Can someone please explain BHVR's thought process with this patch?

Let me get all of this straight, and do correct me if I am wrong

Thrill has been making the game immensely one-sided with hex builds and screaming interactions due to a single number change

Flashbangs have been dead silent and have been able to blind killers looking directly at a wall for the better part of 6 months

Houndmaster is still buggy as ######### and still kinda weak

And BHVR decides that the thing the playerbase clearly wants is…Chucky getting nerfed again? Even though he was completely fine after the rat poison change? Like what?

I'm not going to be a armchair dev and say "Just fix this thing" because that doesn't get anyone anywhere, but like, people have been complaining about Thrill for the better part of a month, Flashbang has been broken for the better part of HALF A ######### YEAR and the most recent killer added is still held back by a ton of bugs that BHVR said they fixed, but are still present.

Houndmaster being buggy I can excuse, fixing that takes time. But unless BHVR's planning on reworking Thrill in its entirety, which nobody wanted or asked them to do, why is reverting it so hard? Can't it just be CTRL Z'd? and, again, FLASHBANG HAS BEEN BROKEN FOR 6 GOD DAMN MONTHS, can't it just be killswitched? And why did you nerf Chucky again? I don't even like him that much, I'm just baffled that out of everything you could have touched in a hotfix with the things people are complaining about right now, Chucky's what you nerf into the floor, because apparently people wanted that to happen, not a Thrill Revert, not a Flashbang fix, not even actually fixing the things you said you fixed with HM, a Chucky Nerf, again.

I'm not even mad, I'm just really, really confused.


  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,267

    I literally cry laughed at the Chucky change. Nothing makes sense anymore.

  • Inosennatoki
    Inosennatoki Member Posts: 135
    edited December 2024

    Still don't understand why they nerfed Chucky more.

    He was balanced in the previous patch and this nerf is unnecessary.

  • jasonq500
    jasonq500 Member Posts: 309

    These changes weren't even from the ptb, they just nerfed him from a hotfix patch with no warning, something that's never done to a killer change after the ptb

  • SidneysBane1996
    SidneysBane1996 Member Posts: 894

    I really, really hope that alongside the Thrill fix, they're planning to fix flashbangs. They've been glitched for months, at least since the Flashbang update if not longer. I am sick of being blinded when my face is up against a wall because the Survivor dropped the flashbang inside my Killer while I pickup. I'm equally sick of Thrill.