Mori Shopping
Dear Developers
I hope you realize that you could make a lot of money selling new Moris for the killers. In the customization area there is still a free space next to the charms where you could assign a Mori to the killer. Now that you can always mori the last survivor, this would be worth considering, as you see the animations more often. Of course, it would also be a possibility to put a new Mori animation in the Rift Pass instead of these countless charms, if you want to. So if I have one Christmas wish in DBD, that would be it.
Killers don't spend money on Cosmetics. It'd be a waste of resources. All you see are Killers in defaults or free.
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You'd probably faint if you saw the total amount I've spent on killer cosmetics
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Of course there are exceptions. BHVR would have a better idea of numbers than I.
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Fair enough. I do notice a lot of killers my gf goes against are typically vanilla. It's still not the worst idea in the world to make alternative moris purchasable but BHVR has a little more to worry about before they try to push another way for them to farm credit cards. I'm sure a majority of the fan base would be upset they're selling moris and not fixing the game
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I just bought a new head for the clown today, although I hardly ever play him. But we're probably not playing the same game, because when I switch from Killer to Survivor or from Survivor to Killer, I always have the impression that I'm in a completely different game.
I'd rather they release some new Mori packs for the Killers or new Gestures for Survivors than another buggy chapter that just makes the mess even bigger than it already is. Then maybe they'd have more time to take care of the smaller issues.
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I don't like a lot of the alternate killer skins... except lobster Dredge... It's like revenge for all the cooked crustaceans.
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Also, I support reverting the finisher mori update. Don't make built-in ways to show off on top of your opponents even more common. If we think teabagging is an issue, this is like company-sponsored teabagging.
It would also be great to give back the ability to wiggle out at endgame for dramatic escapes instead of just expecting a slug for 4k->mori loop in so many games now.
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Built in victory dance is nice especially after you've been dealing with this for years.
Just take the loss and watch the animations dork. It's what we've been doing
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Do I understand that correctly? You feel personally offended in your honor when the killer in a horror game takes you out with a kill animation instead of just hanging you on a completely irrelevant hook?
Well... Actually... Um... Okay... 😳
I respect your opinion and have a nice day.
To be honest, I would even encourage all Survior to stand around in the exit area for minutes so that I have enough time to destroy all the remaining pallets and walls to collect the BP.
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I play killer all the time too, and I agree teabagging at the gate is annoying. But it's not even on the same level as having someone slug for 4k then have the ability to force the survivor to watch while they show off after they made the survivor bleed for several minutes. It's like the goal was just to add toxicity to the game.
Both are problems, and the answer isn't to add more of the same.
Also, thanks for calling me names :)
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(idk if this is client side but it seems my response disappeared)(will delete any duplicate posts)
I apologize if you are genuinely hurt by being called a dork by a fellow dork on a video game forum.
Personally I'd put tea bagging at the gate above mori-ing. Moris are for survivors as much as they are for killers. Just a quick animation showing off (arguably) the whole point of the game and that is- the cool horror characters we can play as/against. I did just say today that tea bagging at the gate is a part of DBD's charm these days and I'll stand by that. It feels more like a goodbye or a gg to me than anything. In the same vein; to me a mori feels like a final handshake between killer and survivor. How ever I understand how a mori could feel like a spit in the face especially if the killer uses underhanded tactics to get you there. That becomes easily comparable to survivors using similarly underhanded tactics to make sure they can tea bag you at the gates. Either none of it is ok or all of it is ok and regardless people are going to continue to do it.0 -
lol Thanks for the nice response. Genuinely appreciated 😀
I always drew the distinction between toxicity and friendly teabagging at a few crouches. If it's a few quick ones before an exit, the meaning is normally clear.
As far as the mori, I'm always up for a good bit of gore in my horror media when it makes the horror experience more immersive, but moris never seemed to have a purpose in DbD. I wasn't a fan of the finisher mori when it was released, but started getting used to it. But then it became a common theme to see slugging for 4k followed up by mori; tunneling, proxy camping followed by mori. It's started to feel more like a way to cap off matches where survivors are forced to endure several minutes or entire matches where they're tunneled, camped, slugged for 4k, just to have the killer be able to force them to watch them do their animation.
I also wish it didn't take away the ability of the last survivor to wiggle free and go for rare dramatic escapes to hatch or an already open gate. I mean, when it was an addon, it made some sense to me that some abilities could be denied in that way. But I think there should have been some way to preserve those rare wiggle escapes; they make for some of the most memorable endgames on both sides :)
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But this is a problem with slugging, tunneling and proxy camping. Not with Moris. The game offers enough opportunities to wiggle free and make dramatic escapes throughout the game. At some point this should come to an end that the killer doesn't become a laughing stock. And like in any good horror movie, the protagonist escapes a few times until it finally ends in a bloody climax.
So for me it's the other way around, even though I'm playing Survivor. I'd prefer it if the killer could mori everyone after the second hook and there were four different moris, because I'd rather see a mori animation before I end up on that stupid hook. Thats why I would like to see a way to get different moris for the killers.
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This is probably the most insane thing I have heard all day.
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They need to address slugging before doing that then. It would just give killers more of an incentive to slug for the last Mori and they need to do something about going back to hook to tunnel for the Mori's with offerings also. Before anyone says that doesn't happen good for you. I have seen games where it happened and it has happened to me also.
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That makes sense. Some people have suggested making the finisher mori skippable by the survivor being targeted so that if they feel it's more like bm, they aren't forced to watch it.
I think if they did some tweaks like that and maybe making it so the mori had to be done next to a hook so wiggle chances aren't negated, it would go some way to fixing it.
There is still a problem that it incentivises slugging for 4k by hiding a mori behind a 4k. And some people suggested that it probably doesn't make slugging for 4k any more prevalent than it was before, but there are players who openly admit that they'll be sure to go out of their way for the mori. In that sense though, solving the issue of slugging for 4k and making some tweaks to the whole thing would make it pretty balanced. Solving slugging for 4k doesn't seem to be a high priority for BHVR though :(
Edit: I also realize that sounds like a lot of things, but I think there's a monetary incentive in it for BHVR to take those steps. They could indeed set up a mori shop, but then it's also in their interest to keep players who feel like the update is having a more negative impact happy. A few if statements in the code and some debugging/playtesting should do it without too much effort, and probably maximize profit.
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I'm not quite sure why this thread is turning into another discussion about gameplay issues that the developers have been putting off for years, for whatever reason. All I really wanted was to finally have a way to customize Moris for the killers.
So back to topic: As a short example. Trapper already has a second Mori, but it's tied to this Naughty Bear costume. But I don't want to play Naughty Bear, I want to play my Trapper, who looks like a butcher. Nevertheless, I like the Mori from Naughty Bear. So why can't I just buy the Mori from Naughty Bear without the rest of the costume and then combine it with my Trapper [only without the narrator's voice in the background (Wesker also has two voice versions of his Mori when he plays against Chris)]?
I'd pay them a fortune to finally have a Freddy yelling at Nick Cage “Welcome to Prime Time #########” and ramming his head into a TV. 🤣
@smurf Sure I see no problem why you have to watch it when you don t want. They just have to implement an option 'Skip Mori sequence' X and you'll get instantly into into the endgame lobby.
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I'm not buying an animation I rarely get to see.
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Well... Then you should stop playing Survivor and start playing Killer.
I see Moris pretty much every second match and sometimes even two in one.
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I think this is exactly why BHVR made moris basekit. Whether they are going to sell them or not- it is nice seeing them more often. It's a shame all the sore loser survivor players are trying to get them removed from basekit because they don't like that killers can do they little dancey dance when they win now.
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I don't understand this attitude either. On the one hand, many people are upset that BHVR is nerfing everything and DBD is getting boring because it's the same thing over and over again, and on the other hand, people are demanding that things that form a certain unique selling proposition be removed instead of expanded. Nobody can really argue with me that there's any horror feeling at all when killers can't even kill anymore.
In my eyes, the Mori is not even really a victory dance of the killer, but the normal conclusion to a horror movie. And even when I play Survivor, I'd rather see them than just that hook animation.
My only problem with the Moris is that at some point you've seen them too often and that's where something should be done. For example, that you can equip killers with new Moris. Since this is completely optional, I don't see any reason to get upset about it. Nobody is forced to buy Moris. But anyone who wants to and likes this feature will have the chance to do so.
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It's not really about people being sore losers, and more about people not wanting a mechanic that provides a built-in victory dance. Teabagging and that W+D thing are already bad enough for the game's health, but the finisher mori is like BHVR saying the W+D thing isn't enough and they want to make the community more toxic by making those celebration dances official. And unlike in the case of teabagging, the targeted player can't just force the killer out or walk away. Instead they're forced to watch the killer do their victory dance.
Beyond that, the finisher mori has taken away survivors' ability to wiggle off for dramatic endgame escapes, which are some of the most memorable. It also provides an incentive to slug for 4k, which is one of the most problematic things in the game since it's done somewhat commonly and causes a long, drawn-out hunt that goes on while the last survivor has almost no chance of escape and the third survivor is forced to just lay on the ground bleeding out the entire time. It wastes the time of multiple players. Hatch was literally implemented to prevent something that the finisher mori now incentivises.
I've also seen a number of killers find themselves with two downed survivors not far from each other, so they hooked one of them and then repeatedly hit the survivor on hook to try to get them to go next and let the mori happen.
And it's not like the finisher mori adds to the horror in the game either. A depiction of a murder can be gory and grotesque, but that's not going to bring back the horror and anticipation that a lot of us felt during chase when we had just started. I think it took me around 300 hours for my heart to stop pounding during chase. It's really just an animation that some people enjoy watching, but isn't going to bring back that initial feeling of horror. And if that's the case, why not just go watch it in the killer selection menu?
Really, the finisher mori gives an animation that some people find fun at the cost of promoting toxicity by creating an official equivalent to teabagging at gate, giving the killer a basekit ability to deny abilities from survivor abilities and perks, and encouraging slugging for 4k and certain other toxic behaviors. I play both roles and I see the finisher mori as an overall negative addition to the game. As killer I find it pointless, and as survivor, I see it as toxic for the reasons listed above :(
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I think we're playing two completely different games. I can't even make any reference to anything you say here. Or maybe I'm just in a completely different MMR. I just had a game as a trapper against a probable 4 man SWF (all of them over lvl 50 and one even 100) and there wasn't a bit of toxicity in it. 2 of them died on the hook and I let the other two fix he last generator. When the gate was open I knocked down my obssession with Rancor and it stayed in front of the open exit, although she could have crawled out, while the other guy nodded the whole time. I then did my Mori and the fourth surv nodded again, made a single crouch move and escaped. Nobody, and I mean really nobody, seems to have been offended by a Mori or a Crouch move or a snowball to the face and everyone here got between 30k and 55k BP.
And what's supposed to be up with this so-called “endgame ability to wiggle off for dramatic endgame escapes” that you keep mentioning is beyond me. I've never had a case where it was fun if you don't reach a hook in time. It only happens when the map is extremely large, the RNG handicaps you, you're constantly bodyblocked by others or every hook is sabotaged. In any of these cases, you're more likely to feel screwed of a win and I doubt that's fun for any killer and adds more to toxicity than a Mori or a a victory dance by the survivors at the exit gates.
Maybe everyone who is so easily offended should start a petition for BHVR to release a LEGO version of DBD. Then instead of playing against Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger and Pinhead, who could probably kill you, you play against Gargamel, Lord Farquaad, Prince Hans and Dick Dastardly and then everyone has a cup of tea by the exit gates at the end.
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I think we're playing two completely different games. I can't even make a connection to anything you say here. Or maybe I'm just in a completely different MMR. I just had a game as a trapper against a 4 man SWF (all of them over lvl 50 and one even 100) and there wasn't a bit of toxicity in it. 2 of them died on the hook, the other two I had the last generator repaired. When the gate was open I knocked down my obsession with Rancor and she stayed in front of the open exit, while the other surv noded the whole time. I moried her the other one nodded again, made a few crouches and escaped. Nobody, but really nobody was offended here. Neither the Survs about my Mori, nor me because one of them crouched twice or more times. Or because of a snowball in the face. Everyone had between 30 and 50k BP in the end.
And what there is to this so-called “endgame ability to wiggle off for dramatic endgame escapes” that you keep mentioning is beyond me. I've never had a case where it was fun if you don't reach the final hook in time. This only happens when the map is extremely large, the RNG handicaps you, you are constantly bodyblocked by the others or every hook is sabotaged. In any of these cases, you're more likely to feel screwed of your success and I doubt that would be fun for any killer and adds more to toxicity then a Mori or a Crouch move.
Maybe everyone who is so easily offended should start a petition for BHVR to release a LEGO version of DBD. Then instead of playing against Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger and Pinhead, who could probably kill you, you play against Gargamel, Lord Farquaad, Prince Hans and Dick Dastardly and then everyone has a cup of tea by the exit gates at the end.
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Just because you played a single match without any toxicity doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The finisher mori forces the last survivor to watch the killer gloat over their downed body. And so often I've seen killers waiting out any obstacles just to get their victory dance, even picking up the slug and moving them to a spot where they'll give a better view of it. It's a built-in victory celebration that they force their opponent to watch.
Regarding endgame escapes, I've definitely had matches where I've wiggled off as the last survivor and made escapes to an already opened gate or hatch. And certain perks make it more likely (e.g. Boil Over, Power Struggle, etc.). I'm sure all of us have also dropped survivors at endgame to chase their teammates, defend a gate, etc. That also leads to scenarios where wiggling out and escaping as the last survivor is feasible. That's mostly gone now since the finisher mori means the killer doesn't have to try to get the last survivor to their last hook. Survivors are being denied perk abilities and basekit abilities all so the killer can do their victory animation. As far as when playing killer, I typically get into my lobby and congratulate my opponents when they pull off exciting escapes. Why would someone feel like escaping is toxic or 'screwed them out of their success'?
Also, what are you talking about with the LEGO thing? I'm suggesting BHVR try to encourage sportsmanship and less toxicity in their game, not make a game for children.
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I now had three matches with the Trapper, three matches with Wraith and three with Hillbilly. There was no 4k slugging, no dancing moves and no other kind of toxic gameplay but I made a few Moris. I even played against streamers. I even had the chance to make a Mori and I didn't just because I didn t want to. I don't care about 4k and I play the game just for fun. Match started at 01:57:00
And I m sure noone was offended in any way by me and I wasn't offended by anyone of them. Just plain simple.
But maybe some people feel just offended when they lose a game and try to blame it on another reason.
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I'm glad you play in a way that avoids a lot of bm. The game needs more positive players :)
The issue isn't about redirecting some feeling of being offended when losing though. It's about how things are done that lead to a win or loss and how it's treated afterward. Victory dances are generally bad sportsmanship in all competitive activities, especially when they're shoved in an opponent's face.
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As I said before, the Mori is not a Victory Dance for me, but a pure kill animation that ends the game for one player which gives me the feeling of being in a Slasher Movie (the hook sequence is exactly the same, only much more boring). If the whole thing were interactive, where I could do different things in the kill animation with an input, I might be able to accept the argument.
Besides, I'm pretty sure that in professional sport there is also some dancing when you win. I think football is a good example because there's a lot of toxicity there too. And I'm willing to bet that even if nobody cheered or danced anymore, there would still be some people who would get into a fight.In the end, it's nothing more than an excuse for their own inferiority complex and the resulting victimization. Quite simply because the idea of one's own infallible existence does not match reality and therefore causes stress. If there are no more Moris and no more crouching (for teabagging), then it will simply be the gestures of the Surviors or a spinning killer that convey the feeling that they are in fact the victim of a DBD bully conspiracy. I'm not trying to say that there are no bullies here. They do exist and for the same reason. Particularly on the internet or when online gaming, you also have the protection of anonymity, which makes it even easier to boost your little ego at the expense of others.
And not to digress too long and get to the point: “You are an a**h*** or you are not. It's not triggered by others. If you are one, you'll always find a reason to justify being an a**h***.”
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lol I will agree about the nature of people celebrating their wins, whether or not it applies to moris :)
I didn't mean to turn it into a debate either, but I definitely appreciate the discussion :D
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You're welcome!
I didn't really want to debate victory dances either, but I do want to defend BHVR making a bold push towards gameplay atmosphere, as I've often had the impression lately that they're trying to bring the game to a boring baseline instead of giving it highs and lows (and I don't mean releasing buggy chapters or nerfs of characters, perks or addons into oblivion). That may be the goal for competitive players who don't like surprises and where every match and every hunt should be as similar as possible, but for casual players it's terrible.
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They've already realized this. Why do you think they made moris basekit? It's already in the works. No point debating it.
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I can't read so much nonsense.
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I think your issue lies with slugging for the 4k tbh man... with regards to the Finisher Mori, it might actually be worth exercising some CBT, which is an exercise where in instead of thinking of the worst case scenario, try and think of alternative less destructive thought patterns/explanations.
The Finisher Mori is no different to how Moris were before... unless you held the stance that all Mori's were players gloating, the reality is most horror fans consider the Mori's a cool way to cap off the game, something unique to their killer of choice.
When I get caught as the last survivor, I genuinely think to myself "oh well, at least I get to see the Mori". For me the Finisher Mori actually softens the sting of getting slugged for the 4k, cause we have enough killers now where I still enjoy seeing them occasionally.
The act of slugging for the 4k is action that has far more personal attack to it, as its the killer is literally saying "screw you, sit trapped on the floor while I find your friend". Even if we apply CBT and think this is not done maliciously, e.g its done cause this is the only way to ensure not getting screwed by hatch RNG, its still done with the knowledge its a lame way to secure a 4k, and a very unfun action against the affected player. When I have a challenge to do or an adept, I too slug for the 4k... and I apologise out loud as I do it, because I know it sucks, but its better to play mean once, slug for the 4k and get if over with, than have to keep playing mean every game until the stars align and you get it done.
It's the same thing as saying GG first when you're the winning side. When tempers are flaring and emotions are high, it's easy to take it the wrong way and see it as toxic behaviour... and it can be toxic behaviour... but when you really think about it, majority of ggs aren't toxic, and neither are most finisher moris.
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Yeah, I've always found moris annoying, but I have to admit that since they weren't as common before, I didn't take the time to understand why I feel that way. Since the finisher mori made them more frequent, I've had a chance to think about what it is I dislike about them so much. What I've come to find is that moris tend to feel to me like the killer player gloating over another player who just received a poor outcome for their match.
If matches were only a minute or something, like in fighting games where finisher moves also exist, I think it wouldn't be so bad. But my matches tends to be ~10-15 minutes. And forcing a player to watch a victory animation after they invested so much time in a match, and then lost, feels much more like a way to rub the loss in the losing player's face, very similar to teabagging. The problem is that while as killer, I can force the survivors out of a gate, or just ignore the teabagging because it looks dumb, moris are animations deliberately designed to be used when the survivor player has been defeated. So nearly their only use is to force the losing player to watch the animation while the killer player gets their victory animation. (Though, admittedly, they do have a secondary use, which is to deny things like boil over, power struggle, or high levels of wiggle progress.)
I definitely agree with you that I don't like slugging for 4k, and I strictly don't do it unless the entire survivor team is participating in trying to bully the killer. Actually though, there have occasionally been weird scenarios where I down someone, but want to give them hatch rather than their teammate, so I end up slugging for a 3k, then going back to let the slug get up and escape. But in any case, while I think the finisher mori incentives slugging for 4k, I see them as separate issues, just linked because one encourages the other.
Weirdly, when someone gives me a gg when I've had a bad match, I tend to take it at face value. I see it like shaking someone's hand after a match. But I also grew up playing a lot of sports, and learned to never insult my opponent or gloat. So if I end up dominating a game of any kind, I also want to tell my opponent it was a good game :D (Though in DbD, I do avoid being the first to say ggs if my side dominated the match.)
Anyway, I appreciate the comment, and will read it again to make sure I understood it all :)
Post edited by smurf on1