Skull Merchant set a bad precedent

So recently, Houndmaster's add on 'knotted rope' was nerfed massively.
Knotted Rope - basic attack cooldown when hitting grabbed survivors is reduced by 2% (Down from 10%)
If that sounds terrible, it is. BHVR, by their own words, made this add on intentionally horrifically bad and unusable so that way they could 'avoid it being potentially problematic and revisit it in 2025'. Don't believe me? Thats their official statement!
BHVR has now realized that instead of just balancing their game and making proper adjustments, its more efficient to just nerf something so badly that no one uses it and then MAYBE look at it later on down the line whenever they feel like it.
This is a slap in the face to me. My favorite houndmaster add on was destroyed just like my favorite killer Skull Merchant and BOTH for the same reason. I can't even say that, no one complained about knotted rope literally no one. So just know guys, if anything is overpowered or overtuned, or even if BHVR thinks it MIGHT be overtuned, they will nerf it straight into the ground and wait until they feel like changing it.
The difference is that one deserved it and one did not.
One had MASSIVE community outcry, the likes of which we have never seen, and the other just released.
Either way, BHVR needs to move faster when changing things.
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The difference is one was a meme to hate on and only got nerfed because people said it was bad and never bothered to learn it.
The other one people didn't even know existed because it was on a killer who was already bad.
Sorry but Im not gonna give any leeway to 'nerf so badly no one touches it then go back and fix it when we feel like it' mindset. This game is already leaning further and further into profit > players and I'd rather not just let them go further into it.17 -
I've sworn off buying any new content from the game because of their most recent misguided actions. I'm not a fan of the nerf anything and everything approach they're taking to the point there's basically no reason to play or even try getting attached to any of the new killers. They just get nerfed and forgotten about until a year or more down the road.
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smerchant didn't deserve nerfs, people were just too lazy to learn how to play against her. her pickrate was so poor that you never saw her. she wasn't causing any problems and people were complaining just for the sake of complaining - the same people who complain about every killer buff and complain that the game is killer sided. the same people that give up on first hook because a teammate opened a chest or cleansed a totem.
pandering to these crybabies is going to ruin the game. it's already ruining it for anyone who liked playing smerchant.
to put it bluntly, making a bunch of changes with the intention to revisit those changes is a complete waste of developer time. the smerchant nerfs could have been freddy tweaks, but they weren't. someone had to go through and spend time working on smerchant for the purpose of ruining her. the next time they have to change her, they have to waste a bunch of time undoing that.
there's fewer sins greater than wasted dev time. smerchant and houndma's addons are the latest in a long string of examples of dbd developers wasting dev time. they nerf things for the sole purpose of buying time to change them later, and in the meantime, we're just out 1 killer and 1 addon.
there's a killer people have paid for that cannot be played right now to prevent her from winning games, despite the fact noone played her in the first place.
nothing justifies this. there's nothing "deserved" about it. i deserve to play a killer that i own. i do not deserve to feel like any killer i enjoy might get destroyed pending a rework with no defined date.
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I know some people warned about this exact same thing (I was one of them).
People downplayed it, because they hated skull merchant so much they couldn't didn't want to acknowledge how it will be used again. I'm just surprised it happened so soon.
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Yup. I really wondered who they'd do it to next and if it would be as blatant but wow it really was. And this time they just put it in a hotfix too lol.
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I would consider chucky in the same if not right behind the same boat. Turned from fun to play as but debatable against to being unfun to play as and debatable against.
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I know I try to warn ppl that what happened to SM was the beginning but nope so many ppl who hated her so much just didnt care that her nerfing has set a bad precedent. Now anything that may seem just a little overpower will have a sledgehammer taken to it and be left in a bad state on purpose for months or even years. This is the future for Dbd balancing.
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Best thing you can do is vote with your wallet. For the first time since twins (due to the massive buggy release) i did not purchase the new killer with money and instead used shards. And i will not be spending any money until SM is put back into a playable state.
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at this point you won't spend money on this game anymore… in the past i wanted to give them a chance by buying chucky, alien and vecna… after that i refused to give them my money due to their questionable choices… i should have done that already when they changed deathslinger…
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Well, she didn't set a precedent, she reinforced a terrible, unhealthy precedent that already existed in DBD.
Freddy set it, when he was nerfed a week after his release because people refused to learn how to play against him.
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Why do you all act like this is something new? They do this all the time with perks and sometimes with killers. Most strong perks got nerfed to the ground just to remove them from the game/meta instead of doing reasonable changes.
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Now who's being dramatic lol
You can still play her, unlike Nurse when she was getting fixed. She was killswitched.
She was despised, still is and that's half on BHVR and half on her players. It's on BHVR because they managed to design the most unpleasant Killer imaginable and it's on the players because they abused the hell out of it.
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Extremely valid to hate SM. She sucks to play against and a lot of her players make it worse.
Agree about the direction BHVR is going, that's why I stopped playing.
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If for some reason people still aren't convinced, we'll have to see what happens to plague and pinhead getting hit with nerfs whenever their update comes around
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Nurse was killswitched because the bug actually made the game completely unplayable for her not because she was OP if I recall correctly. SM was essentially killswitched into an M1 killer simply because people didn't want to learn her power and didn't realize every complaint about her was just invalidated back when they reworked her the first time.
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She was playable, but unpleasant. However, they chose to killswitch her in order to fix all of her bugs in one fell swoop, which was largely successful.
SM got changed to be less horrid to play against. Like I said originally, that's half on BHVR and half on SM players. Yes, she never should have launched in the state she did, even after PTB feedback. However, even after her first few changes, people still continued to abuse and exploit her kit to make other people as miserable as possible.
She's (hopefully) going to get what she actually needs. A complete ground-up re-design.
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This is such a trash argument. She never slugged, camped or tunneled any better than any other killer. In fact, she's actually worse at it than a lot of others because she has no movement ability. Trying to use stuff like that as justification is laughable as it can be used on EVERYONE. Should I be going around demanding Blight and Billy be nerfed into the ground because I've never met one that didn't slug and/or tunnel people? No, because that is stupid.
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Did you mean to respond to me? I never mentioned anything about slugging, camping or tunneling.
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Yes I did, because you were insinuating those tactics when you accuse her players of "abusing and exploiting her kit." How would the players do that if not using it do the things survivors typically hate? You obviously didn't say the words specifically so you could hand wave away the argument, like you just did, but everyone knows that is what you are saying. Because it is ALWAYS what everyone argues.
If I'm wrong, then be specific about what abuses they were using and how they were using it.
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"you obviously"
You know what they say about assuming.
Actually I was referring to her ability to hold gens, even after her nerfs. Also her ability to just prolong games and make them miserable, even if she ultimately lost.
I don't mind being asked to clarify my points.
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You are still wrong. After her first rework and the generator limit changes, she was no better at holding gens than any other killer. And again, she was worse at it than others due to lack of movement ability.
And honestly, if you got 3-genned post rework/regress limit, that was entirely the survivor's fault for not spreading gens. Just like it is for any other killer.
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I’m getting to that point. Tricksters rework was trash. Skull mommy’s garbage, Freddy’s trash, hillbilly’s trash so they tried again a few years later, Sadakos - so bad they had completely redo her and she still sucks, twins…well….. 2 years for nothing. So awful they had to can what they did on ptb.
It’s my biggest frustration with this company. Their reworks for perks, maps and especially killers are god awful. They go overkill. Most killers don’t even need a rework, just adjustments or buffs made to the original design which most will agree on.I don’t know why they make it so complicated.
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"You are wrong because I said so, she was simply not doing that despite evidence to the contrary."
Don't see much point in continuing this then.
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"Don't see much point in continuing this then because I don't have a counter-argument since the point I tried to make has been debunked many times yet I refuse to admit it."
Hey, look. I can do that too.
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Genuinely asking how was she the best 3 gen killer after her rework and what about her power allowed her to extend the game far beyond any other killers ability to do so?
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The fact that you have to disable the Drones to work on gens. It's not like you can just crouch away when SM shows up. That Drone needs to be gone or you're gonna get scanned when she comes back.
The fact that Drones made any and all gen regression stronger due to their mandatory time sink to do gens.
The fact that Drones could just be instantly replaced when patrolling with zero cooldown.
The fact that it's all a lot of players would do, simply because they could. Even in scenario's where they could win by killing Survivors, they'd choose to just keep stalling.
Who'd be better?
Hag? Not likely.
Plague? Maybe? Puke doesn't really do anything once your injured, unlike SM's Haste + Hindered. It also doesn't create AoE denials.
Singu? Again, maybe? His BioPods get disabled easy though, but being Slipstreamed is more impactful than being Infected against Plague.
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You can just ignore the drones entirely. When she comes you can just eat the scan, she has to do this three times in order for it to have any effect and since she has 0 ability to catch up shes kinda screwed. Then in 45 seconds she again has to chase you off 3 times in order to just get one claw trap back (assuming you even get hit by a scan every time she shows up). In any scenario where old skull merchant would've been effective at 3 genning so would Blight, Doctor, Clown, Nurse, Billy, Chucky, even Wesker. Her drones were incredibly non lethal when used in this manner and its why SMs who tried to do this post her rework pretty much always were curb stomped with ease. It didn't actually prevent gen rushing nor did it prevent gens from being done and even if you constantly commit and need to chase people off and make it your entire goal to never let anyone touch a gen, she's outclassed by killers who can move between generators quicker and secure an injure every time they do.
I mean hell clown could just throw a pink bottle at a gen and then if a survivor comes in contact the speed difference is greater than that of a skull merchant hinder + haste.7 -
Has BHVR ever been good at balancing?
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the guy's doomsaying about skull merchant being op because she might get "a scan" if you don't disarm the drone. there's no convincing these people, they just believed she was still ridiculous and never learned to play against her.
she's an m1 killer that can't down over pallets with her power and has no mobility. how does she do literally anything better than anyone else? the answer is that she doesn't, people just give up on first hook and then her kill rate skyrockets artificially.
despite her pickrate being low (because she was weak, actually. like, play her?) they nerfed her to the point of making noone willing to play her because they looked at a spreadsheet and saw a nail sticking out.
i am so tired of this game's balance being determined entirely by spreadsheets. i wish the developers had booted up the game and played skull merchant to see that the reality is that survivors are babies and kill themselves for nothing and when they actually play the round against her she probably loses.
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Deserved depends on who you ask. I think the biggest issue with double scanline Skull Merchant was that she destroyed newer players and even average players, but was actually kind of mediocre at higher levels. Because of how bloated and frankly confusing her power was, and to an extent still is, most players would die without even understanding what happened. Meanwhile, players that were familiar with her would DC or give up without even trying and refuse to even learn the counterplay. It's pretty telling that people would still complain about how she could expose them, a full year after the expose was removed.
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Claiming that she can replace drones with zero cooldown and calling it a time investment for survivors makes zero sense. SM has to show up, remove the drone, then stand under it to replace it. Also, she gets a 10 second cooldown whenever she places a drone, in case you didn't know. Disabling a drone takes 4 seconds and is in no way a time sink for survivors compared to walking over and replacing the drone for Skull Merchant.
Claiming that the 4 seconds it takes to run up to and disable a drone makes gen regression stronger is a huge overstatement. If anything, the real problem with her 3-genning after the initial rework was that there is no way to remove lock on stacks, so eventually she'll get a down simply because the survivors gain lock on stacks.
Did you ever actually play Skull Merchant when she had 2 scanlines? Trying to 3 gen as her was not effective against good players especially ones on comms. Average players maybe, but any killer can hold a 3 gen against average survivors because the average survivor doesn't know how to play against it.
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Most SM's were already going to show up to the gen as part of their patrol. They don't get slowed down, they'll just pass near the gen and drop a drone on it while they chase people off.
That minigame is also not as easy on Console.
No, I didn't touch SM after I learned what she was. I did have the unfortunate pleasure to play against her though. If most players find something problematic why shouldn't we fix it? If SM is killing normal players at a 70% KR, but high level players at a 50% KR, that SHOULD be a sign that there's something hugely wrong.
What you actually found with SM was that it was higher level players that just went next. She was completely beatable, but she was extremely tedious to go against and a lot of those players don't like that part of the game, which is fair.
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Most of these things did happen because developers wanted to continue handholding and sugar-coating the content for the people who didn't want to adapt at all.
There's a good saying where if you try to please everyone you end up pleasing no one. BHVR decided it's best to focus on profit and move on and between killswitching the content or putting it into the box somewhere else the later was the most obvious choice. As many can see people don't complain about SM that much and this rope addon is just the beginning. I expect more content getting reduced to the counter-effective state if it becomes too bothersome to handle.
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Fair points, but I still think her issues weren't with 3 genning and that they should have compromised between the current version and the previous one instead of completely gutting her. They should have looked into why average players couldn't deal with her and fixed those things one by one, the real problem was and still is the unintuitiveness of her power and how little it teaches you as you play against her.
They were on the right track with making her more easy to understand when they made the scanlines white when you can't be scanned. But there was still no way for beginners to know how stealth drones worked. Her radar isn't explained or hinted at either, so I still find people crouching in a corner when they're claw trapped, because the game never once indicates to the survivors that I can see them on the radar, or that I even have a radar. Her getting random haste across the map was lame, so I'll admit I like the new way she gets haste now more. But why not have a special walk animation when she's hasted so survivors can know that she even has haste in the first place instead of just getting downed when they otherwise would have made a pallet or window?
Tying this into the knotted rope nerf, I think sometimes BHVR read into stats the wrong way. They found that players using knotted rope with certain combos have a high killrate, but who exactly would run that kind of combo in the first place? Players that are already experienced enough to understand that said combo is powerful, or follow the meta outside of the game and heard it from some high skill content creator, which probably means they're a better player than the average because they're less casual. Then they drive up the killrate of the addon, while average players just put on some random addons. If they were going to nerf it, at least they could have nerfed it to like 5-8% instead of completely neutering it, or better yet buffed her weak addons.
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I'm not convinced the outcry was in good faith. And doesn't your last sentence contradict what you just said? They did change fast, and the add-on was nerfed as a result.
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If most players find something problematic why shouldn't we fix it?
Because they didn't even try, and that is the point.
Many players were so blinded by hatred for the original iteration of the character, which no longer existed, that they would DC or give up immediately, when it was absolutely not needed. If you don't stick around, then you'll never understand the fact that the character no longer causes any actual problems for the game.
This is people refusing to learn how to play against something, and it wasn't the first time it happened. Freddy's release is another example. And both got the character nerfed, when neither character needed the nerfs. Refusing to learn how to play against a character that is not problematic is something that should never be rewarded.
The previous iteration of Skull Merchant was perfectly fine, and in fact she wasn't hard to play against at all. I can even share some screenshots to prove it. Games where people decided to stick around and actually play the game.
I'm not convinced the outcry was in good faith
I'm positive it wasn't.
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That was so annoying especially with power overhaul.
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It essentially feels like a 'minimise complaints solve issue later' method of balancing and while I don't think it'll be done too often I do agree it's a worrying precedent because we don't know how long these deemed problematic things will stay the way they are
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The previous iteration was STILL extremely tedious to play against. Matches took far too long when played out.
I wish there was a middle ground, but there really wasn't for her.
SM players aren't going to get what they want until there's a rework and even then, her reputation might be beyond salvaging. Not sure what you do at that point.
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My bad, I forgot that 25 million Survivors have a secret society where they conspire to take down all Killer players.
They changed it fast and then left it. They are really good at breaking things, not so good at making them better.
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They weren't, my friend. The games were perfectly fine, even better than matches against most of the killer roster, I would say.
There was a middle ground, an acceptable state, and it got destroyed because the petty DCs did not stop. It is the problem of players refusing to adapt, friend, just like Freddy. Same results, different killers.
I honestly believe all of her recent nerfs should be reverted, the rework scrapped, and players should be explicitly told to learn how to play against the character. To not DC, to stick around and get used to the drones. Nobody ever improves in DBD if all they do is disconnect.
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Well I do but when in recent times has something that was on the survivor side been nerfed so badly its completely unusable with the intention of it being horrible and unusable? The SM nerf only happened in October so its not like we've had a huge amount of time for a survivor perk to come out and be nerfed with the intention of making it so bad its useless. The reason I bring up knotted rope is its the first thing since SM that I can see where the devs flat out admit "Hey we nerfed this really horribly that way no one uses it and we'll check back on it in a year to see if we wanna change it to be useful again" just like they did with SM where they admitted they only nerfed her so people wouldn't play her and they could just wait until who knows when to look into her again.
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See I actually thought that they only did that to Skully because of community outrage and that they knew it was a bad idea but they didn't wanna waste time on her so they wouldn't do it again. I didn't expect them to not only do it again, but not even within 3 months of doing it the first time and especially not to something that NO ONE complained about😭
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Right? Both Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Identity V both have video tutorials on how new characters work accessible in game so you can see all their abilities and such why doesn't DBD? It feels like something that should've been added years ago with how large our roster is now.
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So if, let's be generous and say, 60% of players find something to be so unpleasant they'd rather eat a penalty than chance playing against it, we should simply ignore it?
We should disregard that feedback and carry on? That seems like a very poor idea. Imagine if we had done that with PTB buffed Twins. "Oh, most of our community hates this Killer and finds matches against them unbearable? Oh well, they'll just have to get used to it"
Not a great idea, as I'm sure you can see.
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But here is the thing, my friend, PTB Twins is not equivalent to previous Skull Merchant. When it comes to PTB Twins, the problem is actually real. Just like Old Legion, a terribly designed killer that we both remember all too well. In those scenarios the problem is actually there, which can be seen during regular gameplay.
The previous iteration of Skull Merchant is more similar to OG Freddy, where the problem doesn't exist it. The outrage is not caused by an actual issue that exists in the game, it is done in bad faith. It is the consequence of some players refusing to adapt to something that isn't a problem in the first place. It is a type of behavior that should never be rewarded, though unfortunately it was rewarded twice.
You cannot get used to something that is problematic. But you can get used to something that isn't.
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Even Marvel Rivels has video clips for every hero's power and abilities. Showing you how it works and seeing what it does…its crazy DBD hasnt even tried to do this with newer killers. Doesnt even need to be in game if they cant add it in game, have a link on the killer profile that takes you to a youtube video or something…that be better than what we have now, which is nothing.
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Who was eating penalties though? People found a way to "go next" with no penalty at all knowing they could essentially pick the killer they want to go against.