Please revert the chucky changes

Can we get clarification atleast they will be reverted or not like no one wants to play chucky like this he feels so bad rn
They should revert chucky. He was fine after the rat poison nerf
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The changes to Chucky need to be reverted. I played him after the nerf, and he feels extremely slow and clunky. Overall, it's a terrible change, and I won't play him again unless these nerfs are reversed.
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Rat poison shouldn’t exist at all.
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Please BHVR reverse this nerf.
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Please bhvr almost majority of us wants Chucky reverted
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Be a doll and turn this mid guy back into a Good Guy.
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kinda off topic but i definitely agree
All addons that severely reduce the killer counterplay is questionable in my opinion. Rat poison make it extremely hard to mind game chucky dash at loops. No need to make a read is the survivor crouching in the corner of the loop or running for the just know through wall hacks. It wasn't old prayer beads level of stupid but definitely just as mindless.
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Please don't, all my homies despise chucky.
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Chucky is now Yucky. This is what happens when you nerf based on emotions from survivors mains. Haha. Oh well. See ya in a few years Chuck.
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I hope not. Chucky was the only reason I was playing. He was a lot of fun, even in situations you felt you can't win. His character and playstile just felt good. Now that magic is gone.
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Chucky used to be more fun even moments when I lose I still had fun, now he just feels slow and not giving me the same feeling he used to give me
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Amandas letter does the same on pig. I am new to chucky and maybe it is my lack of experience but I find her dash with amandas on shorter loops really easy to get hits with and less punishing than missing slice and dice.
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I have no experience with pig but don't forget they hear Chucky's dash from a mile away too.
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the irl nice but the two traps lost....a bit steep. It does make it harder to shift w the dash at loops especially when pair with grease. The dash isn't very strong though so I think it's plenty of counterplay still.
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Pig also makes noise with her dash but with amandas you always see through walls crouched regardless of using it. So as a new chucky player and someone who takes breaks I don't get why rat poison was such a big deal.
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You can use another add on for additional trap so you only miss on one. I personally get a lot of hits with her dash while using amandas and her power seems less clunky to me, but as I said I am new to chucky.
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Could not agree more even win it was broken and I have like over a thousand of that addon I never used it cause I felt like it was unfair and it made chucky even easier jump rope and power drill all the way
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To also note I have some suggestions make the cooldown 13 great middle ground revert the speed nerf and duration buff on slice and dice and also please fix the audio bugs with chuckys laugh etc it would make him more consistent to counter for survivors
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I want him to get his old manual scamper back just slower than it was. Until this hasn’t happened I’m not interested in Chucky anyway.
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I couldn't image a better solution than this.
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I can't agree it was busted af and I'd prefer how he is now yes scamper could be looked at and made better in a different way but that was a bad design and it was removed for that reason
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Also I wanna say this ik the devs will be on holiday break soon so there's a chance chucky doesn't get changed before that I just want clarification as soon as possible to know potentially he will be reverted or not this is not the right direction for chucky he was already a killer that was losing players I still enjoyed him though but this change effectively kills any reason to play him other than the fact he's chucky and he's a icon
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Yeah, that would be nice. I literaly coming to these forums and dev posts every few hours hoping I see a post like that. Chucky being in this state just straight up hurts.
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It was not busted. Good survivors could loop fine. Most of the other killers can hit survivors behind pallets as well and for them it isn’t considered a problem, so why Chucky? The only time you got easy hits was when the survivors camped pallets, which is their vault when they misplay and he was able to counter good pallets while still getting looped in circles at medium to short loops if survivors just ran around. The only problem was the speed at which you could scamper, not that you could do it, which made it difficult for many survivor players to counter.
The only thing needed was a number nerf from 1,6s to 1.8-2 seconds and he would have been fine.
I also don’t understand this double standard here. Slice and dice was such a cheap way to get hits and much stronger and less counterable than scamper was. So this nerf should be warranted as well if you think about scamper like you do.
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Pls revert
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Even if it was 3 seconds chucky could scamper slice and dice before you make around again at some loops smaller loops yes it wouldn't be as good against but why would you scamper a small loop that's stupid so your point doesn't make sense the problem wasn't just scamper itself it was the fact you could manual and then slice and dice and there's nothing they could do about that
also saying this nerf is warranted with how I felt about scamper just wrong slice and dice is hard to avoid yes but there are counters Manual scamper and rat poison which both were nerfed got rid of COUNTER PLAY that's like saying blights rush attacks are cheap hits its ridiculous like idk how your trying to argue something that was stupid and removed for a reason
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itself it was the fact you could manual and then slice and dice and there's nothing they could do about that
If your argument is scamper into slice and dice, then slice and dice should have been nerfed and not scamper. It’s that easy.
why would you scamper a small loop that's stupid so your point doesn't make sense
I didn’t only say small loops. I said medium to smaller loops. I only excluded good pallets and very long loops. All other were still very effective against him. Sure he won’t scamper on super short loops if he is smart, but then he got the same chances as every other killer.
Your second point makes no sense to me.
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Nerfing the fun aspect of the power slice dice would be dumb and they didn't do it back then now they did and now look what has happened manual scamper is just bad and unfun there's no argument and anything past small loops you can slice dice it after manual scamper they can't make it back to the pallet
Saying my second point makes no sense tells me you don't understand pathing what's so ever cause those two things made it impossible to mind game chucky manual scamper and rat poison needed to go and they changed it for the better
If you wanna respond you can but I'm done with this discussion cause I don't think you truly understand how bad it was and this is coming from someone who's been playing chucky sense the beginning and I never manual scampered and it made me a better at him
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Saying my second point makes no sense tells me you don't understand pathing what's so ever cause those two things made it impossible to mind game chucky manual scamper and rat poison needed to go and they changed it for the better
Maybe l didn’t understand it, because it was written with a bad grammar and sentence structure. Sorry when it makes no sense to me then. I also didn’t say anything against the rat poison nerf and no, mind gaming Chucky was not impossible. You should know that if you played him in since the beginning. If you can’t stand people having different opinions, then don’t respond to them. Their opinion is worth as much as yours, not less!
Fun is subjective, you can like things you like and I can what like what l like.
Slice and dice was as broken as old scamper was and if one thing had to go, the other thing needs to go too.
You are even agreeing with me, that scamper wasn’t the problematic part, it was a slice and dice in combination with scamper and somehow you are still claiming, that I have no understanding of the character.
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Criticizing my Grammer is crazy lol i