What do Survivors want?

I played Freddy on mothers dwelling got a 11 hooks while giving last one the hatch. I didnt tunnel even as a Kate tryes desperately to bodyblock after her hook. I used Bamboozle, Noed, because I m freking Freddy, Coup de Grace and Pop. So again what do Survivors want?
Is there some complaint that was made by the survivors you didn't list, or do you have a problem with the Kate bodyblocking?
To answer your question, the answer is "there are too many different types of people playing the role to answer that". Most of them want to have fun. Some of them want to win by as large a margin as possible. Some want altruism at any cost.
A lot of survivors will attempt to bodyblock for their rescuer with basekit BT, I would not take this as a sign of anything.
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They complaind about giving the last survivor hatch, because they did 50% off a gen while I did chase someone and the other didnt do a gen in this time. I checked the gens and she did the 50% on the corner gen furthest away from anything 🤨
Im not mad she bodyblockt with her BT, but I think they say this would counted as me tunneling her even when I didnt chase her further. I cant think of anything else, that even come near to the term tunneling in that round.
An other complain was that I would come back to the hook and this also happend in the same situation, where the Kate bodyblocked, because they unhooked her right next to me while I kicked her gen2 -
A balanced game, not ez mode for killer.
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I see, I wouldn't worry about that complaint then. That's less about you giving hatch and more about "I dislike this teammate because they are useless". I wouldn't type it out in chat but I would also not be very happy if my teammate was ratting in a winnable 2v1 and got hatch lol.
If a survivor bodyblocks you with BT and complains about tunneling I would also ignore that, they want the chase, just keep on killing and don't pay it any mind.
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They want to be able to escape no matter how badly they play. They want 100% guaranteed counterplay to literally anything a killer can do.
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So I just want to be clear here. Did they actually complain about tunneling, or are you only guessing they might have been thinking in their head that you were tunneling when you hit the BT when she bodyblocked?
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Some people get upset just for the sake of getting upset. This isnt something exclusive to Survivors, Ive seen Killers get upset over the smallest of things just as much as Survivors do it.
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Well, since video game players are individuals you would probably get different answers based on who you ask.
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I'm sorry but if you get 4k'd by a freddy with pop as his only slowdown… skill issue.
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Well when I play Survivor I just want fun and some BP and to hang with my friends, I don't even wanna win that hard unless I am doing an adept. I genuinely assume the point of Survivor is to queue up with friends and die in hilarious dumb ways over and over.
If I actually want to try to win, I just go play Killer.
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DbD is more balanced now than it ever has been, with a few outliers like Nurse and Blight excepted.
The problem is that the game isn't and cannot be balanced around solo queue, because otherwise SWFs become unbeatable.
I'll disagree with this completely.
Even accounting for there being 4x as many, survivors are far more likely to be BM than killers.
Want to see what I mean?
Play 50 games on each. Note how often the killer BMs versus how often survivors BM on a victory, particularly teabagging at the gate.
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Survivors are far more likely to BM than Killers
Not really from my experience. I play as I normally would and I rarely come across toxic players on either side. A majority of my Steam comments have been +reps, with a variety of compliments from me playing Survivor/Killer.
(Also I know there are gaps in time between the comments, I tend to take breaks from playing DBD since I do play other games. Also I dont delete -rep comments unless they contain racism or homophobia, Ive only had to delete 1 comment ever for such, and that's over the span of multiple years of playing on PC.)
Particularly teabagging at the gate
Even still, I rarely see that. I see people do ye ole "watch me leave" but I dont see tbagging that much, and even if I do see tbagging, it's often done to try and get aggro away from teammates or players who want to be chased to improve at the game.
Often I find people discount a player's actions as toxic without denoting the intentions behind it.
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Teabagging or just waiting in the exit gates is pretty universal BM. You're going out of your way to waste the killer's time in order to rub a victory in and gloat.
Again, go ahead and document it for yourself.
Take BMing killers (hitting on hook, bleeding out etc.), multiply that number by 4.
Compare this number to how many times survivors sit in the exit gates.
I'd say at least 3/4 my losses has at least 1 survivor doing that.
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I dunno, did they tell you what they wanted?
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Waiting in the exit gates is only bm if all survivors are in that gate and don't come to poke you when you get there or give you items.
If one survivor isn't out yet, most survivors will also wait to go for the save, or even try to take up the killer's time by making the killer force them out so the last survivor has some extra moments to get the other gate open. And in solo queue, they really can't always know if the other survivors are at the other gate. If they wait there, don't teabag, and not all survivors are at that gate, they're likely still trying to help their teammate... or say hi :)
Killers bm all the time though. It's hard to get a game where the killer doesn't either tunnel, proxy camp, or slug for 4k. Personally, as killer, I only bm bully squads…
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I want fun matches but of course fun is subjective.
I would rather fun chases over escaping and I dislike anti-loop killers, tunnelling off hook (unless it is end game where I completely understand) and proxying hooks. Full slowdown builds make me depressed, I wish there was another way to go about slowing the game down just a lil bit that doesn't involve my gen being blown up multiple times to the point it is just plain frustrating
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Yes. Every game you will see survivors waiting in the gates needlessly. Go note it yourself.
Also - uh, that's not BMing as killer. Tunneling is cheesy but also just kind of the meta. It's also a term used way too much (you not being careful and running into me is not me tunneling and no, I'm not just going to ignore you). Proxy camping is a nothing term. Slugging for 4k is about as common as last two survivors hiding for hatch, only the former wastes 4 minutes tops and hiding can waste 20+.
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You are playing Freddy is the issue
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they did complain
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Not rlly after I ask them, how could I have tunneled, when the first kill has been my 9th hook, but than they just switched to proxy camping 😑