Isnt there a new map?
2 entire days I haven't gotten it once.
I seen it maybe 2 or 3 times but mostly seem to be getting wreckers or cold wind farm (without any offerings). The map chance percentages have felt off to me for a long time.
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Had it 2 times today. Both with the sweatiest body humping slugging killers.
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I've noticed that too. WHen a new DLC used to come out they would obviously tweak the percentages heavily for the first 2 days and slightly the first week.
A few DLCs back I feel like they entirely quit doing that which is stupid.
Now here its just dumb. Im 10 or so matches I haven't gotten to play it one time. Does a cold wind offering give you a chance of getting it?
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Year, the chances for the map are not increased. I got the map twice in all of my matches. The survivors also used map offerings for it six times and every map offering resulted in Ski resort Ormond.
It is kinda sad not only because the map umis completely new but also this map quite unique and good balanced overall - one of their best maps.
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FFS so even the offering wont work?
Dude I've played like 15 total matches in 2days and haven't gotten it yet.
BHVR come on and increase the chances by like 20% at least.
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The offering works but it is a 50/50 (the two variants for Ski Resort should be included in the 50% for Ski resort in general and not have individual percentage) if you get the new map or the old one, which is the funny.
I hope they will increase it!
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and to make it more absurd ive gotten the old ski resort 3 times…..
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I love it when people say the killer is humping them when there is literally no sexual animation that exist in this game for it. Its literally a made up perverted victimizing term. Although I am sorry you got a handful of toxic killers. Its not fun when you are trying to see what a new map is all about for the first time especially if you didnt play the PTB.
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you can say that for most but xeno and Dracula are low enough to the ground when WSsing as you want to put it to be humping.
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Haven't seen it yet either :(
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Its not humping though…technically. Its just them walking on your bleeding out body…you're being stepped on. Draculas feet barely touch you since he floats.
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I had to put in the Ormond offering to get it but straight away had the killer on me because of Lethal Pursuer so never had much of a chance to explore it until I loaded up a custom. Seems pretty rubbish for survivor, lots of dead areas and vaults with drop downs right next to them where only balanced landing will make them any use
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all I ever get without offerings is Ormond, but not the new one, and Wreckers. It’s really irritating. I have not idea what’s going on at the moment but I agree the randomisation has been appalling for ages.
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Have not seen it either. Is the chance of getting it even increased at all? You would think it is.
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No, apparently for some weird reason they've quit doing that. It makes absolutely no sense when you think about it either. Percentage wise every single time a new map comes out the chances of getting it would decrease and decrease.
Point being if DBD had 1,000 maps in it. You'd go months potentially YEARS without playing some. So how in the world it makes sense to not boost the chance of getting a NEW Map, makes zero sense to me.
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Wait, what? There's a new map? Oo
Dude, I didn't get it even once for 2 days of playing.
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I didn't get it at all until I used an offering.
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It is pretty rare.
Got it three times.
Just play a custom game with bots to see it. You can choose on which map you play there.
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isn’t this true for ‘teabagging’ as well? At least based on what teabagging as a mature act really is.
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It’s an ormond variant. You have a 50/50 chance of getting it if you play an ormond offering
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Yeah, I played on it once yesterday - I'm not gonna lie - everything about this map is fine, but some tiles and loops on there are just… SO killer sided.
2 little rocks and a pallet in between, in a small hole - ain't no way you're not gonna get hit as a survivor there.
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After deciding to juse sacrifice points I've used Ormand offerings a ton now and have played the ######### out of this new map.
So far it seems like a pretty bad map for survivor no? I've gotten out like once and died probably 7 times or so.