Percentages of average swf?

I think something was said a while ago regarding this but I'm curious if anyone has info from a reputable source such as a developer that states what percentages are for 4,3 and 2 person swf. I think it was about 4% is 4person swf? I could be wrong tho and I have no idea about 3 person or 2 person swf.
Yeah, it's been while since we saw the percentages of solo and swfs. I'd be interested to see it as well, and I'm sure it's not just us too.
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old % was like 40% solo and 30% duo when they released the stats a bit ago. I doubt that it really changed all that much
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The most common type of SWF is two player, but the 4 man SWF which is what most people refer to as they are deemed to be the most problematic, is extremely small. Statistically speaking they are an outlier.
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It's accurate but a bit misleading. The higher the MMR you are at, the more likely you're going against SWFs since SWFs have a ton of potential and are usually more successful than solo queue. High MMR players tend to go against SWFs more consistently than the average player, as at that skill level, they are typically getting matches against other players around that skill level. SWFs thrive at high mmr, while solo queue does not and drops lower. SWFs get more wins than solo queue, so their MMR rises. So when some people say they keep going against SWF sweat squads, that very well could be the case if they at at high MMR, while average players would only see SWFs once every blue moon. Organized SWFs naturally rise to the top.
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Ancient texts of 2017 were like this
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It was not intended to be misleading. I am not disagreeing with the idea that those in high MMR might be experiencing SWF more often, but that doesn’t mean that there are more SWF players. Those that may experience SWF every other game or so do not have average matches because they are not an average killer. SWF do technically win more than solo (40%), that’s correct. Average SWF wins 3% more and top 5% MMR wins 8% more.
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This is also misleading. The logic makes sense, the idea is solid. But MMR isn't really… functional. I do not have faith that higher mmr = better 4m swf chances. After a very very low MMR checkpoint, you're pretty much in the running with all the highest of the high mmr players.
So if you just cusped into 'high mmr', and another player is at the top end of said cusp, you're both likely to get the same chances for the same teams.
Of course, no one really knows, it's all just speculation and assumption that BHVR's system works at all.
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Clarification, I don't mean your post - i mean the stats themselves are a bit misleading.
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Fair thiught, but at the end of the day, we know that the competitive scene players definitely have insane looking matches on the regular vs the majority of average gameplay we see, so high MMR definitely is a thing vs low to mid MMR. Is that's high MMR where you see those death squad survivors.
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This breakdown makes sense, as we've always been told the solos and duos are the bulk of all teams, despite it being 7 years old.