Borgo/Forgotten Ruins - thoughts

I feel like both of these maps need a serious overhaul.

Borgo - one giant dead zone, it went from having too many pallets to not enough pallets or windows, very few structures, lots of dead space with random stuff everywhere and probably the weakest main building of any map.

Forgotten ruins - The bottom is fine, even after the removal of the window next to the portal. The only complaint is locating the terror radius but that applies to Midwich and Gideon as well. The top however has one maybe two looping spots, shack and nothing else. The top is also mostly one major dead zone.

I am curious how other people feel about these maps.


  • Raruka
    Raruka Member Posts: 2

    I just lost on Borgo at 3 gens, none of my chases had any pallets and only 2 windows, we were a 4-man squad and we dropped 3 pallets on the whole map. This map is a joke for survivors.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    Forgotten Ruins frustrates me a bit on killer. There are too many opportunities to disengage chase, and I feel like most trials on that map devolve into hide and go seek. It's a bit too labyrinthian.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,365

    forgotten ruins up top look like your average Haddonfield match. they added a bunch of weak edge map pallets up top which didn't help. The map overall still have the same problems it always had. If the survivors can do two gens up top they likely win since the dungeon can't be defended well.

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,694

    Both maps are too small, have terrible or no loops and the edge map loops are pretty much useless. The jungle gyms often spawn without windows and are too random. Far too many dead zones.

    Forgotten ruins needs more ways to get down in the castle, preferably without portals.

    The main building is placed so bad in the corner on Shattered square, that you can barely use it well. Hopefully this map gets reverted.

  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,061

    Two of the most killer-sided maps in the game (also supported by NightLight stats).

    Shattered Square used to be decent before the adjustments but just does not have enough pallet/window tiles anymore now, and of the limited amount it has some are really bad, including the fact that it spawns weird gyms instead of proper gyms. Some of the map's structures enable survivors to play the bad pallets and windows in unique ways which is interesting, but there simply aren't enough resources for the map to support a balanced gameflow over the course of an entire match. I don't think it needs a lot more, but increasing the amount of pallets by some 20% and adjusting the gyms to at least offer some clear outplay potential for survivors seems more than appropriate. Main could also need a little something, currently all it has is a strong pallet and two essentially dead windows.

    Forgotten Ruins might be the most killer-sided map in the game. Sure the dungeon and portals promise some potential for survivors to outplay killers, but the glaring design flaw of the map is that killers simply do not have to engage with those things: the upper level of the map features 4 gens and about as many pallets (or maybe like 5-6, all of which unsafe apart from shack), so if the killer simply plays to protect those gens, winning is essentially impossible for survivors. The only line of play they have is to keep running to the dungeon if they are being chased, but since there is only one portal entrance to it at the back of the tower, reaching that is regularly not realistic, even against a pure M1 killer but much less still of course against various killer abilities, add-ons and perks. Trying to take the staircase entrance on the other hand is pretty much certain death. Ruins needs at least one more portal on the upper level that leads into the dungeon. It also needs more or safer pallet/window tiles on the upper level.

  • Jacknalls_Paw
    Jacknalls_Paw Member Posts: 239

    Forgotted Ruins and Shattered Square are respectively the 1st and 5th deadliest maps of the entire game.

    SS has been poorly reworked, the map now spawns huge deadzones and terrible loops everywhere, many tiles lack of pallets/windows and there aren't many vaults in general. The main building is also a joke because it is unsafe itself and placed in a corner with nothing in its proximity.

    FR is the most killer-sided map, it has barely nothing for survivors to work with expecially on the top part. The castle is hardly accessible except through portals that have also been nerfed, also they slapped edge pallets on both maps to compensate but it's a laughable band-aid. The back of the castle has a generator that guarantees a 100% hook stage as there is absolutely nothing there, apart from the problem of exit gates that are always positioned in the same way and totally impossible to get through if you are the last survivor alive.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,280

    Hate these maps. Playing survivor on them is a complete waste of time.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Yeah I hate these maps, they feel like massive dead zones as everyone seems to be saying. I think they improved the aesthetic a lot from the red of OG Borgo but personally I audibly groan every time I load into these maps.

    That being said, I absolutely DESPISE Hawkin's but this seems to be a minority opinion. So what do I know I guess?