Who was your Killer main BEFORE your current Killer main?

For me believe it or not used to be Pinhead. I used to dabble in other Killers here and there but I'd say pins and needles is who I've dedicated the most time to prior than myself. Something about consistent Chain Hunts has always been fun for me.
How about you?
Oreo. Something about that pick-up animation man when you see the survivors look to the side in despair, then the little choke….glorious….
With the added telekinesis-like breaks on pallets/walls/gens
Not to mention main lobby jump scares….hehe
Then uuuuh…Skull Merchant happened and she stuck to me ever since
Gotta love me a underrated m1 killer with a gimmick i guess9 -
Oreo 😅
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billy was the first killer i played back when when the game released. After a long break i then played doctor, then billy again, then singu.
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Oni. I still play and love him, but I don't play even remotely as much as before. Every match against good survivors is bloodlust fest with predrops and even one mistake with your power almost certainly will lead to lose. It's just exhausting experience and I more enjoy killers who can use their power constantly.
I almost became Twins main after 7.7.0, but nerf in 8.3.0 is just absurd against smart survivors. Yes, you still can destroy soloq with them, but smart survivors will wipe a floor with you with 20 seconds cooldown. It's not fun in both way and I just abandoned them. Still sad about it.0 -
Okay so this one's tough because I'm not sure I've ever had a proper main. The only 3 killers I have p6+ are Clown, Pinhead, and Chucky. But when I had just started I played a lot of Pyramid Head… Like religiously. Even then I can't say with all of my heart that I really "main" anyone because I try to play everyone. Typically pull a name out of the hat style if you catch my drift.
Anyway let me give you a pipeline
Pyramid Head → Legion → Clown → Pinhead → Chucky → Unknown
I kind of juggle Chucky, Clown, and Unknown ATM I find it hard to play the same killer 2 games in a row. I like taking a break from those 3 from time to time to play pinhead, pyr head, dracula, houndy, skull merchant, etc.
Hate to break your heart here and I know you didn't ask but The Singularity might be my least favorite. Love the voice lines though; probably the best in the game.
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The Onyro and now Houndmaster. I play both a lot but I love a sassy pirate with thick thighs. xD
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I bought the ANOES DLC together with the base game, my friend, there was no one before Freddy.
Though I haven't been playing him much. His rework is approaching and at this point I'm tired of his current power.
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Trickster than wesker but lately it seem to be vecna because trickster is just still not too good to play imo, I miss the old faster machine gun trickster. Wesker is in a weak state atm. Vecna can just do what both can do way better.
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Wesker is not in a weak state xD
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I wouldn't really say I've ever had a "main" but based on what killer I end up playing the most and enjoy the most anyway.. basically since her release it has been Huntress, and before that it was Trapper.
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No hard feelings. I considered being an Unknown main myself but he's in my rotation for sure. It's mori is my favorite in the game.
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Thats... complicated
I found out about the game fairly early on, but only actually got it once I saw a video featuring The Doctor. There was just something 14 year old me liked about that giggling maniac that made me all giddy. But then when playing I ended up liking Wraith... and then shortly after I started playing Trapper. Just that animation of him setting a heavy bear trap (RIP OG setting animation) with one hand, and that mask.. it made me even more giddy
Then began the loop, I went back to Wraith.. then Trapper again... then Spirit released and I played her, then back to Wraith, then Trapper again... then fast forward to 2020 when Blight came out and I was like "uh ######### YES???" Because I absolutely loved the Hallowed Blight event and I always wanted The Alchemist as a playable character. Then my profile picture came out and I ######### love this twink. But in the end... I still went back to Trapper.
Trapper has always been apart of my main roster, and because of how much of a personality disorder I have in terms of mains I never really considered having a "main". Hell I barely even consider myself a Trapper main now since I play so many different killers, but hey I always go back to em so I guess that means something
EDIT: Im making it sound like I keep going back to an abusive ex
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Started with doctor because I used to struggle with tracking as a new player. Eventually got drawn in to Twins because I thought it was really cool how they were a 'two-in-one' kind of killer. I like to dabble around with other killers and got hooked on Unknown, Skull Merchant, and Wesker for a little bit but I always end up going back to Twins.
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Yes he is, the last time I got one was 2 months ago, I get his hinderance and the infection was a problem cause most of them(not me would tunnel easy) but still now he feels a waste to try to play, at least what they can do is reduce the power of his cool down, its stupid that nurse/blight can get their power back if they mess up cause their cd is so short. Reducing the time he takes to get out of miss grab should also be looked at, why should billy just be able to rev his saw non stop and down you easy even if he misses?
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I used to main Myers way back in the day. But ever since Blight was released I have mained him. Not being hard countered by the shift W key and being okay on almost any map feels so nice.
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I feel it was always Myers even tho I play some others too. I like him most as a character, not necessarily for his power.
So I wouldn't call anyone else my main regardless if I play them a lot at some point.
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I used to main Myers when I first started because it was Myers and other horror icons like him that drew me to the game in the first place.
I got so much joy staying at tier 1 for as long as possible to yoink unsuspecting Survivors off generators. But since his map pressure is very poor, I eventually started running into Survivors that would rush gens and had better game sense and the only way to combat that is to tier up to III very quickly. I just don't enjoy playing him that way. I do still play the odd scratched / vanity mirror trial with an indoor offering, but I don't play Myers with any expectation of winning anymore. I just play him for the jump scares.
I've not played him since his buff though, so maybe tier 1 Myers is more viable now. These days I main Legion (they're just as weak as Myers tbh, but at least vaulting stuff is always fun).
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Deathslinger → Hag → Legion → Wraith → Skully → Blight
I would say Oni atm.1 -
My first killers were Wraith and Nurse, I still slightly remember my first nurse match, I mostly walked because It was one of my first killer matches ever... the most iconic moment was when I hooked a guy the basement, did a very far away TP into it and downed my second survivor, it was so epic in my perspective
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Demo. I still play him on occasion but mostly just play Tiffany
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Not the weskers I go up against. They seem be doing just fine.
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Harrybotterr? This u?
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Use to stick with Doc because I sucked at tracking. With him, you could just swap to "treatment mode" and walk around until someone screamed at the beginning of each match. I was also probably pretty obnoxious to face. I JUST started the game and heard of this sweet tactic called 3 genning...
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Hehe, Treatment Mode Doc.
Brings back memories.
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When I bought the game on Nintendo Switch, there was an issue with certain licenses such as A Nightmare on elm street not being available on Switch so I began as Michael Myers until the day The Nightmare arrived.
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It's always been Pig...
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2018 i started this game being a Pig main, i have her picture in my bedroom. i always play with a lot of killers but my main was Pig and after that and my current main is Trickster.
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I used to be a huge slinger enthusiast before his changes because yeeting people that had no idea I was there was hilarious to me.
Between that and the fact that you have to constantly play slinger otherwise it's very easy to get rusty on him I just moved on and played a bunch of killers for a long time but might finally settle on Houndmaster depending on how final balancing turns out because I am expecting her to get touched one more time during the midchapter.
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Treatment mode doc being able to grab survivors was one of the funniest things about old DBD
Also speaking of Doctor he's prob closest I have to a '2nd main' because I always end up going back to him with skillcheck builds. I'm not talking the map offering unnerving distressing kind, I just really like using perks like merciless storm, huntress lullaby, unbound, oppression and the newly added no quarter.
Just the fact that these perks on most other killers are mediocre but they really excel with doc speaks to me.
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I am a Pig main now, but my first true main was Legion (Susie) and I still play Legion a lot, along with a lot more Spirit lately. But Pig is still my main.
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wraith was my original main because he was easy to sneak up with. After about 1k hour i switch to slinger & pig. I go through phases of playing 1 character for long periods of time but i still consider those my mains.
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When I started out, probably Hag.
Then Pinhead came out and I mained him for a while.
Then Artist. Moved to Skull Merchant after her rework.
Mained Skull Merchant for maybe six months, before they gutted her. I still think she was mostly a meme to hate on rather than OP.
Back to Artist.
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I'd say I'm mostly a chucky-main at the moment (although I don't know if I want to suffer with that speed forever, it feels horrible even if I win xD). Before it was huntress for me, sniping people crossmap is just really funny xD
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I don't have a main killer anymore but when I was a killer main I mained Nurse and before that I was a Clown main (lol, no really). I think the pain of playing a lot of Clown against good survivors is what led me to becoming a Nurse main.
Now I rarely ever play killer, it stresses me out too much
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Doctor at first, then they released Freddy and I basically only ever played him after that.
Then he got reworked so now I main Ghostface.
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Before oreo i didnt have a killer main. (then she got her playstyle changed to teleport spammer and i didnt like her anymore). Then skull merchant came out and i liked her enough to get all her cosmetics, but then everyone hated her to a point where u just gdt hated on for existing and people just walk up to you asking to be hooked lol. so i ended up maining xeno for a long time got him to 100 and now im working on dracula at 40 so far. (If i play xeno nowadays it feels like tournament sweatfest lol) im also decent with all killers and play them all regularly but my mainest mains are still xeno / dracula
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Mine has been Mikey from day one. He's the reason I bought Dbd in the first place.
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I used to main Original Freddy, after his
horrific nerf"rework" I moved on to Clown.Ironic considering the tonic & antidote is basically a better version of rework Freddy's Power.
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… You guys often change your Killer Mains? I just keep adding new Killer friends I like as I try them out and then swap between them as I wish maining one or the other every so often, like some sort of psychotic team of Pokemon. Once I try a Killer and enjoy that Killer, I never truly let them go.
I call myself primarily a Ghostface Main but I also consider myself a Dredge, Sadako, Myers, Pinhead, and Nemesis Main, depending on who I feel like playing. Then occasionally I also dabble in Oni, Demo, Pig, and a few others. However I prefer stealthy ambush play so I always, always just come back to Ghostface, he just fits me the most and is the reason I started to enjoy Killer. He taught me that Killer side is fun, and inspired me to get really good at mindgaming! He's like my best Killer friend and the one I am the best at.
I have only ever dropped two Killers. I don't play Wraith much anymore because I dropped him as my Main for Ghostface once I understood the game - Ghostie just suited me more and clicked more. I dropped Legion except for Dailies because I got sick of playing perfectly nice and OK with a lot of skill and STILL getting abuse in the endgame chat for it because I played Legion.
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spirit was my first p100 killer and the first killer I enjoyed playing enough to get me to play killer more. Currently on the p100 nemmy grind because his kit is satisfying, but Rin will always be best girl.
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Demo, since I started the game with the stranger things dlc.
That quickly changed to Piggy.
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I started out attempting to main Huntress then Nurse because I skipped the killer tutorial so I didn't know you could lunge.
Then I tried Legion and they clicked and clicked hard. I've tried to find other mains since then. Some had promise but didn't pan out as interesting as I thought they'd be (Pig, Artist, Dredge). Others got changed to be significantly less interesting (Deathslinger, Trickster, Skull Merchant). So now I've been mostly going with Trapper, Legion, and the odd mostly T1 Myers.
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Pyramidhead was my main when I started playing killer. However, when the Portrait of a Murder chapter was released, I became an Artist and she is still my main. After her rework, I enjoyed Spirit more but she is only my second main.
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I main Plague. I have since she came out. But there are several killers that I also play pretty frequently. Mikey, Chucky, Trapper, Pig, Pinhead, Pyramid Head, and most recently Houndmaster has been fun.
But I always go back to the vommy mommy
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Treatment mode doc being able to grab survivors was one of the funniest things about old DBD
Yep! I remember how some of them would try to use it for facecamping.
There was a match in the old Fractured Cowshed that me and teammates made one hell of an effort to save a Dwight from one of those Docs.
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Every killer I enjoy playing keeps getting nerfed to the point where it keeps leading me back to either Nurse, Singularity or Wesker. Technically it is and has always been Trapper but sometimes without playing in a very unfun way they are unplayable in certain games.
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Well, the Killers I played the most before Dragulasch were Billy, Myers and 4head.
Though I barely play Billy these days, I play alot of Myers since his buffs and well.. I play Dracula, so no point in playing PH anymore really.
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Myers would be the next killer I have the most hours with after my beloved Amanda Panda. Although I'm a lousy killer overall! 😂
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Totally calling her Oreo from now on