Almost a week since Chucky received his nerf

It's almost been a week now since his initial nerf and after play a few more games, while he's not bad strength wise (probably like mid B) he's just an absolute slog and no longer fun to play anymore
Doesn't help that these changes weren't in the ptb as this would've give big feedback from the community before it made it to live
It just tells me why even bother having the ptb if they're just gonna make drastic changes like this with no warning
I still can't wrap my head around how they though that it's ok to make such a big change without PTB, this is so stupid. What's the point of PTB then?
He feels so bad to play it's painful. I played 15 games and after 10 I already had enough, I refuse to play him until they revert that stupid speed change
Then again, there is certain content creator who is also a consultant whose name starts with H and ends with S that absolutely despise Chucky and said on stream that he's fine now and still A tier (which is insane take btw, he's nowhere close), so I'm not holding my breath for revert, I just wish I could get my 150 milion BP back
Actually it's kinda both strange and funny that the biggest content creators are radio silent about Chucky changes, usually there is like milion YT videos when killer gets buffed or nerfed, especially as hard as Chucky and now there is nothing :)3 -
I find it hilarious, they had need to double nerf Chucky with even higher cooldown, while Huntmaster has 3 seconds cooldown…
It would make sense to reduce cooldown back to 10 seconds, when they want to nerf Dash, but no… let's nerf him even more0 -
He was never fun to play. I haven't really played him since the first week he came out. Everyone has been overrating his strength since the beginning.
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If Killers can get basically killed in hotfixes I'm quite scared about what they can do to other Killers pretty much at anytime…
Chucky is actually quite a slog now, wish they revert it sooner than later.
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These are the reasons I stopped playing killer and the game altogether. I keep coming back for 2v8 cause that's the most fun the game has to offer (besides bullying killers as survivor)
I knew ever since they started adding base kit borrowed time, remove hook grabs, base kit deliverance, and removed the ability to kick gens. That the game is going down hill.
So the more killers they dog pile on (Chucky, skull merchant, pig, etc) the worst the game will be. The Texas chainsaw game has been so much better and so much more fun that it's crazy to think I used to play DBD at one point.
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I didn't get around to trying chucky again until last night and man you guys weren't kidding about the nerfs. Slice and Dice feels SO SLOW, like you're trying to sprint through knee-high water or something. Even if Chucky had nothing else going for him at least you could enjoy being a tiny little ######### zoomin' at your enemies but he's just kinda got nothing going for him anymore? Like he isn't unplayable, you can perform decently well but everything just feels like a slog to do.
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Hens's top tier Spirit vs Chucky showcase seems to suggest otherwise.
I do think he's really fun, though. I always wanted to play him more, but I know a lot of survivors hate him and I don't like making other people upset.