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General Discussions

Seriously, calm down already during special events.

This event has been live a matter of hours and people on both sides are playing like sweaty tournament players. These are for BP and cosmetic farming and it's supposed to be a fun little "break" from the normal aspect of play. I played as a survivor twice and the killers were looking to wipe the game out in 5 minutes of less and no one was able to do any event level anything. I played as a killer once and the survivors all flashlight/blast mine/flash bang spammed me the entire time while at other times were gen-rushing. Good grief, wipe the sweat off and effing relax.

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  • Member Posts: 3,054

    I just want less map offerings so I can see the new Ormond map.

  • Member Posts: 261

    If you ain't coming for no chili, what you come for?

  • Member Posts: 899

    it’s okay for people to try to win a game

  • Member Posts: 1,018

    there is an event offering. Usually, players use less map offerings when there is an event offeirng for extra BP. Thus, some will still use them due to skill issues

  • Member Posts: 5,925
    edited December 2024

    I just memed as Chucky so far and messed around with survivors. It is fun to get along until my bloodlust kicks in.

  • Member Posts: 6,372

    I imagine they are referring to chain blinding, or maybe to being flashlighted at every pallet break maybe?

  • Member Posts: 601

    I find that early on in the events it's usually chill, but the later the event goes on — the more you find people who "sweat".

    Additionally, there are people who try to play the event in a "nice" way and then get completely steamrolled on survivor/killer. These killers/survivors then queue up and take the game more seriously, causing the little cyclical tournament style of gameplay you find.

    At the end of the day, one side wants to win so you have both sides equally sweating unless the other party makes it absolutely obvious that they want to have some sort of snowball fight or whatever. 😊

  • Member Posts: 614

    During a Event Survivor get the most Points by finishing Gens and Killers gets most point by hooking Survivor so for sure they are playing normal and try to win Just because it is Event doesnt mean every1 should just farm be " friendly "

    I hate it to farm i just want to play fun games whit fun chases but sadly most time as a Killer i always need to use the same Perks because Survivors also always use there Meta Perks and when im playing whit useless Perks the Gens are flying i get teabagged at the Exit Gate 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 1,234

    I don't really know what you mean with relax, except some weird stealth-plays and annoying people by throwing snowballs at them while chasing there isn't much of a difference. It's almost the same like the normal mode so of course I also play like I normally do xD

  • Member Posts: 6,158
    edited December 2024

    I played this morning to complete the Bone Chill tome, then went back to normal mode. Not only were my games alot more chill in normal mode but I was making more bp too, especially with my bp offering and whatever others were bringing. It should be the opposite during an event lol

  • Member Posts: 671

    This is just why I play normal mode and only do the event for event tome and cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    People can and will play how they want but yeah I do find it a bit lame when people go into events to sweat like they are competing for money but not much you can really do about it sadly

  • Member Posts: 4,705

    So far, Ive only seen one side playing around with the event stuff … during the event mode … sadly its, with the exception of one single match, my side. (18 games of survivor and 2 games as killer)

  • Member Posts: 228

    For me it’s been quite chill. I’m killer main but I play survivor about 50% of the time. Had a few sweaty killers but mostly chill ones after tossing them a few snowballs.

    As killer I start a bit sweaty but after I get 2 survivors killed I let the other 2 finish gens and escape.

  • Member Posts: 1,735

    That pains me to hear :( I've had several games where everyone on all sides was snowball fighting from the start and several more where the killer got 8 hooks and then started only using snowballs. Most people I met on both sides seemed to be in the holiday mood. Hoping your event games get more consistently cheery

  • Member Posts: 3,439

    Yeah I have had to put in sacrificial wards to get there lol

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I switched to killer and was adding Hoarder to my build so everyone can collect items and I let everyone go after they have 2 hooks each. Occasionally some give up before I can even let them go but I am trying to just add a positive experience to the sweat.

    Just had a DC at 5 gens and the Dark Lord still played like his life depended on it, we all just gave up and went next as what was the point?

  • Member Posts: 4,705

    I genuinely dont know. Getting kills seems to be the only reason for some people to play killer at all.

  • Member Posts: 1,167

    I've had some fun snowball fights already but yeah, it's just luck of the draw whether or not you get players in your lobby that want to play a relatively chill match and mess around with the event stuff.

    I think part of the problem is that BHVR have split the queues into two again, but undermined the main point of doing so by locking all the cool cosmetics behind actually participating in the event. So even players that don't want to queue up for snowball fights and being a sneaky snowman are forced to join the event queue because that's the only way to earn all the new goodies.

  • Member Posts: 460
    edited December 2024

    First game in 2 weeks was a slugging bleedout and body humping singularity after a 5 minute queue in event mode. Almost not worth playing for skins.

  • Member Posts: 2,246
    edited December 2024
  • Member Posts: 2,246

    I desperately wish other Killer players would understand that there is so much more to the role than just the killing.

  • Member Posts: 132

    I was playing a game of doctor tonight, and not "the mean doctor build" either, lol. And I played pretty casually the entire time, no slugging, camping, and when I took literally ten steps away from the hook and a nice cage ran up to unhook right in my face, I just left and let them reset. How did I get rewarded for this? Constant blast mines (bad time to run eruption I suppose hehehe) and a nice cage almost dying to the entity because he wanted to badly to t bag me at the exit gates that the clock was almost up before he darted to safety. Lol.

    In the end, it's hard to know why people do the things that they do. Maybe the group were giggling and having a great time seeing me flash minded. Maybe the nice cage was saying thank you with his twerking. Maybe he was saying I was the best doctor ever as he boot scoot boogied out the door. The world will never know.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    Yeah and this kind of thing creates toxic killers so it definitely goes both ways. When I did play a lot of killer I would get really obnoxious survivors like this and I would be left angry and say to myself I am going to go hard on the next survivors.

    Then…. for some reason get matched with a baby Meg or a baby David who is really bad at hiding and thinks I cant hear his ridiculous pain noises lol and I just cant be mean to them as they're so innocent and adorable and I end up letting them go anyway.

    I guess you just have to face each match as it comes, which can be harder with survivor as killers often dictate how a match will play out and as killer some just make you regret giving them any leeway

  • Member Posts: 423

    i feel you dude. I played a few as survivor and its just more tunneling and slugging. Meanwhile when im killer i play as santa clown and try to initiate snowball fights and reward those with the xmas spirit…but punish those who dont.

    if winning is that important, just stick to regular 1v4. I feel like the "Comp" kid mindset genuinely ruins games and turns it into a sweat fest where people are heavily biased. They have 0 ability to chill out

  • Member Posts: 1,855

    What BP gains, they are non existent this time around.

  • Member Posts: 225

    I dunno about anyone else but I'm starting to feel event mode fatigue. This one in particular has nothing truly special going on (barely anyone uses the snowmen, and the game isn't exactly built for repeated friendly social interaction) but if you want better queues and rewards you're hard pressed not to play it. Which makes me just not want to play at all, you know?

  • Member Posts: 122

    What people fail to understand is the snowball of sweating.

    Killers run meta builds (pop/pain res/grim) every match so survivors have to try harder which then makes killers have to try harder so on and so forth.

    Killers now feel that they have to tunnel and slug every game because thats "the best slowdown there is". It doesn't help when you have one large [unnamed] killer main streamer saying you have to tunnel to win.

    I have played a total of 2 hours of DBD since the event released because of how bad it is. Add rank resweat on top of it and yes this game is miserable to play on either side.

  • Member Posts: 526

    The question was always about the price. During the Halloween event, I realized that farming pumpkins and ghosts was more profitable than killing survivors. For those who don't know, during the event, there is a 5th category for filling blood points. On Halloween, my games looked like this. I received from 60,000 to 12,000 (cake) blood points. I didn't care what the survivors did, as long as they didn't interfere and didn't drag out the game after the 5th category was completely filled (I got bored and went to kill them).

    Now I see that snowmen and playing snowballs with survivors have an interaction limit. Let's say that if I can't collect 60,000 blood points per match again. Then I have bad news for the survivors. Of course, I will conduct tests with the offering, but something tells me that the developers have fixed their previous assumption.

    For the record, you can play for fun, but this is usually during the completion of the tome and 2-3 games. Then the usual routine game - kill them all.

  • Member Posts: 894

    This is why I never understood the "BHVR gimmie more BP!" people. Just make BP gain equal across all Survivors and the Killer, and then everyone gets this buff during events. Cancel blood hunts/feasts too because those ALSO just make people sweat.

    The reason is, people want their points. They wanna maximize. So take the fun out of that by maxxing it FOR them, and fewer people will care, DC on hook. etc.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Because sadly, that's all BHVR incentivizes the Killer to do. :(

  • Member Posts: 4,705

    So bp don't matter?

    If a bubba goes for the 4man slug at 4 gens, everyone gets like 3k bp and that's it.

    Moreover, what about having an own mind? I don't care about mmr. What does it lead to? If my mmr is high I meet more people that are sweating. Sweating in dbd does often not mean skill but stronger equipment. Why would I want to make my game progressively more stupid? At some point it's not difficulty or a challenge, it just becomes impossible due to how big the power discreptency is. It's the limit of a killer.

    I make my own incentives and my incentive is having fun.

    Screw mmr.

  • Member Posts: 381

    For max bp it's actually better for the killer to drag the game out, chase and hook each survivor 3 times, kick a bunch of gens, break a bunch of pallets/doors, and do the event things. Slugging and hard tunneling are the least efficient ways to gain bp. You literally get penalized the shorter the match as well as bleed outs and losing a hook state to the entity. All this sweating for bp is counter productive if your actually goal is the get bp. The problem is that isn't the case all they want are wins and that's it.

    What's even more weird as that win conditions in this game are very subjective. You can loop all game and then get left on hook to die and it counts as a lose even though you cooked up the killer all match.

  • Member Posts: 894

    I agree, I prefer to make my own goals too, but the problem seems to be that BHVR does not see it that way.

  • Member Posts: 1,534
    edited December 2024

    I have all perks and at the very least 500 of each addon, bp could not be more irrelevant to me.

    And while yes as you say the balance of items and killers is iffy, still trying to win a match against the rare pub team thats actually good is very entertaining, hence why I like to be in top mmr (which is funny because top mmr cap is incredibly low so even in top mmr you still have a lot of people who are not good), if I wanted to face Ai Ill just join a custom match, I like facing good opponents.

  • Member Posts: 526

    Are you absolutely sure that when a killer has such equipment he cares about blood points?

  • Member Posts: 747

    Funny. I usually find it the other way around. Usually (to me) it looks like the basement dwelling event lurkers are most active during the first half of the event. And when they've gotten all of their event tomes done, they go back into hiding to wait for the next event. Which usually means games turn into more on the chill side.

  • Member Posts: 4,705

    Why should they? I 100% understand why there is an mmr - system in this game. We have to thank our ever growing comp-scene for that. It started many years ago and continues to this day.

    The emblem system rewarded a more fun match over fast kills. I still think its better than what we have today.

  • Member Posts: 4,705

    I have two p100, three at p50+ and continue to level Lara right now. I have literally thousands of addons of each rarity on my Piggy that im never going to use. Despite this, there is always new content that requires bp to be spend. If its not relevant to you, there are a ton of others that its very relevant to.

    Dont get me wrong, I want to be challenged in dbd. I challenge myself by not bringing the best and most optimal stuff every game (literally stbfl only - Pig). However, I dont play every match to lose either. Sometimes winning a match is fun to me, sometimes losing a very good match is fun to me. It depends on the situation.

    As stated before, Im very much aware, that winning a match in dbd is sometimes not realistically doable with some killers against certain loadouts. Sometimes there is no getting better. Its simply the limitation of the killers strenght.

    I never said, I want to face AI. I want to face good players. Not people that boost their loadouts to unbeatable levels. Sadly this is what higher play in dbd almost always looks like.

  • Member Posts: 4,705

    I have more addons and offerings on good Piggy and yes, I care about bp. I level more than one character and play both roles.

  • Member Posts: 526

    I just expressed another point of view of the killers who don't care about blood points.

    I'm more convinced by these numbers. Despite the broken offering. I can become good. The main thing is that the warriors of light and other survivors don't interfere with me. Change the build again.

  • Member Posts: 4,705

    There was a time, where I felt similarly and didnt care about bp either. This was in my prime time as a killer main. This is over though. There is new content coming out regularly and multiple characters to level up. I personally enjoy each bp-gift i can get my hands on.

    You game-example seems decent to me. I assume the survivors with the lowest points tried to go for flashlight saves? It often leads to less points because they rarely work on the objective. There are also a lot of killers that do a lot worse on terms of points than good Doctor.

    To conclude, there is a lot more in dbd - killer than killing survivors and Id hope that BHVR embraces this rather than further parting with the idea.

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