Anyone here watch tru3's impossible streak challenge attempt today?

Will start off by saying im a tru3 fan been watching him since 2016-2017 off and on through the years
His streak ended by a blatant 4-man comp swf who embarrassingly almost lost to his 1 perk 1 add on clown on the new map
They also 100% sniped him lol
They spammed "Ez" and kept asking tru3 to scrim in end game chat
But it makes me wonder if any of these fun silly challenges are actually possible as a popular streamer when a 4 man can just decide to try and end it at any time
And if they fail? oh well they can try again and the other swf is just waiting for the match to be over for their turn at it
Props to otzdarva for sticking to these challenges i don't watch him but they seem to take forever and they must be brutal to get blatantly sniped through the halfway mark of it or near the end
Tru3 said it best recently "There are people who watch me who would love nothing more then to end my streak"
HavenΒ΄t seen it yet.
I watch a lot of different streamers only on YT. And he always has videos up which is nice. Have no problem with him.
Otz is indeed very persistent with his challenges. But streamers have the time for these things.
I hope they do hardcore surv again. I also really liked when these started with Dowsey.
I guess the bigger you are the more people will try to "ruin" your stuff in some way.
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Tru3 fan here as well, and I kinda agree with him as well when he pointed out in the past that doing killer streaks are pointless, since it only takes one 4 man SWF loaded with syringes, BNPs and OTRs to break your streak. This game is dictated by survivors, so getting a high streak only means you got matched against potato survivors.
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I think he killed otz and hens every time they were in his lobby as survivors so take that as you will
But i'll say this
When he doesn't understand how to play a killer or use a perk he'll just say it's awful or it's bad
But i do think most of his takes are fine and worthy of consideration
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tru3 does usually give a reaction to the snipers and doesn't do anything to make it harder for them to snipe him anymore
he's probably the most sniped streamer on dbd
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Hm ok. He explains a lot while playing. He only has different opinions sometimes which is fine for me.
Hens is one of the quickest with new broken stuff at the moment. Has some funny videos. Also as german i cannot overhear his accent :-)
Somehow i like the grasshopper videos at the moment - stupidly funny - but also very good looper. I still try to learn from all these loopers as i am only pretty medium at looping.
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Not sure if "4-man SWF beats low tier killer with 1 perk" is actually a problem worth worrying about.
It's called a challenge, it's not supposed to be easy to do.
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So survivors are OP because killers can't get on infinite streaks?
Momo got to 1947 wins a row - yes you read that right - he literally won for 2 years straight, even with comp SWFs sniping him.
What number would you like ideally, to consider the game balanced? 1 000 000 ?
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the whole point of challenge is to get sniped by strongest team and come out on top consistency despite being sniped. Originally, i think goal was to prove whether the killer was too strong but it ends up proving that Soloq on average is severely under-powered vs most killers meaning that all killer in can 50 win-streak if the killer is proficient enough and only faces soloq or weak swf's.
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Not much challenge when I keep seeing unsafe pallets getting released.
Is there an actual safe loop besides killer shack in the new map?11 -
I very rarely visit his streams / YouTube channel.
I have my reasons for that.
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This is par for the course for any streamer. Did you ever watch the Hardcore Survivor series? It was the same thing as they advanced in the game. Some killers sniped. Ohtofu has the best attitude when it comes to stream sniping - he says it comes with the job of live streaming your games. I agree with him.
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I think we shouldn't be judging or balancing Killers, perks, Survivor playstyles, or strength of anything based on how well Streamers that are good enough to streak are able to play the game. Those people are outliers.
Same goes for tierlists - they're stupid, they confuse the average player into thinking some perfectly balanced Killers are "too weak/strong", and they don't judge based on average players at average capability instead judging at peak of perfection against the kind of comp SWFs you rarely ever to never see.
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nobody here but you mentioned survivors being op buddy
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Based on time zones im either sleeping or working when he streams. So I'm just gonna go ahead and say no.
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if any of these fun silly challenges are actually possible as a popular streamer
No because he has ungodly amount of hours and therefore is in Top MMR.
If you have 4k after 4k after 4k and then decide that "hey guys, now we are using silly build with 1 perk while being blindfolded challenge" then don't be surprised that you are playing vs team that actually wants to win no matter what.
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I watched that game and I question every time someone says tru3 only lost because he got sniped by a comp full SWF. Watch the pig game he plays in that same vod afterward which had spitzzx in it (anon nancy). He accuses them of being another sniping SWF when spittzx was solo and the chat was accusing the survivors of cheating as tru3 tried a stand still mindgame multiple times that wasn't working and kept losing 50s.
As for "is it possible if you're being sniped", yes but no. If you're playing a high tier killer with full meta you can, if you're playing solo or need 3man out in a SWF good luck lol. The one thing I do believe that tru3 says is that he gets sniped a lot, I've seen knightlight's streaks and he is constantly being sniped by survivors who try to help him in copycat streak.
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To be clear I'm pretty sure the game OP is referring to was a snipe considering the endgame chat + profiles, but most of the time when someone says "in this game tru3 got sniped by a real comp team" it was not in fact a swf comp team snipe.
And this is why that streak is called impossible, unless you get potatos or quitters (solo queue) you won't be winning with 1 perk clown
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Was that the game where the anon said "Omg tru3 sign my profile"
I dont know who that guy is but i dont blame tru3 for calling that guy a sniper as thats a pretty toxic thing to do and something that a toxic sniper would 100% say to tru3 IMO
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Yeah it was that guy. He didn't know that disabling anon mode doesn't instantly make your profile available to view, it was pretty funny when he realized it was seen as toxic
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he is doing that otz challange where you have to win with all killers using random perks and add-on's with perks getting deleted once they have been used. dumb challange
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This has always been the case, those accusations that the others must be some high Tier SWF. Before Dedicated Servers existed, I played against tru3, with tru3 and against/with the same players he was facing and for some reason he either is wrong most of the time or when I face those players they are solo, while they were always 4 man SWFs in his games (including when I was there as Solo-Survivor, I must have been part of a toxic 4man SWF while not knowingβ¦).
In general, his Chat only knows it as "toxic SWF", you will rarely see them calling something "SWF", it is always "toxic SWF". I remember one time when I still used to watch his streams where he was doing some challenge and a Survivor said that tru3 played well and if he would not have doing that challenge, they would have died. Chat and tru3 immediatly assumed that it was a stream sniping toxic SWF, even if he was using the same name for some time AND doing said challenge for some time, so people would know it was him and would know that he was doing a challenge anywayβ¦
That he gets sniped is nothing new, many players who are doing Challenges are being sniped at some point. The thing is that you have to do your challenges also against people who snipe or who play as a coordinated team - only doing challenges against 4 Solos who dont know if they are playing DBD or Minecraft is hardly a challenge.
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The answer is simple, it's possible because matchmaking is so wait time prioritized that it can take hundreds of matches to actually construct a match that isn't a thermonuclear hyperstomp by the player that plays the game for a living.
Obviously a challenge streak makes it much harder to beat a few of those highlight matches before finally losing, but even if you look at several 100s/1000+ streaks with less restrictions it's usually a highlight reel of <10-20 games that are remotely competitive ones, and even fewer of those that really make them "sweat" to the end. Personally I think that's crazy but hey, the people have spoken and the matchmaking system believes if someone has to wait longer than 1 minute they'll log off and play Minecraft instead, so here we are.
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He is one of the most stream sniped and harassed streamers out there and regardless my opinions of they guy, I do no think he should ever have to tolerate the garbage thrown at him over the years. It makes it impossible to do streaks etc as he almost certainly will get sniped, hell even friends I know who have done their own streaks get sniped by acquaintances just because they can.
I hate win streaks anyway, I don't think they are healthy for the game
(mods, please ask me to edit this if I cant say this, I have tried to word it in a way that isn't insulting or rude etc).
Post edited by MaTtRoSiTy on1 -
I played vs momo. Terrible experience
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β¦This game is dictated by Survivors
Momo went on a 2000 win-streak with insanely harsh win/lose requirements, which lasted of the span of 2 years. SupaAlf went on a 1200 win-streak as well.
Past a certain point you have to stop blaming the game for why you lose, sometimes you just get outplayed.
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Lots of streamers get sniped. He may get sniped more, but he chose to isolate himself from most of the community and be generally pretty negative about the game. That sort of content creator is just easy amusement for trolls and petty nerds, especially when said content creator isn't nearly as good as they think they are (not saying he's bad, but he isn't excellent).
It just sounds like he got beaten within the parameters of the game and his own challenge with the hardest kind of opponent he could get. He also chose to stream and expose himself to risks without precautions. This is all on him and to be expected.
Post edited by Slurpin on4 -
The streaks are possible. I'm pretty sure Knightlight was recently able to do a 4k no perk streak with the entire roster starting with Trapper. V1rtual got 60 4ks in a row at 2+ gens on Wraith.
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Future dbd will be balanced around killer streaks if not already.
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Thing is that those people are actually as good as they think they are.
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He has a particular demographic of the DBD community following him that agree with every word & complaint he has about the game regardless if it's justified or not. A lot of times he makes small mistakes and blames the game design and fails to acknowledge his own mistakes & learn from them. He's not a bad player & has valid points, but his ego gets in the way and it's quite annoying at times listening to him. I feel a lot of his followers have the same problem and don't want to acknowledge their own mistakes so they look to streamers like Tru3 to validate their own shortcomings.
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what are you even on about my guy
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Tru3 both understands the game and is a good player. It's just that the playerbase doesn't understand the concept of ad populum, nor do they think critically about most things. I know he plays most killers in a similar way, with the same/similar build, but that's kind of what you do if you want to win. You're not playing any killer in a vastly different way than all the others. It's the same fundamentals.
Otz and Hens clearly have the play time and game knowledge to know what they're talking about, probably more than Tru3 even, and yet they'll say the exact opposite of what you expect. I always called Otz's tier lists bad (which I say about 99% of tier lists), in part because he placed Hag so high. This last tier list of his is the most spot-on it's ever been, in part because he admits Hag has fallen off, which I realized about 2-3 years ahead of him. I don't really watch Hens, except in his collabs with Otz, but his commentary over that Skull Merchant match vs the "best survivor team in world!" has got to be the most misleading, confirmation bias piece of content that's ever been released about this game, and I'll leave it at that.
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I usually don't tune in to win streaks. Like he says, I think they're stupid and don't prove anything. 1 good team will just take away your streak. You could theoretically be unable to get a 1-win streak, as long as the game kept feeding you strong teams. That's possible because of the game's survivor sidedness.
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He could go for less unnecessary flick shots as Deathslinger, and thus miss less shots. But other than that he's solid on basically every killer, especially Pinhead.
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A perkless Trapper can destroy a comp 4-man SWF team
If you lose, its a skill issue
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Don't watch Tru - but I think KL recently did it, don't know how long it took him but it was first try. - Though iirc he did dodge lobbies (or at least one) when the name or profile basically admitted to being a cheater or sniper β which I think is fair, considering it's on stream.
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Can't tell if sarcastic or stupid π€
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Whats wrong with what I said?
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No I have him on block.