Please make the mistle toes stack

I’m not sure why they don’t but what’s the reason for not making them stack? Everyone wants to maximize BP this event and that would greatly help.
They dont?
Bruh whats even the point of each player having them then x.x6 -
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At this point I think it's a deliberate effort by Behavior to make people earn less BPs. Between these last few events and the fact that there is rarely a good BP incentive anymore.
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Yeah it's ridiculous lol
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According to an in-game notification we have a Bloodhunt starting in a few days, followed shortly after by a Bloodfeast. I'm guessing that's why they made them personal. I'd rather they just made the offerings shared because it provides a sense of community. But I think they'd rather the Bloodhunt/feast to boost numbers.
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Aren't most event bloodpoint bonuses individual? Usually with events I find Behavior always makes individual based bloodpoint offerings, especially with the rods that we had earlier this year, lol.
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Anniversary event offerings always stack, and the old Scorching Summer BBQ invites did too, hence why alot of us don't understand why certain event offerings are so stingy. There was also the Lunar Event where you could interact with each other's envelopes and award each other with bloodpoints.
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I see, I don't typically play during events generally but as you've mentioned — it's probably moreso the stinginess of Behavior not allowing certain bloodpoint offerings to not stack.
I just remember playing during the rod event and my friend using Bloody Party Streamers as the rods didn't stack, similarly to the event ones here.
I doubt Behavior will change it, given that the event already commenced but I do agree that any and all event offerings should be stackable in the future. 😊
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Ive had them not work at all, there was a bot killer that stood there, we maxed out the bonus points bar and got a total of likr 6000 bp.
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Player retention, that's why
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It is most likely Personal because of the Bloodhunt and the Blood Feast they will do later on and it will then go over the cap way too quickly and people will then complaint about having to spend time on spending them.
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BHVR being BHVR…