Did they give the dog crack

This is why we test things in the ptb
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Hes really fast but I like it. The dog was so easy to avoid. He took 3 business days to get over the window. It was a joke lol.
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I love how now suddenly we're pretending the PTB matters and hasn't just been a way to advertise content. Anyways these changes for Houndmaster aren't even bad nor do they make her super strong. Even with perfection houndmaster would never be S tier these just make good Houndmaster's in B tier instead of D tier at best.
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Oh no, I played 4 matches as her yesterday.
She is actually very strong now - i finished 3 of those games on 5 gens with 4 kills. Last was still a win, but with gens popping and 3 kills.
She is actually very strong and as soon as people master her, we will be crying about her power.
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That is true for both sides.
Once survivors learn to face her, she will not be an issue.
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I believe she might be an issue. Dog is fast now
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He was always fast. His speed didn't change at all.
What did change was the time needed to start correcting him and his vaulting speed. Is that an issue?
Because I feel like the counterplay is the exact same thing as before: Loop tight around walls, put LOS blockers between you and her. A solid bush is all you need to make the dog useless.
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instead of just fixing the bugs on her, they just decided to drop the skill floor tremendously, idk what's up with BHVR and killing skill expression of specific killers
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OG Mettle of Man would like to have a word with you
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I feel like that was more of a common sense thing. Like I really don't know how it wasn't expected to be that broken😭