How would Myers be like if he was released in 2024 instead of 2016?
Killers nowadays are pretty strong and are b tier at worst. Lowkey kind of a shame that all the iconic killer's came out early in dbd since they have very simple or mediocre powers. Bubba, Freddy, ghostface and myers are mega iconic slashers and are probably the most popular of their genre but in game they are pretty much subject to torment from survivor's. Bubba is mocked constantly by survivor main channels and thus most survivor's treat him as a holy grail of loopiness. Freddy is obviously super powerful in the movies but is the worst killer in dbd( or formerly due to skully ). Myers is often placed as the 3rd worst alongside trapper and freddy. Ghostface is a simple m1 killer that can have his whole power denied if survivors look at him. The only reason I play these characters and deal with all the stuff going against them is because they are iconic. I'm excited for the mythical Friday the 13th chapter since if they ever do make it they would give it justice in power unlike his brothers. Chucky and xeno share some of the same thrones these guys have and they are both A tier ( or at least they were since the chucky nerf ) How would micheal myers be like if he came out today with the current design philosophy? Since your here how would bubba ghostface and freddy look like if they came out today.
Side note- im also happy that FNAF got in so late to dbd because ik the killer wont be a terrible or simple killer. They are forced to be creative.
Also bhvr has been touching these killers so hopefully they get more changes in 2025. Base kit ourple chili for bubba , basekit partial brown addons for Ghostface, upcoming freddy rework, and Myers buffs are all good things that helped these legends.
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He'd probably have a teleport in someway to reference how he just suddenly vanishes and reappears and his stealth would also be way more than just a reduced terror radius.
Tombstone definitely wouldn't exist but I could see him having a second mori like Onryo and Pyramid Head a part of his base kit.
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Some sort of teleportation would be awesome. They messed with terror radiuses more often in the past. Pig and deaths linger used to have them different
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This was the number 1 thing I was hoping we might get from the Myers update. But I guess it would have been a lot of extra work for a character that I imagine most players already own. I think maybe it should only work in tier 1, though (I'm kinda tired that the new Killers have so many strings to their bows but barely any weaknesses). I mostly just want something to help make tier 1 viable, because it's so difficult to get any value from tier 1 against experienced Survivors without a specific map offering and some lucky RNG.
(but in the end, what we got was mostly a numbers tweak).
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If released in 2024 he probably wouldn't have a mask made of Play-Doh.
What do think @Dwight_Fairfield ?
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People who think Myers is among the worst are sleeping on tombstone piece or playing him incorrectly, which is weird since he is quite simple.
I am not saying he can't be bad but someone who can delete a survivor from a match without even hooking them can't be bottom tier regardless if it's add on or not considering how much bps we get nowadays.
He is also buffed to the point you can tier up constantly if you play him normally. Lock of hair is another great add on now, he is still m1 with it but it's very good.
I just can't see Myers below mid tier now even as m1 killer. And if he released today he would never get add on as strong as tombstone piece. "Nerf" to this add on is negligible with base kit buffs.
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I think it's very likely, these minor changes don't fix the glaring issues they have. They're a wonderful start but I think Ghostie in particular could get a bit more.
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Tombstone def wouldn't exist
Those addons are some of the oldest things from classic dbd that's still in modern DBD
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na he would be the same killer. the dev are extremely consistent at sticking with characters lore in the game. He would still have his mori.
I think only thing that might change if he was in 2024 made is that his mori would likely be base-kit and his tier 3 bonuses were be stronger.
This is just looking at Pig, Pyramid head and Sadako. All 3 of these killers are base-kit mori's and compared to myer's, they're all newer killers. He would likely have tier 1, tier 2, tier 3 and tier 4. you stalk in tier 3 to get to tier 4. tier 4 is a mori.
Since 2022, the dev have not released any direct instant down exposed killers. Likely Myer' tier 3 would not have base-kit instant down. it would likely be his tuft of hair which grants you ability to instant down in tier 3 with some huge penalty like -50% duration for EV3+Longer stalking. More of his chase bonuses would likely be bigger like Free coup the grace(100% Lunge in tier 3), 35% faster vaulting speed, 40% faster pallet break speed. Maybe you'd see like haste bonus, like 5% haste in tier 3. Base-kit 24 meter TR. you'd likely see a lot of chases bonuses but no instant down. His mori T3(T4 Mori) would likely take forever. like Judith tombstone+Tuft of hair stalking speed with some add-on to boost rate for stalking in tier 3, similar to old Sadako that used to have Iri tape+Ring drawing. His version would be like Faster stalking in tier 3 and you gain T3 duration == to amount stalked. Something like that which makes his T4 mori possible to get.
The base-kit T4/Mori would be completely not viable vs good players. Similar to how it is for Sadako, Pig and PH(Though PH is weird).
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When I said he'd have a teleport and stealth, I meant in addition to his stalk. I doubt he'd have just stalking as his only power today.
I agree that he'd have his mori base kit some way, and yeah it would be very uncommon to see in game haha.
True actually, they haven't released an insta down killer in a long time. So he probably wouldn't have an insta down then. I don't think he would even have Tier 1 anymore if he released today and just start in Tier 2. But at that point he probably wouldn't even have Tiers and just have his normal form and his super stalked up form.
And his stealth would probably be a much bigger part of his kit as well. Aside from Tier 1, current Myers' only 'stealth' aspect is a reduced Terror Radius. If he released now he'd probably have some way of activating Undetectable for a short time.
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Always thought a way to go back to tier 1 would be nice since once you leave it you can’t go back.