The Houndmaster is still Dogshit as ever.

It doesn't matter how many bugfixes and buffs she gets, she will stay in Dogshit tier. She is just the opposite of Skull Merchant only she lets all the survivors escape without effort from the survivor side and they love her.
Is behaviour so scared to make a good killer? I'm bored of facing houndmaster because she's so damn easy to play against.
she is not bad now. her upgrades were significant. my bad if killers playing houndmaster posing much of threat. give the killer some time, i'm sure killer will practice hard and get good with her. The killer is relatively new.
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We get the feeling that each person who keeps complaining about them just completely fails at using them
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I main Steve so your argument is invalid.
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Every Houndmaster I've gone against were a 4-man escape.
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Hate to say it, but definately skill issue. She is really good in right hands now, aside of bugs. Far from best killers, but good.
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Then every Houndmaster thus far after the most recent bugfix isn't really good at Houndmaster. The window and pallet vault is now much quicker and the pathfinding is much less of a pain. She can also use Snug a lot more with good zoning.
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I faced a P70 Houndmaster and he played more than 20,000 hours on Dead by Daylight on Steam. He knows exactly what he was doing and yet he still struggles. He wrote in end game chat saying his power bugged out many times. We all escaped effortlessly.
I'm not making an excuse here. I genuinely believe that this killer is the worst killer in dbd, and I have first hand experience since the PTB came out. Houndmaster need a big, fat fix.
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Well if that doesn't prove our point don't think anything will XD
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I'm curious as to if this was pre bug fix or after which has barely been out. From what I've played and seen of streamers as of the latest version, most bugs have been fixed.