...you're lookin' at a de-pip

If you start the trial with less than 4 survivors...you're lookin' at a de-pip
If anyone suicides/DCs...you're lookin' at a de-pip
If the killer is the Legion or Plague where you usually don't heal others...you're lookin' at a de-pip
If the killer brings a mori...you're lookin' at a de-pip
If the killer cannot catch anyone...you're lookin' at a de-pip
If you are first on the hook...you're lookin' at a de-pip
If you even get downed...you're lookin' at the start of a de-pip
If you get chased the whole time...you're lookin' at a de-pip
If you get tunneled and/or camped...you're definitely lookin' at a de-pip
If you play solo...you're probably always lookin' at a safety pip one notch short of a pip
As a solo survivor i did a perfect match and 1 pip
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Can't disagree there.
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But it won't matter because rank has no meaning in match making.
If you're rank 20 killer, you're likely facing rank 2-4 survivors.
If you're in the U.S., you're likely facing a killer in China with 300+ ping and a 10 rank difference. (We really need more killers in the U.S. apparently)
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Hard to rank up at low ranks since you need the the killer to have half a brain to rank up.
Rank 1 survivor / killer that cannot get out of green ranks do to killers being garbage.
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That was my experience the first few days too.
Now its switched. Killer is hooking a survivor every 20 seconds. I max out my safe unhooks but still don't pip because the team is getting hammered so bad I literally don't have time to touch generators so no lightbringer no pip.
Its either the killers are bad or the survivors are bad, either way it feels like playing well is not rewarded.
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The slightest imperfection=de pip. The dev's are all about making sure that their whiney group of survivors are happy. I own all dlcs, and am a veteran player. Keep ruining the game dev's and I'll put it down for good.
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Don't touch 2 generators minimum=thats a depip
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I don't follow. I get pips every match.
The only on Ive had pip trouble on is as killer...not any killer, only the plague.
I plaid a great match. Killed 2 and didn't get a pip
But I delayed their gens for like 10 minutes when they had one left.
I was shocked. But that was one match.
What Ive noticed is that survivors are finishing gens faster than ever.
But other than that it's the same old game.
Tho crippling decisive strike enraged me.
Even as a killer