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Thoughts on event

At first I enjoyed the event, was fun having snowmen around and killers being stealthy. But already it's run it's course for me. Snowmen are always getting in my way as survivor and killer. I like the indoor maps, but they are unplayable with the snowmen blocking the corridors and stairs. RPD in particular is a nightmare.

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  • Member Posts: 296

    Played event for first time last night.

    Bully squad survivors every match.

    Constant flashlight clicking, flashbangs , snow skull throwing, t-bags and insta heals.

    Lightborn counters first two but zero effort to do gens or leaving one gen to prevent exit door being opened.

    Sure they go down and don't escape in the end but game lasts forever.

    Not much fun as killer so far.

  • Member Posts: 6,141

    This is why it's a good thing we have split modes,

  • Member Posts: 1,169

    I had a few really fun matches the other day, but today has been abysmal.

    No effort by survivors to do gens and killers who are playing as sweaty as if they were in a competitive match. I get this is the mode to have fun and meme around in so I’m not too bothered if matches go on for some snow fights and stealthy snowmen as long as the killer is in on it too. But I don’t understand why, as a killer, you’d queue up for then mode to then just not engage. It’s a deliberate choice to ruin it for others at this point. It’s not like previous years where everyone had to engage regardless of if you wanted to or not. It’s been made its own thing.

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    Event mode is too laggy for my liking. On normal mode it's fine.

  • Member Posts: 1,150
    edited December 2024

    I find it best to always have a snowball or two at all times so you can destroy a pesky snowman if it gets in your way.

    I'm really enjoying the event so far. But it's not as fun as the Halloween event, since the snowballs and snowmen aren't all that game changing. The only downside for me is the usual splitting of the queues impacting my queue times (with some long waits for my Survivor games).

  • Member Posts: 190

    Not a fan given that this update just introduced really frustrating stuttering

  • Member Posts: 859

    Can confirm sandbagmen are annoying af, although I'll probably stick with the event because pelting turbosweat killers in the face with snowballs will never not be funny.

    But please devs disable the moving snowmen.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    The snowmen are a great sandbaggers at times but I am not too worried.

    I am more concerned that matches as solo survivor have been miserable back to back, with very obnoxious killers running very obnoxious builds. I had to just close the game and play something else today and it isn't the event ruining it for me

  • Member Posts: 24

    Yesterday, all my survivor games sucked because of sweaty survivors and killers. All my killer games were great because I would just butcher the sweaty survivors and then fool around with the remaining that actually wanted to do event things.

    Today’s killer games have sucked because every survivor has been sweaty, despite me intentionally not hooking any of them. Don’t queue the event if you don’t want to spend at least a few minutes chucking snowballs at each other.

  • Member Posts: 6,832

    The event is fun but the snowmen have been screwing me over in chases.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    Event? You mean the gamemode where I have 100+ ping and rubberbanding all over the place?

    "I think that's enough for a feedback".

    I'm glad it's not forced - so we can play normal mode.

  • Member Posts: 3,593

    Snowmen are really laggy when they move since you cant even really pretend to be them since it is painful obvious by the difference in laggy and smooth movement. They dont do anything in chase either. I also think they removed the snowman inflatables (I havent found one yet) which sucks because I really liked the way they looked and the high-five BP was a fun bonus to all players. :(

    Half the time they just blocked pathways, Ive been screwed over by Snowmen moving into doorways or pallets multiple times as both Survivor and Killer. Either that or they just float in the air or get stuck on top of objects. The AI Pathfinding is really bad and should be looked at for future events.

    Snowballs are fun but from my experience 95% of the time people dont even engage with them, the Bloodpoints they reward is too little (even with the Event Offering) and they often get obstructed by the map (mostly trees).

    The event cosmetics are amazing but outside of that there is no incentive to really engage with anything else involving the event.

  • Member Posts: 80

    Had some fun running a chest build on Survivor but it’s full of slugging and tunneling so feels like a waste a lot. Killer has been fun running Hoarder+Human Greed on Houndmaster and pretending they’re taking my loot.

    The snowmen have blocked my dog in search form multiple times as Houndmaster. And being blocked by the snowmen while you’re being tunneled is incredibly irritating. They haven’t helped me once as either role and I don’t like them.

    The event stutters and ping is higher especially as Survivor in my experience. I feel like the BP gain is very low if your opponents sweat as either role. I don’t think the event really enhances the fun I have on either role and the best part about it for me is chest builds get more value.

  • Member Posts: 894

    Since when is throwing snowballs "sweaty bullying"? They're… they're snowballs.

    I just want this event to do more different stuff, not enough different here.

  • Member Posts: 6,226
    edited December 2024

    I just started playing it tonight, and I'm having fun. Most killers I've versed will throw snowballs mid-chase if I start doing it. There was one Onryo who was winning but started memeing with me when I followed her into the basement as a snowman. I tried to die for her to EGC and she disconnected just to give me the escape…. holiday heroes, man.

    Killer has been fun, but it's hard for me to put on my game face because survivors keep running up to me at the start of the game and starting snowball fights, and I never know how to communicate 'that was fun but I would like to play the game now.' I'm enjoying that chest build stonks have gone up! Hoarder and Human Greed are finally paying off.

    But I've definitely run into the bodyblocking wandering snowmen. Picking up snowballs to deal with them is mandatory, otherwise you're going to get trolled at random. My greater complaint is that they don't actually work as decoys beyond seeing some movement out of the corner of your eye. It's super obvious which snowmen are real people and which ones are fake. It's not just the behavior pattern of moving in a straight line, turning when hitting an object, and moving in another straight line - you can't even pretend to be an AI snowman because their movement is really rubberbandy and glitchy, while players move smoothly. Also, bloodpoint gain doesn't seem that high. Maybe I'm just spoiled from 2v8.

    I also miss the OG snowmen, the inflatable ones with the angry/cute faces. The ones from last year are just ugly melted snow piles with entity bits in them.

  • Member Posts: 990

    I've gotten bored with the event already. There's really nothing new or exciting with this one. I'm just completing the tomes and going back to normal mode as soon as I get the tomes completed.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    My thoughts on the event are that it's setting my PC on fire and I'm better off in the regular queue

  • Member Posts: 116

    Offerings being bugged and servers sending you to narnia has dampened my enthusiasm. I hope they can fix these issues soon.

  • Member Posts: 290

    Love the snowmen (when they don't block me in somewhere), but BP is barely more than regular play.

  • Member Posts: 2,368

    it fun throwing snowballs. no massive game defining powers for the events so it nice and simple. i like it

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    I haven't played the event yet because I keep seeing people talk about losing progress. I saved up a lot of BP for the event to buy the offerings on everyone. I'm not spending BP if there's a risk the offerings will just disappear from my inventory, and I'm not playing while BP is maxed out.

    I wish BHVR wouldn't release updates and start events right before the weekend, because then we're just stuck with whatever released broken. And something is always broken.

  • Member Posts: 894

    I've had fun so far with the event at least on Survivor side. Haven't gotten on Killer side, but I plan to be a little silly there too. :)

    I'll Mark you. Then hit you with snowballs. Then down you. >:)

  • Member Posts: 79

    I’ve been playing this mode mostly as killer and just having fun and meeting around with it. I find that once you chuck a few snowballs at survivors they get the gist and start doing the same.

    Its been a nice break from usual try hard standard mode :)

  • Member Posts: 1,061
    edited December 2024

    It's a non-event for the most part. For newer players it might be fun to mess around and walk around in snowmen and throw around snowballs for some time, but for jaded, disgruntled, battle-scarred cynical veteran Scrooges of the game like myself, those things barely even register. The "event" mode for me is literally just normal DbD with the occasional nuisance of a snowman being in the way, or someone wasting time throwing snowballs at me instead of doing something productive. Obviously there can be a little more to it at times, but overall this holds true.

    These events are just a few weeks out of the year, and now we even have a separate queue for them. I really wonder why BHVR doesn't let us live a little and really mixes up the gameplay. The winter event in particular has suffered, with snowmen having been nerfed into what amounts to glorified lockers. And the snowballs have never done anything. And instead of improving on this, they keep recycling these things every year.

    It is cool that the snowmen now move around on their own, as that can trick both killers and survivors into thinking someone is in them, and likewise to generally assume that nobody is. Although one problem is that the bot-controlled snowmen move around in a noticeably stuttery and janky way, rather readily distinguishable from real players. So good idea, bad execution.

    It is really disappointing how neutered snowmen are from their original iteration, and that despite all of the tools being there to make for a much more crazy and engaging event gameplay without even needing to put in much work:

    Make snowmen tank hits again. They used to tank hits when survivors were inside of them, as well as when dodging around them, now they do neither. With snowballs, the perfect counterplay to snowmen has long been introduced, as a survivor trying to use a snowman if the killer has a snowball will result in a guaranteed hit. To compensate, make it so that survivors get Exposed for some 10 or so seconds if within 10 or so meters of a snowman that a killer pops out of. This would lead to survivors also having to have snowballs on them and popping approaching snowmen, or popping them before the killer can use them in a chase.

    Snowballs could also slow down killers and survivors very briefly, with the slowdown duration depending on the hit area (legs, torso, head).

  • Member Posts: 129

    It feels like the tone of it changed once the event had been out a few days. Almost like the "fun, casual" players got bored and left, steadily replaced with the most sweaty seal team 6 players alive. I want to be able to have a chill game and everybody get points, but it's really hard to do that when the opposing team is playing like their life depends on it. As killer, you just get t bagged and blinded constantly regardless of how you play. As survivor, there are a few killers who will play around, but many are playing it like it's just regular mode. That's kind of what it feels like to me. Regular mode. With snowmen who randomly gets in your way.

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