"Complete edition" available for pre-order

So EB games has the "Dead by Daylight - Complete Edition" available for pre-order with estimated release of June 30th, but doesn't show what's included.
The optimization roadmap shows at least up to Chapter 14, so will it actually be "complete" or will there be more coming?
I have people acting like this will mean the end of DBD but that seems silly with Dedicated servers coming. Any official news on this besides the actual pre-order listing?
Servers won't run on air. They will still need to pump out content to monetize.
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@not_Queen @Patricia Please, don't tell me Dead by Daylight is going to die within three months with a complete edition which will stop the development of new contents! :( I love DbD, I want at least 666 chapters with the Entity herself as the final killer with unlimited power in KYF mode...
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I'm assuming it's a typo and the title is actually The Complete (for now) Edition.
For real though it's probably just the game and all DLC up until that point. Quite a dumb name if this is indeed a real thing.
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TY for the reassurance. I can tell these people to stop panicking 😂