I Played Three Event (Bone Chill) Games in a Row and Didn't Get ANY Event Points

SAWII Member Posts: 187

Create snowmen, hit other with snowskulls, finish gens - it doesn't matter. The event meter in-game can be half full or more, but at the end game screen, I only get points for the normal game interactions and NONE for the event interactions. Yes, I am in the event queue, otherwise how would there be snowmen and snowskulls? Disappointing, to the say the least; I was hoping to rack up some bonus points comparable to the Halloween event.


  • Quink
    Quink Member Posts: 61

    Same here, I'm not getting and event BP at all. I had like 1++ bp before sarting a match today. I made like 24 from normal stuff and had alteast 15-20k from event stuff but only got 36ish k BP after the match. There was a 50% survivor incentive that gave me the addiational 12k. Not a single point from the events……. Like why make an offering doubling event BP when you get 0? Leave it to behaviour to mess an event up like this……. Incompetence at it's highest.

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 379

    Supposedly they're bugged. BHVR has responded to a handful of posts I've seen about it saying they're aware and working on it. I hope we get dropped a nice pile of BP in our inboxes for it tho to make up for lost time bc I've played a bunch of matches in the event for what seems like no extra BP.