and flashbangs alongside Lightborn.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,453

    Take of the day: Forced Hesitation is a better Lightborn

    I dont see the point of this discussion.

    Lightborn is a perk for inexperienced killer player. If you can get a flashlight/flashbang save you are not an inexperienced survivor player.

    So if an experienced survivor goes against an experienced killer there will be no lightborn.

    If inexperienced players go against each other no flsahlight save will happen anyway, so that perk is useless.

    It only matters if an experienced survivor plays against an inexperienced killer. And there it avoids an unneccesary advantage and bullying tool.

    And bc some will argue with it:

    • experienced killer can lose hooks against flashlights, but its rare and other perks have so much more value
    • Lightborn can give free hits after pallet blinds, but good survivor learn their lesson quick, so not much value
  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 857
  • justadreampallet
    justadreampallet Member Posts: 226

    the switch has the worst gameplay out of everything. I could lose with 1k with a complete meta build on Vecna (my main) because it decided the hit where my knife was inside someone doesn’t count but the pallet 4 feet away will stun me.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 857
    edited December 2024

    I mean clowns gas bothers me along with mending acreen as someone who has bad eye sight even with a screen guard and glasses and plague vomiting affects a friend of mine with eating disorders.

    Tru3talent mention that bill and bubba saw affects him with ( forgot what it called that he has) which makes his ears go ring ring. So its not just killer mains that can suffer sensory things from the game, survivors also have it too and indirectly being griefed by the examples I gave because I do not condone dcing so am force to suffer mend or clown gas sensory effects.

  • buggybug
    buggybug Member Posts: 857
    edited December 2024

    As mention many times by me make it has only 4 tokens and then disabled rest of trial or let it only charge after the killer did things like hook survivors or kick/break things.

    One perk should not be countering one of the few defense survivors have for 0 effort the same we hear of distortion countering all aura read for 0 effort.

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,177
    edited December 2024

    I never mentioned anything about lightborn negating perks.
    I disagree with every other point you made, at least I think so. The one about pre match avoidance and Residual Manifest doesnt even make sense.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    They've complained about less. They're mass complaining about a hex, which doesn't do anything if you gen rush, as we speak.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    Sorry, we don't do that here.

    We talk about all the perks that killer has that actually do meaningful stuff, instead of just exist for fun, and talk about how they supposedly need nerfing.

    But getting free flashlight saves from super late timing? Silently flashbanging a killer through a wall or the back of their head? How dare you critique such fair gameplay!

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    Yeah, it's funny how they're always talking about killer stuff being OP because, "We have to think of our casual players!" But when it comes to console-specific issues which break the game for us just based on our platform, "Tough luck! We shouldn't change the game just for you!"

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,177

    yeah. It’s not like you ever see that from the other side.

    cough Windows cough

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    They removed the issue with Clown.

    They 100% haven't with blindness.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,505

    I'm having one of those movie moments where tears come to my eyes as I say in surprise and gratitude, "You understand me." lol

    Exactly. The casualest of the casuals are on console. And we are not a small group.

    That new anti-self-healing Houndmaster perk is miserable in solo queue on Switch. Can't get healed and can't heal myself because those skill checks don't go away like with Merciless Storm. It feels like console is never taken into account, for either role. I'm still upset they removed the QoL button shortcuts that made things so much smoother on console, like clicking the sticks to go prev and next through characters, or the button for accepting an invite. They go backwards in terms of providing console players with a decent experience.

    Lightborn is a minimize-the-frustration-of-already-playing-at-a-huge-disadvantage perk for console. Like Unrelenting, which feels like a requirement for playing killer on Switch, and I have seen a lot of Switch killers run Unrelenting. At this point I'm surprised when they're not running it.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    The Windows hate is stupid. It doesn't make survivors into better survivors. It lets them plan their route. They only loop as good as they know how to take advantage of that. The killers wanting it nerfed are basically hoping that they'd go against survivors who lack map knowledge, which isn't skill, it's chance. It's matchup RNG. And ironically that's the same thing that makes killer look strong when it's not. You can get countless 4ks as long as the game keeps giving you people who don't know what they're doing.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,328

    And I don't deny that there's lots of casuals on consoles. Half the people I message like, "Why'd you do that play?" or "Why'd you give up?" are like, "Shut up, bruh! I pleh how I want!" and don't ever have an intelligent conversation bar trash talking. So I understand that aspect, right, but I don't accept people saying that, "Because lots of casuals are on console, we shouldn't care about their players." 1) They only use the "Don't balance around casuals argument" when it suits their narrative, because they usually argue in favor of that. 2) I've seen my fair share of ultra casual PC players as well, especially all these streamers (big and small) who are super toxic and always have some excuse for a loss, usually having to do with the killer.

    But the auto-aim on killer and the non-smoothness of the skill checks as survivor (I have to like jolt my whole arm to consistently hit BNP skill checks) on console makes perks that affect those things way stronger against console players. 360s too. You think players with thousands of hours are still "falling" for this stuff? No, they're getting screwed over by the way the game's operating. Even the perks that help against that stuff are bad. Unrelenting apparently doesn't grant the miss reduction if you hit into an object. It only grants it if you swung at the air. The game's design is just really bad all over.

  • Berienn
    Berienn Member Posts: 91

    maybe stop using flashlight or flashbangs if you dont like lightborn? XD its rly the only way to not be blinded and youre complaining because you cant bully killer… then you'll be complaining when killers become more toxic because of flashbangs and flashlights

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,505

    … ?

    I was agreeing with your first reply to me. I think I agree with everything you say here. I'm on PS4 and Switch. Console performance is miserable and greatly affects my ability to play the game at all. On Switch, I consider half the game (the killer role) pretty much entirely unplayable, but BHVR still charges the full amount so I remain pissed at them for their horrible port.