Guide to playing Dead by Daylight as an Killer

Everything that annoys survivors even in the slightest, is prohibited . If the killer dares to provoke, he may find himself in a cross-fire of various emotional insults from the survivors and a growing profile comment section.
Disrespectful behavior towards any survivor is not allowed. It is your job as killer to make sure survivors enjoy the match at it's fullest potential. That presupposes following:

• No camping
• No hook patrolling
• No tunneling
• No killing (hooking 2 times is ok)
• No nodding (this makes the survivor feel outplayed)
• No Nurse, Spirit or Blight - Billy and Leatherface is fine as long as you use Speed Limiter
• No Perks or addons that are annoying or difficult to deal with for survivors e.g. Ruin or Franklin's

Never use perk and/or addon combinations that may give the survivors the feeling the killer might exploit or uses unfair and unfunny advantages that makes a chase not last for several minutes. Remember, the longer the chase the more fun the survivor has!

Make sure to always let yourself be stunned by a pallet and enjoy the buttdance/gesturing afterwards, it gives the survivor the feeling they outplayed you and free points is the best way to make them happy!

Always say "gg wp!" at the end, this is very important, it makes survivors feel good and accomplished about themselves. Make sure to stay a little while in the lobby before leaving so survivors can compliment you like "baby killer" or "gg ez". Don't say anything back, you don't want to make them mad.

If you follow this simple rule i can assure you a enjoyable time in the fog. Stay safe out there...

May the Entity be your guiding Moonlight
